Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy

   "How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy"
   Wearing diapers myself many a time, though with Ulcerative Colitis, it usually only holds 50% of the bloody runs; regardless, on the matter--I am an expert.  For years, living with a paralyzed soul, of course being diagnosed with Stage 4 Alzheimer's years ago by Bush League physicians, before my personal intervention, I have dealt with a twinge of anguish--but who really cares?
   And laxatives off the counter never work when their Parkinsonian medications block them up, causing them greater levels of high anxiety; thus, you must go to the underground to find better remedies for bowel evacuation.  And when it occurs, I am always there--nobody else seems to ever be.  So, you  simply pull the fecal stool out with surgical compulsion, wish I could produce a normally formed stool, from their rectal cavity; next, wipe them till an inviolate cleanliness; then, lift them, tearing your inflamed abdomen to further occurrences of bleeding; plus, dress them,
shower them, bathe them, brush them, feed them, do all laundry and dishes, dispense all medications religiously, and still yet--you are treated like a canine--"I am the dog, they all tried to beat."  Crooned an 80's rock band.
   Moreover, saving your family thousands of dollars since not using a professional facility, which I might need too, and getting spit on with hilarity can build a bit of unearthly might.  Yes, you must love these devils.  Those never pushing the wheelchair, taking the sick out for rides or lunch, which I spend my loser income on more than half the time, yet the falsehoods continue.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would surely excommunicate men that allowed such macabre tragedy.  But I don't want any trouble.  And of course there's more.  Charlatan caretakers--the patient even complaining of them with cognizance when not doped up.  But who am I but the dog?  Take me for a walk Bernie Sanders.  Let the leash be long and loose.  Let me pounce on a rascally rabbit.  So, we must go to the axiomatic truth.  Still, there's more, buried deep in the geography of Nashville, one day to be unearthed.
VOLTAIRE:  "To the living we owe respect--to the dead, only truth."

And of course, stream of consciousness artistry is mistake ridden.  When college drop-out Kerouac brought in On The Road his publisher told him it was crap--full of bullshit structure and all the jive-turkey rest.  Kerouac pulled the script from his hand and boasted:  "These are words dictated to me by the Holy Spirit Itself!!!"  

For whoever will save his life will lose it--Christ's Words

   "For whoever will save his life will lose it--Christ's Words"
The miserable miser, the pretentiously proud, the envious, and the lazy for the ill and poor,
For these souls--will God open up Heaven's Door?
Even the Five Pillars offers an alms-giving to the poor,
Yet every pseudo-intellectual sorority girl only wants to carnally and financially score,
Craving and hungering for their personal climax more than the unity of love,
Denying the release of Noah's platinum dove.
So have your monstrous and amazing sex save for the asexual,
Them never knowing physical adoration or being lovingly touched, yet with Christ they revel.
Hold on, hold on, to your creature comforts and lack of income equality wealth
While matriarchs are willed to death by your lazy lack of mental health;
Furthermore, put it all on a disabled soul,
You blazed in bliss--spiritually at Black Mass, gaining for that toll.
And being no peaceful psychotic (a word) or mystic, never by the Holy Spirit touched,
Mock the impoverished widow; she didn't tithe much,
But Christ told His disciples:  "She has given more than such."
It is all relative, it is all relative!!!  Yet many devils dwell in their core;
Hell is thriving upon the Earth, and of Christ's sacrifice and peace we Americans ignore.  
But so many with the burning bush in their household closet,
Like sorority girl porn, you spilling it out of urethra's faucet--
A cream-filled Twinkie,
Oh baby, oh baby--do devils love to be kinky,
And of this bard's baby food diet--
My sickness is chronic pain and creamily stinky--I don't deny it.   

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dostoyevsky: Jesus and Mary Chain

   "Dostoyevsky:  Jesus and Mary Chain"
   The Brothers Karamazov, which I hungrily absorbed in my early 20's as a mutated ape without the divine instruction of even high school, though I hardly have any body hair, a bit androgynous in the face, possibly of the American Indian variety, loving organic tobacco, which of course puts Inflammatory Bowel Disease into a better state of remission--ya know, the anti-oxidant tobacco, used in the quasi-Ebola vaccine, yet hated by the Democratic party.
   Chief Mojo Rising never rolled cigarettes mercurially, and I wonder whether or not my inner coyote will rush me upon the yummy of bunnies; regardless, more about Russian Literature.

The Brothers Karamazov--the brothers:

Dmitri:  A sensualist--like most modern Americans.

