Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wuthering Heights--no zombies!

   "Wuthering Heights--no zombies!"  
Emily Bronte, using the pseudonym Ellis Bell
Wrote a singular piece, northwards away from the gates of hell;
Indeed, no zombies; still, critics called it a "fiend of a book"
Without a deeper, Thomas Hardy suffering-kinda look.
Emily was homesick--in a loving manner,
Being birthed from a patriarchal shamrock's mystical scanner,
Not "Darkly" though, nor quirky and mystically bizarre as Philip K. Dick,
And as did Jane Austen--
All self-taught writers are as popular as Boston.
New England zombies are sincerely nice--
Though they move mercurially in winter snow and ice;
As a result, turn over a library,
And have the free gift of being metaphorically merry,
For mirth and might come in tales,
Which are rooted in truth, where freedom sails.