Tuesday, November 17, 2015

God Bless The Abrahamic Religions

   "God Bless The Abrahamic Religions"
Ted Cruz, in all his Protestant blues,
Claims Christians don't craft terror--yet there are clues;
Indeed he is in ominous error--
The heretical Christian W.--just should have been a mere mayor--
Since 9/11 happened on his keenly intelligent watch,
Freaking millions of non-violent Muslims obliterated while he threw back scotch--
How many a DUI and blow did that guy get and absorb after and before college
While dodging the draft and not getting knowledge?
"It ain't me, it ain't me--I ain't no senator's son!!!"
We only drafted and let die an approximate 58,000 poor kids during the beat of Vietnam's drum.
President Reagan fought a WAR with Mikhail Gorbachev from across a simple desk--
An adversary that could've atomized our best.
Of course, basing many of the meetings on astrology,
And this is not historical mythology.
Yet the Republicans always invoke the name of Reagan,
Turning a blind eye to his mention of the inhabiting Alien (Demonic) Nation.
Terrorism is damn evil--no freaking doubt,
But at the innocents we should not shock and awe and shout.
By being in Christian error 
We could, possibly, construct more terror,
Giving us bad karma, and you might be re-birthed a Muslim,
Or if sublime--a divine Hindu bringing Dharma and its lack of dumb.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Envy Of Beauty

   "The Envy Of Beauty"
Tyra Banks claimed she won the genetic lottery;
Thus, people complained that she was empty and haughty;
Still, humanity can be birthed with brains, sensitivity, or possibly even wise,
Yet of them we have no jealousy that does wickedly surmise
A green-eyed hate,
Damning glamour with a hope of megadeath fate;
Indeed, nice-looking guys are often called fag,
And some will believe this hell-sent nag;
Plus, no other guys want to be their friend,
Pondering if their girlfriends will then lose interest in them.
Others think the corporeally pleasing have it automatic and easy,
Not knowing the crooner Jim Morrison was stalked by many tramps yeasty.
This is the envy of beauty;
As a result, find brothers and sisters that are a cutie--
If not, the jealous will wish and will upon you things unfair;
However, in the end--their karmic value spawns Pandemonium's lair.
* * * * * *
And to the young and beautiful Justin Bieber:
"Please save some vagina for the rest of us."   

Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor

   "Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor"
Know:  While jogging, Rick Perry, armed with a low IQ shot a coyote, as if a mad dog,
And we continue to slay this animal in myriads, believing it as dirty as a hog,
Yet curiously--it continues to thrive--
Possibly, we don't have our hands on the wheel with Christ's commanding wise;
We are too busy breaking the 4th Amendment, spying on texts,
Giving us a further bad karma hex--
If we continue to obliterate but can't contain a coyote's supposed contamination;
Next, how to mollify an adversary without an air force, navy, or even a nation?
But like the American Indian once did wisely know,
Before their love of animism we did overthrow,
Cunning battled against by being genocide-like nasty
Can come back to haunt and be way more crafty;
Hence, glimpse the Coyote Totem and be wise and know--
The animal prospers so as to have a normal life and respectfully grow.
* * * *
"The fox condemns the trap, not himself."  - William Blake - 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Votive Images

   "Votive Images"
Christ informed Saint Peter:  "You are the Rock."
And that He (Christ ) would architect His Church upon him--always a holy knock.
Veneration of Holy Relics and the Saints is largely Catholicism,
Not the flatulent disease Luther suffered from, possibly, for crafting Protestantism;
Regardless, Luther was not Saint Peter--he was not the Rock,
And Christ now has been mocked;
Moreover:  "We perish for lack of knowledge."
This is claimed by a Hebrew Prophet from the Old Testament, never having attended college.
And our American ignorance--not knowing the difference between a Sunni and Shiite,
Is like the Catholics and Protestants having an Irish-Land fight.
The Shiite--these Shias venerate Holy Relics and Saints,
Knowing God has preserved them and will not taint,
Yet we deny the mercy and wisdom of healing with Holy Might,
Slaughtering without the nucleus of the Living Christ.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson

   "Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson"
THE ART OF WAR, by Americans, is rarely intellectually absorbed, even as lore--
Never have a protracted (as have we) and economic draining war
Informs with cunning the former Chinese tactician and General--
Yet Ben Carson claims in Syria do they already revel;
Plus, our space satellites and secret weapon technology is getting dangerously close
To Chinese non-gravity machines--like a noose on a rope,
And to tear apart the American economic system further
Causes The United States economic suicide and murder;
Regardless, Trump says burn the oil fields and be the ruination of money;
Next, the terrorists will have no sustaining honey;
Regardless, whatever theory, even conspiratorial--
We don't need another American gravestone memorial.
All I know is that our mainstream media is hogwash and divided,
Being a house that cannot stand with axiomatic truth united.   

Lucifer's Evolution: Prince Of This World

   "Lucifer's Evolution:  Prince Of This World"
Your father is the father of lies
Did the Living Christ wisely surmise--
He crafts murder, trickery, and all the iniquitous unrest,
Fooling us into losing sublime compassion and impersonating the rest.
Tempted in the desert with fame and wealth,
Yet the Living Christ, not of this world--denied ALL with mystic stealth,
Reminding us of the Holy Spirit and how it is like unto a Tower of Shimmering Ivory,
Being obedient even unto death, inheriting a perpetual satisfactory.
* * * *

My 9th grade, Catholic-school French is not good; nevertheless, to all the Priests and Brothers who schooled me, never hurting me--here is a prayer for the French--an invocation to Notre Dame:

Sainte Marie, Mere de Dieu
Priez pour nous, pauvres pecheurs
Maintenant, et a l'heure de notre mort.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  

Friday, November 13, 2015

Triskaidekaphobia--fear of 13

   "Triskaidekaphobia--fear of 13"
The final soul seated at the Last Supper 
Was Judas--legend, lore, and truth gift this to us with much muster;
Moreover, a plethora of times--13 Moons in a Chief's year,
Making Lycanthropy more often appear--
Numerology, a quasi-science, at least, considers 13 to forge upheaval,
So new vegetation gods can be sprouted if their souls prostrate to a Holy Steeple--
Adapting to change is needed, like with the resonating coyote,
Slaughtered in myriads yearly, yet thriving--never being poky.