Sunday, January 14, 2018
Coyote Star--Genesis
"Coyote Star--Genesis"
Underneath the gleaming glisten and kinda/sorta glow of the celestial cool, that Big Neon Glitter the CULT gave ode to in the 1980's, inspiring young men to be both spiritual and religious, counterpoising both aspects with crystal compassion, in a sense of radiating the heavenly hues of a rainbow promised, and even a bridge to heaven that is circular offers God's great promise, and here, on Terra's Turf, four paws and a fanged friendly, never seen, only heard with a yip and a yap under a crescent's neon-cheese, was Goofy, the Canis latrans; specifically, a true coyote, not merged with dog, but aren't we all from the same spoil, or chance, to never blame God, yet know: Even dogs are hunted for no good reason, yet as Goofy's eternal pack was breeding with both wolf and domesticated dog, he was being ushered into a safer reality, as if blessed, and why not--for the coyote is second unto the Great Spirit, and even laughs at himself, like might a bearded lady, for circus people have a sense of humor, yet if true to sublimity, only haunt with love's luscious lips, kissing smoothly, and for divine purpose, if only to inspire love's innocent touch, always treating a lady like a lady, and knowing that the Queen is the most powerful fixture on the Chess Board, as if invented for truth, taking royal risks with mercurial moves in any direction, and as Goofy was the Great Coyote--he knew how to play Chess, if only for love of the game, and kicks, like the potent President Trump gives to the ribs of rascals; moreover, Goofy was a sweet coyote, and he had many fierce friends that lived in his bodacious burbs, it great, but too many damn power lines.