Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Amos Hart--Living in the Dark

   "Amos Hart--Living in the Dark"
  Amos Hart lifted a barbell; next, put it down and lit a cherry cigar, cranking it to life with the flip of a Bic.  Illumination, yet the trash-man and loony bin resident may indeed be correct, sir.  Just released government footage of planes and aliens, maybe--cloak and dagger stuff.
   Reagan admitted plenty.  Nobody listened.  And those few that did found their honesty caged in straight-jackets, not because ALL of their minds were forging phantoms, but because things be weird sister--just look back at your high school yearbook and glance the lack of humanity that lives in the savagery of Pony Boy adolescence.  
   And when nobody believes you; next, they punish you, and the water gets more of a fluoride and antibiotic tint, or Pac-Man is replaced by love-making androids.
   Amos Hart knew.  Should've been a truck driver.  Keep moving.  Drive through the accident, like they tell you in NASCAR.