Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Saint Nicholas--Christmas

   "Saint Nicholas--Christmas"
   Is bleu a Christmas color?  Is art, only what it means to you?  Sometimes.  Power goes both way. 
   Luke Cage, in the 80's comics, with simply called by the big dude:  "Fist."  Anyway, he would also say:  "Christmas."  Have we lost that Luke Cage and Fist?  Now we have androids.  Goblins and brownies; plus, angels and mutants made Earth crowded enough (allegorically), now my phone records everything, thinking I'm a normal man, and tantalizes with tempts concerning the reward of normal treats, watching me give it my own damn confusion, yet unfolded, in a symmetrical laundry basket, before even the wash.  The cactus was--CRANKY.
   Yeah, but water lives in there; plus, aloe is near.  
   Saint Nicholas.  Christmas.  Bing Crosby as a singing priest.  PEANUTS with Snoopy and Charlie Brown; also, Linus and Lucy.  A doghouse that magically morphs into a World War One dog-fighting vehicle, or a vessel built for war.
   They say Saint Nicholas got in a fist fight at a fancy council.  Maybe he did.  Sometimes, we believe what they tell us.  And sometimes, it's true.  There's something remembered about the Spirit of Christmas--in my opinion, and in the hearts of millions, not just me.  Build a family snowman.  Make an angel, even in the dirt.  Be a dog.  A holy hound for the Lord.  And, Saint Nicholas.  Remember . . .