Saturday, March 19, 2016
Trump & Bernie's Truth
"Trump & Bernie's Truth"
Under 50,000 dollars, Trump disavows yearly tax on you as a couple; moreover, a health care plan that fuels the masses. Look, Trump in sub-culture--he has paid off poor people's mortgages; indeed, many underground fables about Trump helping the poor man.
Regardless, yes, Bernie, in a political duel with Joseph, second under Pharaoh, making a flat tax; still, Bernie will squeeze the rich man, making corporate crap evaporate--if you wanna pay more; next, free college and health care.
Nothing is free they told you? What about Spiritus Sancti--all that heavenly glee?
It exists. The truth. Salvation comes from the Jews, Christ told the Samaritan woman, and Bernie has the benevolence of a Messiah gone peaceways.
In my opinion, Hillary is psychotic, not totally bad, but has those crazy eyes re-imagined on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, and her handlers manipulate smoothness.
I just know: I want someone who is honest, even in sin, as long as they preserve that axiomatic truth of their personal bravery throughout this hellhole known as Earth.