Sunday, November 26, 2017

Camaro burnout. STL hall street Sunday nights.

Blood types, implants, & Magnum, P.I.


   "Blood types, implants, & Magnum, P.I."

   Look over your shoulder; there are twenty people weirder than you.  Only a ninja can kill a ninja--maybe not, for the truck driver liveth; regardless, the government monitors the magnificent minority with Rh negative blood; however, Uncle Sam has a really cool goatee, and I like his red, white, and blue colors--like the French flag.  You think Saint Joan of Arc is a little angry with some people?  I know she is.  A perfect paladin, in a sense, taking on the cause of an entire country, forsaking her own wants.
   As my German Grandma Bertha used to say about crummy:  "Everybody's shit stinks."  
   There are different ways of being brutalized by implants, whether from non-terrestrial officers rudely entering, or the cleaning lady that wants to seduce your husband (she is implanted too), some of us have to deal with crude yet calculated intrusion; next, choose sides instead of being neutral and inheriting a cold hell, as the Irish of Kennedy offered.
   And this be metaphor mister--I like Joseph Campbell; he was all metaphor too.  
   The blood speaks to God, as the Good Book mentions; specifically, look what they did to Christ for rejecting the rigged system, and His Mother adored Him, though they didn't care, blaming Her for Him as well.  Peace and Justice will kiss--already has in parts of Heaven.
   I can't believe that all this time, I could've been laying in my pajamas and simply watching MAGNUM reruns.  Higgins is a scrapper, but his storytelling is too long-winded.  

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sparkles and pony cars

   "Sparkles and pony cars"

   Ya, you hang out with Bilbo, and I'll space-step with Chewbacca and the Flux Capacitor Itself, mind you--and Greedo doesn't deserve to talk smack about me, or I'll stuff a chili dog down his pursed honker, that bounty-hunting crumb, less than salacious.
   And to see a white horse with one emblem, galloping minus the stampede, not going into your tempting tree because he loathes maple syrup, and Bill Lee had the heat as a spaceman, up in the slang France of Montreal, for a tour.
  It's all in the reflexes, and even Jack Burton didn't kiss her goodbye, cause that would initiate a genesis of apocalypse; thus, he will see Wang again, down yonder memory, so alive, and Egg is always there, for his homeland, well--he carries her in his heart.  

Death Star explosion Original

Pious Santa, nuff said

   "Pious Santa, nuff said"
   After contracting cooties from his charitable endeavors, Nikola put away his Father Christmas, though the Father seems the boss, like a Boss 302 birthing life, swift and quick out of the hole, or a Boss 429, happy and protracted on top end, burning beyond rubber on the asphalt runway.
   So, knowing Mars speaks to Spica nowadays, the Heavens seem to be in conference concerning Earth, and while some Earth girls may be easy; on the contrary, there is always a collective counterpoise, which deducts from the contagion of false camouflage, even for the deer hunter, if Saint Hubert remembers an ecological Saint's love and admiration of simple beasts, being noble in themselves.  

Pious Santa, more . . .

   "Pious Santa, more . . ."
   Nikola would give some charity (love) to the little elves @ the shelter--if they were nice, not nefarious and nasty, like crummy being passed around.  Wondered what Venus told Jupiter when they went face to face a week or so back?  All those women, some virginal, some not, speaking to a mighty man with many moons.  Nikola knew.  And they say nothing happened, but always in the Heavens first.  How the Heavens do their job, and a loner planet out of sync, like a busy junkyard, houses monstrous corruption, save for the bold and bodacious.
   Nikola went to talk to a Serbian Orthodox Priest.  Kinda/sorta difficult to find in Middle TN. these days; however, always was.  The Priest mentioned:  "The Protestants have nobody on the Cross, and they walk away--guilt free.  The Orthodox put a foot rest for Christ, and the agony is not so bad; however, the Catholics torture themselves in brutal passion--all for the better."
   "What does it totally mean?"  Nikola probed.
   The Priest responded:  "Santa deserves to deal in coal @ times.  But his heart can reforge it into diamonds."  

Friday, November 24, 2017

Pious Santa

   "Pious Santa"
   Down in the damned dirty south, summertime absent, replaced by just a hint of Yankee weather, girls and snuggled blue-jeans in tight strut through the crowded real estate of suburban sprawl, and while not thinking about how to crack the planet Earth in half with chaotic frequency, though it is protected by a Golden Space Dome, more or less, Nikola of Middle TN. was in search of a Serbian Orthodox Church, and though his Pap was Catholic, Nikola loved the idea of Theotokos, knowing a mother will give you her last dollar, him having learned that from a redneck in Arkansas, armed with a V-8 in his carport, Old Glory hanging, kinda bangled.  
   Anyway, this dude of no renown, noticed only for his Proust-like mustache and attempts at dandyism, mimicked Joyce in his diary, or made a brave pursuit in doing so; still, there was none other than his pet sugar-glider, the flying pseudo-hamster always upon his right shoulder, as if a furry parrot that displayed no speech, those frequently picked up vibrations, seen by illogical minds, like tasting colors, and the sugar-glider was named Betsy.
   It was approaching Christmas, on the calendar, and--in the air.  Seemed a bit frosty.