Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Possibly, Feudal Japan

   "Possibly, Feudal Japan"
   The farmer didn't want to fight.  Happy and more than content doing his duty, pulling weeds, and providing for the mere simplicity of things.  Imperialism wasn't nice to them, in a way.  The samurai and privilege, but whose to say, really.
   The shinobi (ninja) got simplistic.  Plotinus:  "The simpler something is, the closer it is to God."
   The nunchaku, merely used to beat down rice in the fields, more or less, was turned into a weapon, as was blowing hot spice into the eyes of the adversary.  Their tactics were not cowardly, dressing as clowns, monks; next, their foes never saw them coming; thus, the metaphor for the black outfits.
   And as Jesus Himself mentioned:  "Be as cunning as serpents, yet as innocent as doves."
   The ninja treated their bodies like a temple, it housing a Godly Spirit, animating them with pure energy, and energy can forge matter.  They had to fight.  They were smeared, spit on, ridiculed--these simple farmers; however, even an underdog has a right to play on Sunday, before rich men started spitting on the American Flag.  
   So, the ninja lives--in all of us that crave simplicity, in a world where confusion frazzles, yet as it is written:  "God is not the author of confusion."