Saturday, December 30, 2017
Amos Hart--Never change the color of a Hot Rod
"Amos Hart--Never change the color of a Hot Rod"
Amos Hart listened, as Solomon instructed, in Biblical fashion. Yet not to nurse nasty words, unless the architect intended to charm.
Not a sparrow falls that His Father doesn't know about, Jesus mentioned. Not animism today for Amos, though Bucko and his Aloe Vera plant were giving oxygen, or something nice.
Amos didn't care about size, color, gender, multi-hued violet or amber eyes, well--it meant something, yet if the LAW of His Father and Himself are followed; next, Earth experiences a gelled mercy.
Amos Hart bought some spicy beef jerky for his pal, Bucko; at the same time, he bought two pieces for himself, on sale @ Walgreens. How nice was the check-out Lady. And she fought despair everyday, for we all are the same, yet lack focus on a shared intention. Amos laid rubber out of there, goosing the Olds. It allowed the asphalt Earth to know that he was still on the battlefield, as are many that have passed, as if children or truck drivers, observing, and more . . .