Monday, December 23, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 13) "Evil Prayers"

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
The Nordic goddess Hel and her wolf-like brother (Fenrir) were a bit perplexed,
Not knowing why the 2 Saints and Eunuch weren't demonically hexed;
Specifically, they had not shown up for battle,
Camouflaging themselves like on a galloping horse a saddle,
Gelling with the beasts of Ooba
Though obviously alive, well, and as dangerous as a sea-dwelling barracuda;
As a result, Hel commanded Fenrir to sniff them out--
To bring at least one back, dead or alive, in his canine snout,
Yet Hel made a common mystical mistake,
Thinking "prayers" to God, the gods, or the fallen gods might wake
A birth of their dreamed intent and desire,
But to pray for a soul who wants to be higher
While indeed they may want to fly low
Causes strife and confusion--like the Adder does know;
Alas, even a prayer with sublime intention
Can confuse or lobotomize a man who desires another direction--
So to pray for your son not to be gay,
May drive him to suicide in order to chase the spiritual confusion away;
Regardless, Hel was not wise enough to grasp the error of prayer,
Believing Fenrir's "prayed-for" adventure would bring her opponents into a wicked snare . . .

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Virgin Mary/Jill Hennessy (Crayon Art)

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
   * * * * * *
   A Crayon Pic of the Queen of Angels (Virgin Mary) based on a Jill Hennessy photo--the actress/singer could play the inviolate Mother of God in a movie, totally.  Of course, this pic is associated with my ongoing, theological Blog:  GREEN EUNUCH--the tale of the Virgin Mary, Saint Francis and his pet wolf Gubbio; plus, Skunkfire, the Green Eunuch himself, a bio-mechanical, transfigured soul.  So, here's the pic:


Green Eunuch (Part 12) Virgin Mary--COWGIRL

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Virgin Mary's heel on serpentine;
Indeed, as mentioned in the Pentateuch--She is a demon-crushing, transfigured machine.
Too, morphed Her speech from Aramaic,
For to Her--Hebrew is the way to say it;
Moreover, God cloned Her to craft the Christ,
Merging Himself into the equation--a triumphant mystical heist
Of cosmological power
To make the adversaries flee and cower;
Alas, She can Super-Position Herself as well,
Transmitting Her Son's message to the underground in hell;
Still, here on the Moon of Ooba She resides with the Wolf, Eunuch, and Saint,
Attempting to eclipse the hellish taint
Of a geography besmirched by lack of liberty,
Where most souls are locked into adulterous misery,
Not knowing sex is more criminal than nature's drugs and ale,
Those things inspiring art and science instead of only interested in chasing tail;
Next, jealousy, murder, rape--all for the loins to stupidly climax--
A second of glee; then, biological ecstasy does lapse;
Regardless, the Virgin Mary ornamented Herself in a nimbus-blue cowboy hat,
Forging blue laser six-guns that could blast away the fat
From any demon's gluttonous belly--
Again, unhealthy food and mischievous sex are more nasty and smelly
Than freedom to imbibe a psychological cure
If the cerebral capacity doesn't pursue what's pure;
Anyway, Skunkfire and Saint Francis, along with Gubbio the wolf/canine
Smiled innocently at Mary's wardrobe--it being a back-step in time.
Francis expounding:
"Lady Queen--You appear to be the Lone Ranger."  Him just hounding
Her with hilarity
Since She had the apex of humility;
Thus, She punched him in the arm and twirled Her laser guns,
Knowing the world would be safer if there were "packing" Nuns--
And Skunkfire bowed so loyal and green,
His bio-mechanical countenance oozing out benign, narcotic steam,
For this Woman was more than just Jesus' Mother,
Yet the purest intentions of being God's singular Lover.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 11)

   Mark David King:  Follow me on TWITTER; moreover, Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
The Virgin Mary wise in knowing
The Abrahamic God's intentions on afterlife cloning;
Specifically, She knew:  Demons fall in love with people,
French-Kissing seduction under a Protestant steeple;
Alas, don't sell your soul to the Devil,
Yet sell it to God, for in Love and Honor does He revel;
Thus, Mary awoke Saint Francis from his slumber,
Saying that he was Her favorite number
Of fools gone mystic, and enchanted too,
But we as humans are more than pets in God's zoo;
As a result, Francis went to go fishing,
Knowing he was on a holy mission
To thwart the Nordic goddess Hel, smiting her with fervent adoration
Of a blessed and unified Abrahamic Nation;
Hence, Skunkfire turned from dreaming as well,
Waking to Mary's inviolate perfume smell,
And Gubbio, the sublime wolf, licked his face,
Not short-circuiting the gadgets that were in place
Of his neon-shimmering mien so aglow, 
Gleaming with bio-mechanical aspects that God did know;
Moreover, Mary, Skunkfire, and Gubbio waited
For Francis to return with fish; next, them elated
To have Omega-3's in their Transfigured bodies not hated
Though temples of the divine, only Skunkfire castrated;
Still, he adored his fortune in this heavenly region,
Walking upon this galactic moon of Ooba, and no women ever pleas'n,
For he was beyond sex, transcending carnal lust,
Trusting in asceticism that is a must
If a Saint he is to one day be;
Then, Francis returned with a fisherman's glee. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

