Monday, March 12, 2018

American Awakening

   "American Awakening"
   It's like men can be men again, or a Commander in Chief is showing us--it's okay to be men, and he's doing it rather bluntly--doesn't he have to?
   My Pap up in Pittsburgh drove coal trucks, worked in factories, and was the toughest man I ever met.  I was never ashamed of him--why the hell would I be?  A 4th grade education, yet fluent in the Slavic languages, and was UP on Tesla way back before the modern re-discovery of the Serbian genius.  
   I ran papers; next, warehouse drop leader; then, more elevation; furthermore, management--in charge of an entire county.  Still, I felt ashamed--many people saying it was a nothing job; however, one lady in the family told me to never be ashamed of a job, knowing I was pretty much allergic to people and couldn't crank out a bowel evacuation amid the static of society.  I'd go home at night and read books by Voltaire, Fyodor himself, Joyce, Proust--and then when I would mention these men in front of the so-called educated--nobody knew what I was talking about, looking at me like I was a lunatic because I wasn't down with the TWILIGHT nonsense or whatever--I prefer the classic vampire/werewolf--if I wend my way weird.  But as one of Voltaire's characters mentioned in a novella:  "To hell with the classics.  They don't make me happy."  So now, I just read STAR WARS books, and I feel stupid about it.  Oh well, make yourselves like children the Messiah says.  Always liked Han and Chewie, and I saw the original cinematic presentation back in the day, so many times so, that I was driving my mother crazy about it.  Every weekend I pleaded to see it again and again.
   "Obi-Wan?  Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time, a long time."