Sunday, December 15, 2013
Saints, Angels, And Confessors . . .
Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and!!!
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After Saint Peter violently sliced off a body part, the Living Christ explained, more or less: "I could have an Army of Angels at my side." As a result, why not mimic Christ? I hate to dub Martin Luther "Lucifer", but even Nietzsche, in his wise and uncanny confusion, spoke sternly against the man who thieved away the Virgin Mary (Jesus' Beloved Mom), Saint Michael (God's Enforcer, the most powerful Arch-Angel), and all other Angels, Saints, and Confessors from invocation. Yet, are we not instructed to mimic Christ? And Christ clearly claimed to Saint Peter that He could call upon the Celestial Hierarchy (Angelity). And Saints and Confessors are not dead, yet ALIVE in Christ; thus, they can observe our stranded humanity.
However you decide to follow Christ--it is wise; nonetheless, don't execute the benevolence of His Mother or His Father's Angels, Saints, and Confessors. Verily, SUPER-POSITIONING is a term used in the science of physics to explain being in multiple places at once; moreover, even in His nearly omniscient awesomeness, Christ, as would Occam's Razor possibly hint--can't be everywhere, throughout the flux of time and space without a bit of Transfigured Hesitation; therefore, we should invoke His Mom, Saint Michael, and others residing beyond the Sublime Perimeter to assist us--this is not a sin, and this is my gripe against Protestantism--though may they be blessed and wise.
Loving Christ's Mom is not a sin! She gave His Father a sense that humanity might be saved--was hope for the human race, and genetically-cloned (more or less) for the altruistic purpose of Salvation. It was Her foot upon the Adder's Head as mentioned in the Old Testament. Hence, do not denounce Her; it would be "not polite" to Her Son, your Lord. Regardless, we must all love one another, study our adversaries, pray for them, savor every singular soul's right to autonomy, and hope the experience of death is more than a Pantheistic Light Show in the Cosmos. God Bless.
Sincerely, Mark David King