Sunday, December 25, 2016

Huck Finnegan (1)

   "Huck Finnegan (1)"
    Sally didn't like that; moreover, mama don't like that; nevertheless, Huck said:  "Datum est."  And with sincere and total love.  Sally got wise, asking:  "And Huck Finn is more real than me, huh?"
   Huck explained:  "His name has been mentioned more in reality than yours as an investment banker.  He's been studied, put in schools, on book shelves, read, talked about--way more than you; thus, how is he not more real than you?--I doth proclaim; indeed, he exists more in reality and truth than you do.  You may think, therefore you are, but he exists and outshines your existence."
   Sally went back to her cornbread.  Thick, greasy, bad for the colon, and without taste, but she loved it--so absent of reality, but she loved it, fueling her closer to diabetes.  
   Huck munched on the high vibrations of his Rainbow Chard, not thinking Nordic, but knowing that God transcends the Fates and Norns, if you accept death and suffering beyond the stars' authority of ALL things.  Next, he tuned into a old radio show on his double A-powered radio, listening to the croons of those gone, but so alive; indeed, so alive, much more than you, and still, yet, beyond the stable and hay of it all.