Sunday, April 9, 2017

Definition of NEGLECT

   "Definition of NEGLECT"
   You think certain people would know these words, holding me accountable, a soul without a mask, brutally honest--even about my time with the watermelon, though at least I don't look at teenage girls naked, like my brother does in those magazines, and God knows where else.
   And to think he says it's not my house, yet it's not his house, and I live here, yet he says he'll throw me out when it's not his house, trusting a two day a week thug, long red dreadlocks, unable to articulate modern vocabulary properly, and should take a bath or roll on some deodorant under her pits before entering someone's house, and they call them hand towels because they're for the hands, not used to wipe your face on.  I told him--if your biggest dilemma is whether to get a Tesla or a Mercedes, and you settled for a BMW--you know, that car could have got Mom a nice, clean, actual nurse--you monkey-blooded cottage cheese eater.  I guess that's for all the times he's physically attacked me before I finally kicked his ass.  And now the truth of NEGLECT, and who is genuinely guilty.  Mom and me took care of his kids every day for years, and since she fell ill, his entire family has teleported to the beach, Europe, more time at the beach, and maybe a half hour every three weeks at best, armed with a McDonald's milkshake--that's NEGLECT.

NEGLECT:  TO PAY LITTLE ATTENTION TO; DISREGARD.  TO BE REMISS IN THE CARE OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   But hell, he doesn't care, not even when I begged him to plead with my step-dad to get a colonoscopy, which I ultimately convinced him of myself, and felt guilty for it.  Oh well, some people give false testimony, and others wear no masks.  Enjoy the ladies during all that travel time old bucko, but who would look at him, maybe over him . . .  I think I'll take a bloody bowel evacuation now, being neglected myself, and fighting for my own life alongside my mother.