Friday, February 24, 2017

Rosary: Luminous Mysteries

   "Rosary:  Luminous Mysteries"
   When we pray the Holy Rosary, every bead is like a cannonball, especially if we get deep into the Holy Mysteries through mystical meditation.  Thursdays are great, for it's the day of the Luminous Mysteries--Mysteries contemplated upon least of the week, yet still theologically imperative.  Here they are:

1.)  The Baptism Of The Lord--remembering God's Words:  "This is My Son, in Whom I am well pleased."

2.)  The Wedding Of Cana--Mary turns to Jesus, saying:  "They have no wine."

3.)  The Proclamation Of The Kingdom--being reminded to make ourselves like unto little children, trusting in our Father.

4.)  The Transfiguration--Jesus is immaculately illuminated in a brilliant white shine, stating:  "I have not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets, but fulfill them."

5.)  The Institution Of The Eucharist--Christ saying:  "This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, shed for you."   

Cowboy -Angel Mary

Tax Legal Marijuana, and Pay for Health Care

   "Tax Legal Marijuana, and Pay for Health Care"
   King David's words:  "Herb for the service of man."  His son Solomon and himself were importing tons of herb-derived medications.  Israel has the most strains of beneficial, medical marijuana.  Ask any modern Talmudic scholar about the herb.
   You can't overdose; moreover, it removes plaque from the brain in patients with neurological problems, cures ulcerative colitis, oral thrush, assists in cancers, and there's no abuse, because you can only get so high.  And get a real Drug Czar--one that explains how to use it without acting a fool.
   The money made could fund a modern health care plan, but that would be too easy for our government.  Call it a sin tax if you want.  
   And the only reason marijuana is considered a gateway drug is because due to it's illegality, it puts you in the atmosphere of thugs with deadly shit.
   If I had medical marijuana, I could stop taking a plethora of pills daily, and evacuate my bowels on the toilet instead of pooping on newspaper like I'm a dog.  Yeah, I have Lycanthropy, so what.  It would cure that too. 
   Abe Lincoln:  "Prohibition goes against everything this country stands for--it makes people criminals who are not criminals."   

What's going on?

   "What's going on?"
   Everybody knows about the Truth, unless you're addicted to Internet porn, GAME OF BONES, and careerism.  MKUltra, historical cover-ups, aliens being synonymous with angels (The Celestial Hierarchy), that literary work crafted by Dionysius the Pseudo-Aeropagite.  But we're not supposed to talk about it.  The adversary hates when we talk about it.
   So we should continue on our path towards trans-humanism that Philip K. Dick prophesied, the EMFs further melting our brains, allegorically.  
   But mini-skirts and cotton candy porn only conceals so long, before the Son of Man descends from the clouds of heaven.  But be cautious and know your historical texts as to what is really going on; furthermore, every spirit should be tested as the New Testament clearly explains.  But do not put God to that test.  
   Yeah, I like Scooby-Doo, honor the Virgin Mary, and watch Westerns; plus, a little bit of country music here and there.  Just pray.  For this one can only be driven out by prayer, as Christ explained of the young man.  

Boys 'Round Here - Blake Shelton

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Virgin Mary & King David's Words

   "Virgin Mary & King David's Words"
   A Mirror of Justice, She is called by the Litany; moreover, Her words mirroring the words, so closely, of the bard/fighter King David, him further stating centuries before that the meek shall inherit the Earth--Psalms 37.  
   Here are a few words, and some new, yet others so closely related to the Psalmist:
  Luke Chapter ONE:

46)  And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47)  And My spirit hath rejoiced in God My Savior.
48)  For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden:  for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call Me blessed.
51)  He hath shewed strength with His arm; He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52)  He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
53)  He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He hath sent empty away.  

Monday, February 20, 2017

Joshua, Charlie Sheen, & Deepak Chopra

   "Joshua, Charlie Sheen, & Deepak Chopra"
   Joshua tells us to OWN IT.  Saying:  "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve."
   Charlie Sheen owns his baggage.  Admits porn sex, bigger rock smoked than rock stars, and all the rest; moreover, he still liveth.
   Deepak Chopra's new book explains that we should reflect at the end of the day, looking back at all that has happened, knowing there are no coincidences; plus, not judging, just examining all that you did, the nature you saw, and meditate upon the Socratic observations of everything that did happen. 
* * * * 

   People wear masks.  Even when they sneak up upon themselves in the mirror.  You should always know yourself, for as Christ said:  "The Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst."