Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Thoracic Animus (5)

   "Thoracic Animus (5)"
Mutt reflected upon Winchester the 3rd,
That thoracic surgeon thinking meatball surgery did disturb,
Yet worse than someone saying it's not your house,
And a razor wristways, thinking you're homeless--blame their demon; specifically, their spouse;
Alas, things could have union for Mutt,
Knowing Christ said they will hate you because of Him, like of Han Solo did Jabba the Hutt;
Moreover, once union arriveth, and a duplicate you become of David's metaphorical son;
Next, everlasting from everlasting, like Roy Rogers' reruns and his six-gun.
But Mutt only carried his little, depressed dog,
Offering comfort and solace while uplifts their nostrils like a snob,
Thinking their shit doesn't stink because of a white shirt,
When it only covers the coal of a black heart, filthy as diabolical dirt;
As a result, Mutt felt no guilt for persevering due to a Messiah,
Glad he lived in Dakota and not Carolina.