Monday, January 29, 2018

Lascivious Lush @ Lockheed/Martin

   "Lascivious Lush @ Lockheed/Martin"
   My Nordic, ass-kicking father was a rich man.  Told my brother, though phony attorneys never hold the truth, that I would be taken care of due to basically corporeally perishing numerous times; however, even though his asymmetrical wife and himself held those truths, I got nothing from a man who wrote code for missiles.  And what father doesn't love his son, or better yet--his first wife's son?  His true love.  I screwed up myself.  Paid.  Repent, and you too shall be saved.
   My German Grandma Bertha looked my brainwashed Dad right in the eye with her mystical witch hazel, and he confessed:  "But if I don't leave Patricia, Donna says she'll kill herself."
   Grandma retorted responsibly:  "Then let her kill herself!  Those two boys are your concern."
   As King Solomon pointed out, beware of the harlot who whispers charms into your ears; indeed, it is good to be King.
   Wonder where all that money went?  Oh well, Dave King's son and grandson can always live in a box, taking lethal injections prescribed by the FDA and their phony purpose, perishing slowly.
   A bit of hope.  God has a strange sense of humor.  How the hell else did the way cool Trump get elected?  Good for him.  If he ever visits, hell--I'll buy him his next Big Mac, even rolling the pennies to do so.