RETURN of "Green Eunuch" Part 10

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com.
   Ooba is accepting the celestial kiss of the encompassing stars; moreover, the small moon glows, enlightened and made aware by its sublime and salacious inhabitants.  Francis and his pet wolf sleep; meanwhile, the Virgin Mary practices dueling the encroaching shadows with her icy-blue blade, smirking as Skunkfire (the Green Eunuch) observes coolly.  Adoring Her.  Knowing Her.  Wishing he hadn't let down Her Messianic Son in life.  Thus wends the way of mystic chatter.  The two face.  She smiles lovingly.  He blushes.
You know I know you're sad, right?
It wasn't your complete fault--your suicide.  Adversarial entities were drowning you with guilt, fear, and shame--yes, you should have been stronger; still, you were holy in life.  A holy freak; nonetheless, holy--kinda.
I loved women too much.
You refrained.  Got gay.  Got straight.  Refrained.  Mortified your senses.  Totally Skunkfire--you're not straight, you're not gay--you're asexual.  All you cared about was saving the world--not your own lusting loins.  It got in the way.  Look, to a point, even Me at times--we're all biologically controlled by our programmed cerebral network--it's genetic code that manipulates us.  Free Will, to a point, yes it's true; otherwise, it is not.  At least you searched.  You craved God and His Angels and Saints.
 Why is the Devil so strong?
Counterpoise.  It's an axiom in the Multiverse.  The 3 TRUTHS:  Good, Neutrality, and Evil.  Choose your adventure, as much as you can anyway.  Demons fall in love with people just like angels do; thus, they romance them in their selfish direction.  The Greek gods weren't the only supernatural entities like people--haven't you heard:  God created man in His Image.  Demons and Angels are similar as well.  All the gods are.
Will it ever end--peace . . .
Maybe not, a perpetual flux of existence.  Still, Goodness thrives, on and on and on . . .

Jack Kennedy "Under The Influence" Of Greatness . . .

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!!!
   * * * * * *
   Just Google or Bing President John F. Kennedy's medical records--and you'll get it; specifically, he used narcotics while serving as Commander In Chief; moreover, he usurped the political sobriety of Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  Kennedy was a War Hero, never dodging like Clinton or Bush or even Odysseus (he was cool though); at the same time, Kennedy endured more War Damage than John Kerry getting a splinter in one of his fingers; subsequently, the freakishly tall android was awarded the Purple Heart.  But Kennedy suffered sincere anguish and pain, needing opiates and anti-anxiety medication; plus, most likely a gulp of Scotch every once in a while.  Too, the Urban Legend wends the way that he used cannabis for further solace. Regardless, Kennedy kicked ass.  Yes, he did have the Achilles' Heel of a raging libido, bedding babes with wanderlust; nevertheless, he cosmically trumped the Russians and their intrepid Space Program, forging our greatest American Adventure in Outer Space, faced down Cuba, offered a more high-caliber vernacular and empathetic speeches than did Clinton or Obama--those two pretenders, wishing they were him.
   Still, benign narcotics are illegal.  Ingestion of them will get you sodomized in the American Prison System, where a once healthy gastrointestinal tract will be split into sanguine pieces, possibly anchoring a diseased discharge from a murderer, rapist, or other thug who actually belongs behind bars.  And now:  Modern war heroes return from battling Arabs, mostly armed with sling shots, get addicted to opiates and anti-anxiety medication; next, overdose, and now:  Uncle Sam is in your medicine cabinet.  Thanks for your service to our country, further enabling the government to cripple our freedom and liberty.
   Kennedy was not a pussy.  I am.  But isn't he the standard for a warrior?  Wouldn't it be wise to clone him like Lucas did with Jango Fett; then, nobody would overdose, but use properly and in moderation; as a result, the government might allow us physiological solace instead of the "CRUEL AND UNUSUAL" torture of getting sodomized in prison--who wouldn't come out of a place like that and not want to Chase the Dragon?
  And if benign narcotics were legal and taxed; next, we could offer true education concerning moderation, pay off the Chinese Debt, and spawn an American Health Care System By the People and For the People, instead of having Lord Obama force us and penalize us into his medical, pseudo-FDR legacy; next, once we sign up on our computers, thugs like the NSA and FBI possibly have access to our webcams and all the rest. Yup, the American Government can spy on you, but if you get caught watching your neighbor change her panties; then, your ass is sodomized in the American Prison System--the best and most merciful in the world, right?  
   Look, some people will always abuse regardless of instruction and education.  Liberty in America will cause plenty of bloody noses, but that's already happening.  And there is no truth in education anymore--it's all agenda placed.  Oh well, I guess if General George Washington were to plant a cannabis seed the DEA would break into his house wearing thug-like masks, shoot his dog, and give him over to "cruel and unusual" punishment.  Verily, I'd rather be water-boarded than sodomized--who the hell wouldn't?
   Sincerely, Mark David King

