Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Red Fox Suburbia--After the Wolf Moon

   "Red Fox Suburbia--After the Wolf Moon"
   Nevada picked up the 2018 Farmers' Almanac, noticing that the frostbite from the ignition of January was due to a Wolf Moon, them carnivorous canines hunting and stocking, forgetting the squirrel's nut-hiding talents, gorging instead with high protein meats and savory bone calcium, to better build a member of the gelled pack, in order to hunt; furthermore, the path-finders never take down prey larger than their worth, not into wasting energy, and showing threats as did King Solomon, with simple facial gestures, as if Clint Eastwood in a movie showcasing a friendly orangutan and a gleeful granny armed with a double-barrel shotgun--never a 12, but a 20 gauge for less kick and more potent accuracy.  
   Nevada soldiered through the day till @ Walgreens, where the spicy beef jerky promised bits of iron and cowboy juice for the wrangle.  It was all good, as long as nobody spun her spurs with uncouth scrutiny.       

Monday, January 8, 2018

A trash-man and beer

   "A trash-man and beer"
   Back in Arkansas, during the late 1980's when WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE reminded a heavy metal bard that when you step off the Hound, shit can happen, and with my pals; moreover, Holland a constant fixture, yet he wore no permibuzz, only at proper times; plus, frosty yet elegant streets of a halfway decent suburbia, and in the Pie Wagon, burgundy in hue and metaphysical fashion, being told by the driver to give the trash-man a beer, and we did, and the trash-man said, in the middle of his duties:  "Thanks guys."  What a great day in America, for us.  

Miami Vice Theme HD

Red Fox Suburbia

   "Red Fox Suburbia"
   Over-looked, and its humor unnoticed many times, unlike the illusive coyote, the Red Fox (Canis lupus rufus) likes to put on a show, more of a sincere trickster than the camouflaged coyote, stealing to entertain, like a juggler, but with computers now, we relax, forgetting that Brownies exist, metaphorically to say.
   And Nevada wasn't a chain-smoking suburbanite phony housewife unpacking the groceries in germ-catching plastic bags, when it's always better to brown bag.  Nicely packed bag-boy, as the old late-night kinda show snorted, along with Pea Boy, and it might be a fellow in a Spider-Man shirt, always going frozen, and liking fish sticks, if not the puzzling symmetry of a symmetrical culmination.  And the rodeo continued for the bull-rider, and ladies always love a cowboy, boots high and beards low, though with mustache spunk, and a pinch of love under their cheek.
   Nevada just played it cool at the mall, ignoring the fact that all the locals were missing.  

Perfecting the Levites

   "Perfecting the Levites"
   You know why Jesus never had to wash His hands?  Because they were always clean.  And they were always clean because He washed them.  God Bless Donald J. Trump.  And make Mexico great again.  Yet, we love their holy and hot women.  Men too.  

And, they loathe Catholics

   "And, they loathe Catholics"
   My mother has been a practicing Catholic for over 75 years, as were her ancestors.  I was in line for it; next, taken to Southern Baptist School--it wasn't all bad, for my mother would tongue-lash them when they spoke naughty concerning us or the Virgin Mother.  Ultimately, she put me in the right place.  Catholic school transcends military school.  You can't flog the bishop.  A Priest has a more serious mind than a soldier--them always thinking with their little heads.
   Anyway, here are some of the words I heard from my pseudo-family, making sure I never became a simple laymen even, attempting to sow doubt--they are no friends of the Catholic Church.

1.)  Brother's wife, the Debutante, though doesn't look like Paris Hilton, and that says something about the falsehood of Natural Selection--for how do asymmetrical-looking people find a willing partner to copulate with?  Her words:  "Maybe God is real, but the Catholics are wrong."  Her friend and former instructor--a Mason.  Not even Jack Kennedy liked the Masons.

2.)  My Brother--his words:  "Why don't they just castrate Priests.  The Virgin Mary is a witch.  King David is full of shit.  I don't like Saint Paul.  Jesus never said He was the Son of God."  Is that trying to give false illusion to a disabled man?  Yup.

3.)  My step-father:  "Saint Joseph was having intercourse with the Virgin Mary."  And imagine the rest I've lived with.  He yelled at a Priest for having the light on the Virgin Mary and not the American Flag.  Mama don't like that.

   Of course there's plenty more.  People have said:  "Jesus saves--ya right.  Jesus saves what?"  My mother was very hurt all those years ago when they boasted such things.  Naughty people.