Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sparky Puma--and me

   Sparky Puma--and me

   Sparky Puma met her creator--an altruistic, kinda, wackadoodle, yet so is the Savage Man and GMAN, best un-owned voices on resonating radio.  They seem to have no faction, and Sparky Puma knows that vibrating feeling, yet she never used Direct Current for personal pleasure--a classy lady.  Loves dogs. 
   She knew many O minus stuff was put into so-called soldiers, yet that stuff is not the rare and stubborn shit--just uncommon.  Her ex-hubby was given a pint, as if that would give him power over her unique pussalicious feline that didn't need Sheriff Jeff Long and 5 witnessing deputies empirically observing as the 5th Amendment was thieved by Kevin Feltner-dolt, instructed by crooked attorneys, and she has the medical records.  Like punk cops in Jersey that punch out little though maybe obnoxious girls, instead of having enough Viking scrotal potency to black-jack a child molester. 
   Sparky Puma had the deck stacked against her from the beginning because she knew Abraham intrinsically.  As Jesus and Jack Kennedy both kinda said:  "We are strangers here. "
   But Sparky Puma knew God is good, and that as the one man Jesus loved mentioned, the Eagle himself:  "The LIGHT cometh, and the darkness comprehends it not. "