Friday, November 6, 2015
Coyote--the inventor of death
"Coyote--the inventor of death"
The Wolf Animal Totem is pretty basic and sublime: Loyalty, friendship, and sometimes suspicious. The Coyote's Totem represents much more. And some American Indian Tribes consider him the inventor of death.
I will not simply follow the oral traditions of such a creature sometimes viewed as vermin. I will transcend, go beyond, outshine and all the rest--not that my views are actually more superior.
The reason to me that the elusive and bizarre coyote invented death is simple--for us to learn wisdom. Wisdom: Knowing what is right; next, doing what is right. As we age, of course we grow towards death. But why? And why do we have to age? The young are foolish more than merely innocent--in my opinion. They overly enjoy mercurial sexuality and monstrous mischief. To stay young forever would totally bring chaos to an eternal state of stupid existence. But in aging, we learn. We learn that we can't have multiple sexual partners forever. That we can't goof off and toilet paper the suburbs while tossing eggs at the mini-mansions in the suburban sprawl--or we will all be in trouble. Neither can we use drugs over and over again without any medical merit. Therefore, in aging and in approaching death we learn to be calm, controlled, and deny the aspects of carnal cravings. Most of us do anyway. I'm still a fool plenty of the time.
So, death is the giver of wisdom. A chance to change our mischievous ways and be the divine elders who instruct the youth on their idiocies.
While delivering newspapers in Nashville, I came across many scattering coyotes during the moonlit nights here and there--sleek, good-looking, and ornamented with bushy tails that keep and contain the negativity of disease and demons. But upon seeing a gore-smeared, dead coyote on the suburban road, I had a magnanimous desire to get out of my car and inspect the lovely Barking Dog--Canis Latrans. I looked deep into its death-filled eyes, sensing the mysterious remains of life still fully existing. We should all adore the coyote, whether he is a trickster or not.
CMA Awards--tenuous and weak without Union Blue
"CMA Awards--tenuous and weak without Union Blue"
The trickster coyote, though their Totem represents many more things, proves to be the most enduring survivor in America even though slaughtered in myriads each year. I surmise they enjoy the carnal aspects of elegant breeding--much like the folks of the CMA Awards, and my bizarre self included, if I could only transcend women who think that their vaginal cavities are self-cleaning ovens and don't randomly douche with the unscented variety.
Country ladies should royally represent the bucolic nature of the American South, ornamented in cowboy boots, cut-off jeans, and tank tops that refer to gas stations--like EXXON--put a tiger in your tank girls.
Regardless, country music dames are damning the impoverished audience of millions, dressing in ostentatious dresses as if they're Bond Girls--and they are axiomatically not! Plus, the non-mystical majority of lyrics is about boozing and whoring, but teenagers love this.
Lady Antebellum kinda/sorta sings:
What I really need now is a double shot of Crown;
Next, my panties are coming down.
What kinda ode would Union Blue respond with? What about:
Girl, give me a golden shower;
Then, I'll pick you a Yankee flower.
Rock 'N' Roll has changed the world. Especially politics in the turbulent 60's. Even swaying opulent born politicians to end the draft; moreover, they could actually bard with gleaming grammar and set the ENTIRE country on Freedom's Fire.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Bernie Sanders' Weekend
"Bernie Sanders' Weekend"
Some say folk-playing Bernie will bring a return to Zionism, whatever; nevertheless, a loving and reverent knowledge of the Ultimate God and the most read poet, King David, his bad ass self both sincerely share a mystical synergy of wisely knowing: "Herb for the service of man." The King James Bible proclaims it!!!
People who don't mercifully support herb-derived medicine are usually healthy souls, thriving in their oversexed youth. But they will unearth the mad misery of sickness after their middle ages, a terrible time of existence as did the romantic bard being mad, bad, and dangerous to know did know--Lord Byron himself.
Yet for those in their 20's or 30's sickly suffering with disease and illness--herb-derived medicine offers a sanctuary of solace and reduces the inflammation of agony.
Bush League medical students of the American South aren't aware, but inquire upon those from Stanford, Berkeley, or UCLA--sublimity always happens in the American West first. As Jim Morrison, whose favorite personal poison was alcohol did sing: "The West is the best--get out here and we'll do the rest!"
