"Nashville Daybreak in the park; plus, a Wheaten Terrier"
A rise outta fading Moon
Towards relaxation--resonating our blessed boon--
Now: Daystar ignited on wintry Nashville morn
Until Exxon buys the Sun with hyper-capitalistic scorn;
Regardless, somethings are (with noble attempt) magnanimously free,
And after wending the Wheaten alongside the foxy, Little Harpeth River, it like a creek--
I pilot the scrappy V-6 as swift as my gaseous tract,
As if a girl thinking herself scorned does launch an attack,
And the potty-rooms are locked to keep the illegals out,
Though they might have meticulously cleansed it with compulsive clout;
Otherwise, a shimmering pubic hair, curled sooooo grotesque,
Would further freak my inspired and multi-woven complex.
Scooby-Doo, "Shaggy" Rogers, and da Gang
Outshine with symmetrical, swing-set oscillation CSI and their pseudo-investigative Tang;
Specifically, just cause blood or tissue is left at a crime scene
Doesn't axiomatically conclude that it was left by That Person's mien;
Indeed, like esoteric investigator/mystery author, CASTLE--
Scooby knows that solving a mystery can be an imaginative hassle.
"soeur Sourire. Too, Blessed Are The Confessors"
A moving movie is SPEECH sometimes sweetly unbridled,
Able to "point of view" without emasculation enabled;
Indeed, la Nonne, deserves HONOR so elegantly, at least, quasi-divine,
For hers is a climatically-chaste-life so fine;
Thus, don't restrict as does the word "conservative"--
It's an antonym for LIBERTY that does in magnanimous men thrive and live.
Like King David--the fiercely, loving Bard of mystic song,
Or "MARS ATTACKS!" with Jack Nicholson offering: "Can't we ALL just get along?"
CANIS LATRANS, American Jackal, Brush Wolf, or just: COYOTE
Packs spotted last night in Williamson County--Franklin, Tennessee.
Attention: No random killing; counterpoised mutt already paid 90,000 in past, yearly fee;
Plus, myriads more domesticated dogs have killed over the Earthy, American Sea,
And the trickster coyote isn't a crazed coydog running wild on Buffy's Vampire TV;
Hence, an independent canid, not vermin, deserve the United States of Free.
* * * *
Yes, a spirit of survival for CANIDAE, sometimes nuisance worthy; nevertheless, as the mystical poet Blake crooned: "The fox condemns the trap, not himself."
"The Cyborg Flowering"
Implantation of tech cured
The physical exodus into graveyard--soon obscured;
Specifically, the dualistic entity of man and his child--machine,
Rivals the society of immortals aware of magic's dream;
Indeed, now: Robotic Perception into Mythical Fairyland,
And communication unearthly--with members of The Celestial Band--
Verily, humanity is birthing itself a deity,
Mining elements to collectively flee the cold grasp of destined Hades.
"Sweet Sublimity--Haunting American South"
Alas, Neil Young appears non-smug, yet victorious--
Pigskin Bama and their gym teacher fall mightily, with echo-location chorus;
Moreover, pride is rebellion against the Gods
And their truly artistic craft of our burdensome, though necessary, Lincoln Logs;
Thus, a whiff of Liberty here and there,
Like a singular brownie and Bud Heavy (or 2 or 3) offer no despair--
Remember the Carolinas, part of the righteous revolution as well,
When in 1776 did Crazy Europeans first freedom smell--
So construct a campfire, and keep it aglow,
For catfish cook'n on the creek-water--even Florida do Yankees like to go.
We are individuals--yet one--
Aware of historical vibration merits tolerance without incarcerated, burnt buns.
"The Multiple Aspects Of Rob Lowe"
They were soon to label my mild-mannered weird--GIMP;
Indeed, late 20's, a rotten gut, and bizarrely limp;
Moreover, shopping with my parental units at a mall in corrupt Tennessee--
I held in my socially phobic need to furiously pee,
Wandering away from my folks, attempting to look independent and busy;
Next, a grizzly-bearded giant found a withered me,
Offering: "You sir--this is the big and tall section--
You do not qualify being here with noble mention."
Alas, with mercury I retreated, like a "Painfully Awkward" Rob Lowe,
Pondering if "Scrawny Arms" were about to sprout and grow--
DandyLeeDixie, what to do?
Unearth theme song to FROZEN, evacuating a well-moved clue.