Monday, December 16, 2013

America Is Dead--Part 2!!!

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and!!!  Just Google or Bing me, thanks . . .
   * * * * * *
   LIBERTY, in America--no longer!  Conservative is a word that is an antonym concerning Freedom, meaning to restrict.  Liberal/Progressive spawns Socialistic idealism; regardless, here goes:
   Conservative = Theocracy:  Morals of elected politicians forced upon the people; as a result, Uncle Sam is in your medicine cabinet, FBI and NSA and DEA monitor your suspicious behavior via Internet, cell phone, and electronic devices.  However, a bit of religion is good.  Too, security is good, a bit, but not at the price of thieving away personal autonomy, morphing a singular soul into a complete psychological gel with a Collective Hive; alas, we still need individuality to prosper and thrive.
   Liberal/Progressive:  A desire to starburst and resurrect the rants of Marx; still, a little bit of Socialism is a benevolent thing, a little bit.  Nevertheless, the 2nd Amendment protects the 1st, for no alien country could ever invade our shores due to the American Axiom that Brothers in the Urban Areas and Duck Dynasty Dudes in the Rural Areas have firearms; hence, not only would barbarism (which conquered Rome) have to deal with our military and national guard, yet our well-regulated militia of once, free men.
      LIBERTARIAN is a sublime and altruistic word.  Remembering the Holy Spirit of 1776 that had its magnanimous apex with the Lincoln Presidency, which unbound the beloved African-Americans in the Southern Regions.  Still, there are a few problems.
   Benign Narcotics, Cannabis, Shrooms, low-level opiates should be legal, and yes--TAXED; next, a wise, economically-crafted Health Care System provided by the consuming people.  Moderation of ingestion, if taught by a new kind of Drug Czar, would offer the capital to provide for our mentally and physically ill, usurping even the sublimity of FDR's genius program known as Social Security.  ObamaCare shares not true genius with FDR, but a manipulation of ATTEMPT--dude, you already ended the unjust War in Iraq, calm down--you have your legacy.
   Self-Defense--if I had a daughter, a butterfly knife (illegal in a modern, non-free America) would be in her purse in case a frat boy attempted rape or sodomy, and if he was successful; next, she would want an abortion due to the demon of the monster's seed growing in her inviolate belly, but we frown on that too.  Yes, I know the Wise Merlin's matriarch was seduced by a demon; thus, spawned a grand wizard resisting his patriarchal heritage; still, we should have a choice if unjustly invaded (vaginally) by an intruding grunt. 
   All in all--LIBERTY serves us best.  Verily:  THE ONLY PERSON YOU CAN CONTROL IN LIFE IS YOURSELF!  The American Government cannot besmirch the biology of evolution.  If wise, it can direct and offer it solace.  Prostitution taxed and legal, further promoting a Defense Program, rescuing neurotic men from desiring strange women on slutty Internet Sites.  Truly, building another Tower of Babel is not the Libertarian Way--that is Obama's Modernism.  Constructing a Nerf World.  People will get bloody noses.  People will abuse narcotics.  People will use weapons violently.  Regardless, even with laws they will do so more often.  Let us be.  Let us live.  Let us not fear death, trusting in an utopia-like God, granting a decent afterlife; otherwise, we are robots, attempting to siege and control the masses, but as I just said:  THE ONLY PERSON YOU CAN CONTROL IN LIFE IS YOURSELF.
   Sincerely, Mark David King