Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Bandit Raphael King
Bandit Raphael King
Kinda like my dog. Schatzi was killed when I was a kid. Rufus supposedly hung himself. Of course one month into Mom's second marriage she became suicidal, wanting to drive off a cliff--the obscene phone calls were an inside job, not to mention the animal deaths.
Bandit survived being crushed in the chair by phony Marie with her obese-longing for complex carbohydrates and thuggery. Mom screamed and I dashed in to halt the insidious scenario: "You're going to kill the baby. " Mom always called Bandit Mama's Baby. Then Marie's peach pit attempt, kinda a cyanide solution, her always bragging as she subject Mom to the insidious ID Channel incessantly, that she knew how to get away with crimes. These among other complaints were made aware to Sheriff Jeff Long, former FBI, and you know what they do to Our Commander in Chief.
But I guess folk have always been okay with murdering my animals. Right Bubba?
I was offered a place once, buy not her.
A good way to hurt a metaphorical alien is to kill their animals. Whose the real racist? What a freaking great job you guys have done with planet Earth.
So, living in the woods for over 3 months after Steve Brown's failed assassination attempt for an approximate 7,2000 hundred and Scott forged 7,500 on a note, a decent artist and quintessentially money grubbing attorney. Bubba got Mom's Social Security money every month for 7 years, not to mention what the Notary Fraud gave him--all ignored by Sheriff Jeff Long.
I had to spend my Federal money on Mom's good stuff, yet Bubba did buy Gatorade, and plenty.
The doctors and nurses said anything Non-FDA approved like turmeric root, green tea, B-Complex, Ginseng, Ginkgo--it would not help. So I guess with an initial diagnosis of Alzheimer's Stage Four by Dr. David Edwards, years and years ago, give her 100MG of anti-psychotic Seroquel, 4 doses of another dubbed Haldol, and 4MG of Xanax on top. Sounds like malpractice, and I took care of Mom 24/7 while the thugs talked to Uncle Marcus and did nothing, more or less. Was there poison involved? I'm not just talking the medication. Oh yeah, 15MG of Lexapro too. U know, an SSRI that the kids take before shooting up schools.
Oh well, I keep Bandit away from sleaze, give her Elderberry treats, doggie Vitamins, water from pure sources and she's about 11 and still tough. A little slower, after her own assassination attempts.
I know they think I'm arrogant. How about shy? How about nice until people treated my Mother like shit without being able to hide it? I never minded the bullies. But that toxicity didn't fly when I watched as it was poured down an angel's throat, and her dog--Bandit. Old ladies and dogs, you're a real tough guy Scott. Dave King was right: Why do u want to be a pretentious attorney?
I love the verbal promises. Living in the woods isgreat. Being run out and considered really sick physically, you guys are real heroes. No complaints. Dr. Strange from the Avengers will be the new surgeon general.