Saturday, April 8, 2017

More Hemorrhoids

   "More Hemorrhoids"
   Why don't lawyers, not attorneys, get hemorrhoids?  Because they're perfect assholes.  Especially at a Bush League School, taught to lie and trick, when Jesus is truly Big Brother, knowing All, and seeing All--that is why He commanded to pray behind locked doors and closed windows, not being a hypocrite, praising falsely to be seen.
   My pseudo-brother, not a true family member, as he does not pursue the will of God, raising his kids atheistic, believing in the FDA, which almost killed me @ 28, if a physician wouldn't have signed off on an experimental medicine.  
   Anyway, my pseudo-brother, hating Joseph the Dreamer, said I will be kicked out of the house, when I'm disabled, and my step-dad, investigated by the ATF years ago, running guns out of the house, making my Haldol and Xanax-induced mother go to a notary, wobbling her in to sign his fortune--check into it.  
   So, my pseudo-brother takes a snot rag from his pocket, always having a cold, and attempts to wipe my Lewy Body Mom's nose, when pneumonia is their leading cause of death, mostly due to nurse neglect from not brushing, and I tell him to stop; next, he tells me to shut up loudly, and I tell him I'll kick his ass--very loudly, for he has attacked me numerous times, even as a child, though asks for my pain pills, and seduced me into giving up one for his young tail porn elation, and his wife said I looked like the devil with a mustache, so I say she has a cottage cheese ass, and my niece is a snowflake, marching against Trump, drinking the Kool-Aid, and never sees her grandma who took care of her; plus, my youngest nephew, who I personally, along with my mother took care of for years, picking him up everyday from school, but since my Mom and me are disabled--he never visits his grandma, due to his father detesting Christ, saying it's all bullshit, and nobody believes in angels, when there are one billion Catholics; plus, more religious people.  They hunt the negative blood, and I have four nipples; moreover, have laid on my deathbed, and they still continue to attack, but I will rebuke them, feeding, brushing, showering, medicating, talking to, loving, praying for, and sincerely adoring my mother, and they do absolutely nothing.  Good day ladies and germs.  
   They are coming over Friday.  If my Mom gets a cold or pneumonia--it is due to them intentionally smothering her with germs.