Wednesday, June 6, 2018
I have cookies
I'm supposed to say: I have cookies.
OK Alex Jones. Turmeric and silver are good. Though nothing is good save God said Jesus. Get pure zinc and lather it over pineal portion. Then lemon oil, peppermint, whatever, yet lavender is for novices.
Don't mind the dragon ladies. I don't like the bugs. Dragons shouldn't make pacts with bugs. There's a shitload in Springfield, Colorado.
Allegory from a quasi-albino. I wrote Rand, ACLJ, TBI. Larry and Scottie-too-hottie went into my room and started looking and fooling with my window. Gun City USA housed pot-smoking Steve Brown along with firearms. Larry Daity/Baity was investigated by ATF. Had Mom removing boxes of ammunition from attic, years and years ago. Hey Tonja.
Scottie always told me about parasites and cackled. Nancy, how hard did u try to lock my Mother up? For years. Thanks for letting me raise Francis and the Trust Fund. Next time, take me to the Notary on Highway 70 like u did unsound mind and body Mom jacked up on every medication Dr. Edwards knows.
I told Rand they could inject me with truth serum, that sodium whatever, but high copper content makes machines go wacky.
U know how many times Dr. Grenier/Crank wanted to have me infused with iron. High levels of that shit kills certain people. U phonies. Just like Surgeon General Elders. A real Hippocrates