To deny herb-derived medicine to the ill-fated is sincerely demonic, driven by the lies of Satan himself. As for the children--let their parents govern them, not a police state America. Verily, it doesn't take the "Village People" to raise our children.
A Weekend At Bernie's would offer the truth of honest Abe Lincoln's Yankee words: "Prohibition goes against everything this country stands for--it makes criminals out of people who are not criminals." Nuff Said.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Chris Christie and his elephantine addictions
"Chris Christie and his elephantine addictions"
Nobody running for the Republican theocratic-like control of America is more of an addictive lard ass than Chris Christie. Verily, gluttony is a wicked sin, and only Mexico outshines with cottage cheese in their buttocks--them the only country more obese and gross while we whither the starving Abrahamic regions away with shock and awe--a hubris-filled son finishing his Daddy's war by slaughtering millions of innocents that had nothing to do with 9/11. And just like marijuana being illegal birthed shit like meth, W. spawned ISIL. Killing Muslims for America is like shooting fish in the barrel, but if we have to face Russia or China, megadeaths will belong to the proud American soldier. An approximate 58,000 of poor kids unable to avoid the draft by getting into college wasted for no magnanimous reason were murdered in Vietnam. What might the twisted Ezra Pound bard:
There died a myriad,
And of the best among them,
For an old bitch gone in the teeth,
For a botched civilization.
But back to Chris Christie's stinky body odor, most likely--he's a freaking addict. A Mafia-like madman prosecuting liberty and freedom due to the innate nature of a bully. Cupcakes fear him with great phobia, and his arteries are more clogged than Hillary's wicked cauldron full of damnation.
Like the late Nixon, she suffers from a tremendous fear of whether she's liked by the public masses or not--you can see it in her psychotically gleaming eyes. And as for Ben Carson needing to hear a pragmatic reason against abortion--the answer is Hitler. People mix, and once you roll the genetic dice randomly--you never know what you're going to get. "I hated you even in the womb" has been mentioned in Holy Text as well.
Regardless of all these failures of weak and self-loving candidates, Christie's addiction to fatty food proves an axiomatic sense of clinical depression--there is no greater addict running than him. And we all die! We all fucking die. Before Percy Shelley was haunted by his doppelganger he gave a similar ode:
How wonderful is death and his brother sleep,
One pale as yonder waning Moon,
The other soft with lips of lurid blue--
One rosy as the morn
When throned on ocean's wave
It blushes over the world.
Monday, November 2, 2015
The Failures Of Modern Medicine
"The Failures Of Modern Medicine"
The visionary English bard axiomatically knew: "People who control their emotions do so because they have weak emotions."
The mentally ill, blamed for mass shootings--how many people have perished since the tragedy of Columbine? Regardless, in 2013 an approximate reporting of 41,139 suicides--obviously, modern medication is a demonic falsehood.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors--the ultimate joke in regulating psychological unrest; plus, benzodiazepines, known on the streets as dolls, downers, goofballs, whatever, increase sensitivity to depression even further--in many cases. But herb-derived medicines have always proven to work and thieve away the mad melancholy of man, even though fools chase dragons out of social unrest--these medicines barded by King David in the Book of Psalms, him being the greatest of all the Biblical heroes save Jesus Himself. Chase the high and you will die; ingest with reverence and you will live.
Yet the controlling government has a wicked control over Earth's sublime nature, them in a nefarious and twisted synergy with pharmacists--and what good are cop-controlled pharmacists anymore? They can't even make a club sandwich nowadays.
Governments, especially in the hubris-filled Southern States where many reptiles reside, refuse the ill, challenging them with discomfort and demonic negativity. The quasi-governments of the Southern States should be marched before "The Hague" and face their due punishment for the myriads of suicides; indeed, due to lack of appreciation for the healing nature of Earth--there will be millions of megadeaths, especially since there are more suicides than wounded warriors killing men armed only with sling shots in the Abrahamic regions, where God's Power resides.
I know illness--since my botched birth to my 43 years of age I have bravely endured chronic pain, bloody bowel movements, unearthly anguish, and plenty of other demonic shit. But who gives a damn about the ill-fated? Maybe we should take Chris Christie's jelly doughnuts away before he swiftly quicksilvers himself into cardiac arrest. Or make alcohol illegal, as it offers more bizarre behavior than any other substance known to man.
