Monday, January 16, 2017

Consecration to the Virgin

   "Consecration to the Virgin"
You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you;
Thus, smokes the Word of God, like a pack of 1980's True Blue;
Moreover, believe like a child as did St. Louis de Montfort of France,
Consecrating yourself to Mary; as a result, giving Christ a better chance--
To live in thee,
For Her soul doth aggrandize the Lord,
Inflating Jesus as the physician Luke wrote--his quill more potent than the average sword,
And when you see the Son of Man coming down from the Clouds of Heaven,
He will be accompanied by the sublimity of stalwart levin.  

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Loup Soup (19)

   "Loup Soup (19)"
   Alicia was meeting with Jasper today at the comic shop.  Had just given herself a "bob" haircut, not having the money for a beautician or basic barber.  She figured if Joan of Arc could do it--so could she, her being from Toulon and knowing that Saint Joan's haircut inspired the "bob" around 1909 in Paris.  
   She wasn't nervous about what Jasper would think.  Knew he liked courage.  And what is more courageous than a chick with short hair?  An involution of the self to outshine the fibs and lies of an adder-inspired desire for beauty; next, if you don't have it--envy.  Unless united to the Sacred Heart, which is an Anomalous Phenomenon, unless your Ninjutsu Rabbi teaches well.    
   So, after piloting her economically-inclined automobile to the comic shop--she boldly yet humbly entered, armed with her new fashion of dirty-blonde, having a cosmogony of rebirth, really wanting a man's sincere love after so many mistakes in her past, that she had confessed, bringing into the light, only ashamed that she had once hid in the darkness.
   Jasper spotted her, and a Han Solo grin spread across his face, for he had found his Chewbacca, so to speak, with a little less hair.   

Friday, January 6, 2017

Loup Soup (18) Superpositioning

   "Loup Soup (18) Superpositioning"
   Alicia's heart was ablaze with the most intense part of the flame--to do her Earthly duties, even if it meant being ashed to death, for she knew--she would rise like a Phoenix, as has Joan of Arc.
   Moreover, she didn't want to get into Jasper's head by way of lust, or Pineal Intrusion, or even true love.  She would only send out her innocent love to him, gently.
   Like the two thieves on the Crosses next to the Living Christ, one mocking Him, the other asking to be with Him--Christ responded to the latter:  "Today, you will be with Me in Paradise."
   Some say Christ descended into hell after being crucified; thus, how could He take the man to Paradise?  So, we get many theological theories on Abraham's Bosom, Purgatory, and so forth.  The old, Catholic joke goes:  "There are so many places to go when you die if you're Catholic, you don't need Christ, but you need a travel agent."
   But even though a mere gas station clerk, and a job is not who you truly are, Alicia knew that with SUPERPOSITIONING, something or someone can be in multiple places at once; hence, she as a Catholic knew God is a mystery, and as King Solomon knows:  "It is God's glory to conceal things, and a King's glory to seek them out."
   As a result of her autodidact-like energy, Alicia simply crossed the threshold of hope, believing that she could and would always take care of bizarre Jasper.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Loup Soup (16) & (17)

   "Loup Soup (16) & (17)"
   Buster was a bit shy concerning seeing his buddy Jasper today--after spying the dude on his date and all.  He calmed himself by reading a comic book, at the shop, about teenage misfits engaged in supernatural fisticuffs with villainous folk--it was dubbed, The Movement.  After anticipating the oncoming future, and that he had been MADE as a spy, Buster's digestive tract got a little sloppy, and he had to make his own bowel movement.
* * * *

   Jasper throttled hard on the Ninja 300 to work.  The roads were clear; plus, the Sun was gleaming off the black asphalt.  He was happy to have contained his weird, making a fine impression on Alicia; however, knew that he was not wearing a mask, just curbing his enthusiasm, trying to take their freshly-sparked relationship day by day.  Anyway, all was cool, and he figured he should learn the HAIL MARY or OUR FATHER in French--for the Heaven of it, and to absorb Alicia's culture, proving that he gave a hearty darn about her.    

Loup Soup (15)

   "Loup Soup (15)"
   As Alicia wended her way home in her humble Honda, she was reminded of the physician and Disciple Luke, especially his Gospel, which offered these words of Christ:  "Whoever rejects you rejects Me."   She wasn't probing the depths of the theology, just happy things went nice with lovely Jasper.  He was awkward, guarded, and yet polite as hell--pardon her mental French.  Furthermore, he asked her out for a second date, to the movies, where she might steal a kiss.  So, as she anchored her economically-inclined car on the gas station's asphalt--a place she not only worked at, but lived within, having a studio apartment upstairs that she shared with her one and only girlfriend, Stephanie.  Stephanie being a modern woman, into heavy dating after her divorce, and liked to experience the joyous juices of life.  Alicia entered, totally aglow from hopes of love, and Stephanie immediately cackled at her innocent and oncoming bullshit, noticing her pseudo-friend lit up with romantic brilliance.

Did you get any action babe?

More than that--I made a seemingly spiritual connection--I'm pretty sure.

You're so naive.  Guys just want lubricated love and delicious discharge--me too.

Not in the mood for her night to be spoiled by sex slang.  It's a wonderfully free country, and I get you like high vibrations, but did you know that Catholic women, wrapped up in guilt, experience the best orgasms, for they are going against their pure nature.  Regardless, we all are different, and some might need a man to enter their head.  Liked a molested girl.  Her creepy step-father telling her that his way of screwing her is the only way she should ever experience sex.  Hard and hurtful, bringing pain and darkness into her soul, unless she shakes it off and submits to treating her body like a temple.

Whatever.  Life is to be lived, not thought about.  We must grab the largest fruits, that nectar which propels us to promote our internal bliss.

You can win this argument, because I don't give a hot damn about it.  I adore your perspective sometimes, but please don't insult my choices if they don't gel with yours.  I don't preach more than necessary, and you don't boast more than needed--it's a decent friendship, and we should keep it that way forever.  Even if you like dragons, and I like unicorns.

   Stephanie retreated downstairs to fix herself a pickle sandwich.  Alicia had a point, but Stephanie would not stop being herself either.  She figured:  "We're all a bunch of sons and daughters of bitches anyway."