Saturday, January 6, 2018

Coydog Chalcedony--Rufus Healing

   "Coydog Chalcedony--Rufus Healing"
   Hamish eating a hot dog on flax seed bun, and in an organic market, where dogs were allowed, and he remembered when he almost died, thinking of those needing to know fear of God, yet he also saw his flaws in that, for there are always the less pious and more productive, if that productivity produces fruit for a dog named Rufus, living in suburbia, and feasting upon the family of humans,well, at least their kindness.  Next, with Cody at the table, a small, pixie-like-man with a red hat approached, and the conversation become electric babble.

Always wanted to be a Brownie; they have a high tolerance for beer.  Never can pick when you cross over, or are you recruited, or is sowing and reaping the factor?

Oh hell, everybody deserves a second chance, even the not-so-nice guy.  Don't you Pixie's know--we give a damn too.

Caring for a dog is one thing, caring for a human is another.

A man's fortitude is his labor, and well-earned, if he allows himself.  I may not be a Jedi Knight, but a smuggler of silence.  So, shut your face.

And I thought all the locals were nice.

I'm from Oregon.  Like Billy Jack Haynes.