Sunday, December 22, 2013
Green Eunuch (Part 12) Virgin Mary--COWGIRL
Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Virgin Mary's heel on serpentine;
Indeed, as mentioned in the Pentateuch--She is a demon-crushing, transfigured machine.
Too, morphed Her speech from Aramaic,
For to Her--Hebrew is the way to say it;
Moreover, God cloned Her to craft the Christ,
Merging Himself into the equation--a triumphant mystical heist
Of cosmological power
To make the adversaries flee and cower;
Alas, She can Super-Position Herself as well,
Transmitting Her Son's message to the underground in hell;
Still, here on the Moon of Ooba She resides with the Wolf, Eunuch, and Saint,
Attempting to eclipse the hellish taint
Of a geography besmirched by lack of liberty,
Where most souls are locked into adulterous misery,
Not knowing sex is more criminal than nature's drugs and ale,
Those things inspiring art and science instead of only interested in chasing tail;
Next, jealousy, murder, rape--all for the loins to stupidly climax--
A second of glee; then, biological ecstasy does lapse;
Regardless, the Virgin Mary ornamented Herself in a nimbus-blue cowboy hat,
Forging blue laser six-guns that could blast away the fat
From any demon's gluttonous belly--
Again, unhealthy food and mischievous sex are more nasty and smelly
Than freedom to imbibe a psychological cure
If the cerebral capacity doesn't pursue what's pure;
Anyway, Skunkfire and Saint Francis, along with Gubbio the wolf/canine
Smiled innocently at Mary's wardrobe--it being a back-step in time.
Francis expounding:
"Lady Queen--You appear to be the Lone Ranger." Him just hounding
Her with hilarity
Since She had the apex of humility;
Thus, She punched him in the arm and twirled Her laser guns,
Knowing the world would be safer if there were "packing" Nuns--
And Skunkfire bowed so loyal and green,
His bio-mechanical countenance oozing out benign, narcotic steam,
For this Woman was more than just Jesus' Mother,
Yet the purest intentions of being God's singular Lover.