Ivan:  An intellectual--unlike most modern Americans.
Alyosha:  THE MYSTIC.
Smerdyakov:  The cunning bastard child.  Many American women make their boyfriends or even hated ex-husbands pay child support, when these men are not the biological fathers.  Test all births; next, you will see why Jesus dubbed chicks like this:  "Woman."  Possibly, a term of adoring endearment?  Nope--not in my dog-like opinion.
The Book has many mystical encounters.  Lore and truth--hard to tell the difference.  Possibly the Virgin Mary walking through hell, guided by the Arch-Angel Michael, assisting the sinners.  Yet myriads of Christians have no love for Her.
And what of mothers?  Adore your ejaculated seed more than the egg from which you were lovingly formed?  Most do.  Yet as Christ knew:  "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Oh well.  I guess I'll watch the mainstream media now and get some bullcrap after pissing this stream of consciousness.      

God Bless The Abrahamic Religions

   "God Bless The Abrahamic Religions"
Ted Cruz, in all his Protestant blues,
Claims Christians don't craft terror--yet there are clues;
Indeed he is in ominous error--
The heretical Christian W.--just should have been a mere mayor--
Since 9/11 happened on his keenly intelligent watch,
Freaking millions of non-violent Muslims obliterated while he threw back scotch--
How many a DUI and blow did that guy get and absorb after and before college
While dodging the draft and not getting knowledge?
"It ain't me, it ain't me--I ain't no senator's son!!!"
We only drafted and let die an approximate 58,000 poor kids during the beat of Vietnam's drum.
President Reagan fought a WAR with Mikhail Gorbachev from across a simple desk--
An adversary that could've atomized our best.
Of course, basing many of the meetings on astrology,
And this is not historical mythology.
Yet the Republicans always invoke the name of Reagan,
Turning a blind eye to his mention of the inhabiting Alien (Demonic) Nation.
Terrorism is damn evil--no freaking doubt,
But at the innocents we should not shock and awe and shout.
By being in Christian error 
We could, possibly, construct more terror,
Giving us bad karma, and you might be re-birthed a Muslim,
Or if sublime--a divine Hindu bringing Dharma and its lack of dumb.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Envy Of Beauty

   "The Envy Of Beauty"
Tyra Banks claimed she won the genetic lottery;
Thus, people complained that she was empty and haughty;
Still, humanity can be birthed with brains, sensitivity, or possibly even wise,
Yet of them we have no jealousy that does wickedly surmise
A green-eyed hate,
Damning glamour with a hope of megadeath fate;
Indeed, nice-looking guys are often called fag,
And some will believe this hell-sent nag;
Plus, no other guys want to be their friend,
Pondering if their girlfriends will then lose interest in them.
Others think the corporeally pleasing have it automatic and easy,
Not knowing the crooner Jim Morrison was stalked by many tramps yeasty.
This is the envy of beauty;
As a result, find brothers and sisters that are a cutie--
If not, the jealous will wish and will upon you things unfair;
However, in the end--their karmic value spawns Pandemonium's lair.
* * * * * *
And to the young and beautiful Justin Bieber:
"Please save some vagina for the rest of us."   

Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor

   "Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor"
Know:  While jogging, Rick Perry, armed with a low IQ shot a coyote, as if a mad dog,
And we continue to slay this animal in myriads, believing it as dirty as a hog,
Yet curiously--it continues to thrive--
Possibly, we don't have our hands on the wheel with Christ's commanding wise;
We are too busy breaking the 4th Amendment, spying on texts,
Giving us a further bad karma hex--
If we continue to obliterate but can't contain a coyote's supposed contamination;
Next, how to mollify an adversary without an air force, navy, or even a nation?
But like the American Indian once did wisely know,
Before their love of animism we did overthrow,
Cunning battled against by being genocide-like nasty
Can come back to haunt and be way more crafty;
Hence, glimpse the Coyote Totem and be wise and know--
The animal prospers so as to have a normal life and respectfully grow.
* * * *
"The fox condemns the trap, not himself."  - William Blake - 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Votive Images

   "Votive Images"
Christ informed Saint Peter:  "You are the Rock."
And that He (Christ ) would architect His Church upon him--always a holy knock.
Veneration of Holy Relics and the Saints is largely Catholicism,
Not the flatulent disease Luther suffered from, possibly, for crafting Protestantism;
Regardless, Luther was not Saint Peter--he was not the Rock,
And Christ now has been mocked;
Moreover:  "We perish for lack of knowledge."
This is claimed by a Hebrew Prophet from the Old Testament, never having attended college.
And our American ignorance--not knowing the difference between a Sunni and Shiite,
Is like the Catholics and Protestants having an Irish-Land fight.
The Shiite--these Shias venerate Holy Relics and Saints,
Knowing God has preserved them and will not taint,
Yet we deny the mercy and wisdom of healing with Holy Might,
Slaughtering without the nucleus of the Living Christ.