Monday, March 19, 2018
Werefox Vaquero--cotton candy with teeth, mind ya
"Werefox Vaquero--cotton candy with teeth, mind ya"
Sausage Man was like: "You shouldn't drink while taking your medication."
Farmer Fred, the noodle-ishish tribesman related to Marco Polo's Uncle retorted: "You so bright dat ur mama dubbed ya sun, feller."
All in all--it was another quintessential moment for high comedy at the local tavern, where the pastor would sit in the corner; however, not having Shane's mindset, yet mentally groping women, curious as to the color of their underwear, and if it was fabricated from cotton, silk, or even boxer shorts, hoping to seduce them into visiting his homemade tabernacle and get a closer gander at them goodies. His idol was Boss Hog--them damn Dukes, so knew: Rosco Purvis Coltrane.
Max heard it all, and Junkyard kept wagging. Like cotton candy with teeth, yet he had no stick up his buttocks, unlike the pretentious pie-holes unable to eat kosher, for they're allergic to the super-induced reality of being a halfway decent human being, and his physician tells him he's allergic to peanuts so that the Doctor named Pepper can thieve away his stash of M & M's.
Max put his beer glass on the ground, and Junkyard got more than mere backwash. After a quick lick till guzzle, the poodle let out an obnoxious belch; next, laughed with some slobber to follow, rolled around on the floor, and followed the show with a yellow urination.
Farmer Fred came over to scold the twosome, voicing: "Dat sum bitch dog just pissed on de floor, boy!"
Max looked up, and not being condescending, nor supercilious, explained: "Sir--the dog, save me--is the only one in here with any class. Now go say bye bye, and get some cream for your wife's non-yummy yeast infection."
Farmer Fred with: "Gonna tell the pastor, boy."
Max grinned: "The pervert with a pint of extra-creamy mayonnaise perpetually painted inside his pants? Well, I'd go to hell like you want me to, but they kicked me out for selling ice cream--see ya."
Max got up, and Junkyard followed him outta there, yet not before releasing his anal glands, and blowing sour wind in the direction of an assortment of delinquent douchebags.