Saturday, December 14, 2013
Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook,, all Internet bookstores, and here: MARK DAVID KING BLOGSPOT!
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"People are born ignorant; it is education that makes them stupid." . . . Lord Bertrand Russell . . .
I never climbed the scholastic ladder of academia; nevertheless, I am no incontinent, intellectual douche, determined to fume my own toxicity with fresh, strawberry or watermelon scents; alas, I am here: BLOGGING!
America wasted its supposed adversary with W. Bush's ignorance; specifically, does the former President of the U.S., only having wanted to be MLB President know of the Koran--of the Arch-Angel Gabriel swimming down forth from the celestial ocean of the Big Neon Glitter to read Muhammad literate? An uneducated, loafer of the sand-blasted geography, residing in a metaphorical chaise lounge, listening to the silence of the Four Winds under the illumination of the Big Neon Cheese, Lime-Green Moon, bragging the best bold among the effulgent stars skyways? Freaking: Know your enemy. Do Navy Seals know of Christ not perishing on the Cross, yet starbursting into eternity from the sanguine circumstance of Calvary? Bullshit. They kill without education, though educated, in the incorrect manner.
I can take apart my rifle, and a man's skull, in 4.2 seconds; still, I am lost to the theology of it all. Why is this happening? Why has an old man sent me to ethnically cleanse a people? I am an infant concerning their religious culture, that seed which drives them to determination. I aborted those people because of ignorance.
Why do not the Abrahamic religions fuse into SuperSymmetry? Hindu people, Buddha too--beloved and neutral or theologically romantic with Krishna's suave azure-hued love of it all, offering a straight spine and retaliation against rapist giants or somekindofmonsters; regardless, the THREE HOLY, ABRAHAMIC THEOLOGIES should UNITE. JEW, CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM--side by side, thwarting the Multiversal Cosmos with theological couth concerning the most potent God in the Megaverse. It doesn't happen. We are slaying our own brothers. Tell me: How many Israeli souls and Palestinians have spawned genetic flesh? Myriads I say, yet no one speaks of their hybrid nature. Tells their biological tale. They are Star-Children. Understand the Creation of Humanity, and the return of Divinity or Salacious Iniquity to reclaim Terra's Surface. Thus, Unite brothers. The Torah, New Testament, Koran--all from the same Godly seed, yet jealous brothers without the reformation of genius. Not Martin Lucifer I'm talk'n. Us all. Bleeding Red. Genetically similar, united like the pride of African-Americans we must be, loving ourselves; indeed, before the cardiac muscle (the heart) gives blood to the other physiological organs, it takes some blood for itself. We are brothers, us Abrahamic Religions; still, we envy with Nazi Uncouth and all the rat-ass rest. Time to evolve. Time to gel and mesh unearthly. For the fallen are coming. They are fucking coming. And if they arrive in our skies and we hate each other; next, we are doomed to slavery. Verily, our SAVIOR is our united determination to damn the devil. Verily, get in line with your enemy to conquer the incoming heretics, skyborn from the cosmic confusion.
Sincerely, Mark David king