Like Reagan informed the globe about a Greater Force, offering: "Are they not already among us?"
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Anguish versus Depression
"Anguish versus Depression"
The Living Christ had not lost interest--the main factor in depression. Losing interest is the monstrous truth of depression. Yet He knew anguish all too well. What does the Holy Catholic Church proclaim of Our Lord and Savior? "He was obedient even unto death."
A demigod, half man, born of the best and most altruistic virgin--all the lesser gods were using virgins as biological construction for demigods, but the Abrahamic God chose the apex of purity in a fourteen year old girl. And Christ, the Apostle, as mentioned in the Koran, symmetrically merged with the Holy Spirit Itself, surfing on the many colorful hues of varying sublimity like a magnanimous Kahuna. He was the Living Torah--the Law in the flesh, knowing Luther and the rest could not limit God to the Bible or merely one verse listed, knowing: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
Thus, Protestants listen: All followers of the Living Christ don't need to be similar robots programmed with a singular perspective. King David, having an almost psychotic love for God rocked many a woman's carnal world, the Virgin Mother was as pure as the platinum snow, and Saint Peter pissed his pants with phobic energy before the Holy Spirit overwhelmed his fears, forging him into the ROCK, the Bishop of Rome and architect of the most ancient aspect of Christianity.
Followers of Christ can be peculiar, quirky, conservative, or even coyote-like, but they must possess wisdom at the end of the day--wisdom: A verb. A thing in action. Knowing what is right and doing what is right, regardless of reward or consequence, just as Krishna explained to a man afraid to enter battle for holy purpose. But wisdom begins with fear of God, and Christ knows: "You don't want to face Him without Me."
Still, anguish weighs heavy on the Saints and losers in life. Ultimately their deaths are gore-smeared and unappreciated due to the nature of wealth and status being the Duck Dynasty-bearded King of Our America. Without money, one has less freedom in America. Hard work gains nothing save muscle spasms and more anguish. It is all a social game to be played for the money that grants more freedom. A freedom deserved for all, but without lawyers, doctors, and hot babes in your pistol-packing pocket; then, you will know the truth of a media-driven country, showcasing its asshole to determine the outcome of elections and anguish itself.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Earth's Demonology
"Earth's Demonology"
Prisons, insane asylums, urban apartments, and suburban homes--all house the wicked and weird supernatural. Mental illness is not singularly illness, but sometimes a sinister infusion of Legion's resound, yet we turn off the supposed fiction of axiomatic truth, our modern and still ancient science stupidly unable to gel with theologians and the hidden truth of the pseudo-sciences.
Psychosis is a word--it has an ambiguous meaning; moreover, it is rarely treated with herbs, incense, prayer, and an intensity to connect with the super-sublimity of the Holy Spirit. Material gain, fast-paced friends with benefits, fleeting fame, and good tits surgically implanted in your darling daughter for her high school graduation dominate the dastardly deals with the devil. And we consider these people the victorious on Earth; still, they will fantastically fade into tumor-ridden hunchbacks suffering their lose of life, sadly passing without spiritual meaning due to science's braggadocio concerning the myth of the Otherworld, for we have not constructed the technology to counteract the abuse of the intangible. Verily, we think TODAY is the apex of knowledge--it is totally not! In ten or a hundred years from now, our science will be outdated and utterly viewed as historically stupid.
Speaking in languages never having been heard before, or having demon-filled people know your inner secrets that you have never revealed prove the existence of a superior race of beings, playing us like a game of checkers. And while wolfsbane and Haldol put Lycanthropy into remission--these scientific exorcisms are only momentary.
Truly, we must share God's dream--not ours. Yes, I'm tempted by firm, symmetrical breasts, but I'd rather walk with Saint Francis and rub his wolf's belly; plus, share my Slim Jim with him.
A State University physician has absolutely "no chance" of properly treating a soul made foul by way of diabolical possession; next, cops arrest the infected victim, he's sodomized in prison, and the demon grows stronger, all while the conservatives laugh at the victim having dropped the soap in our cruel American Prisons. Buddy--keep up the hilarity, for you will get yours. Your love of creature comforts will quicksilver you with much mercury into a stupefied state of Pandemonium. Unless of course you sense the absolute nature of the Ultimate God and the lesser gods beneath Him, offering them the reverence they deserve.
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