Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 15) Pope Francis: Beyond Yet United Pantheism

   Mark David King @ Twitter.  Too, Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Hel throned upon salacious squish of dead bones rattling,
Greeted by Fenrir's wicked saunter into her chamber echoing
Of dead and alive--like Zombie Land--
Fenrir's gory mouth full of Gubbio; next, he drops the canine body at Hel's command!
She smirks over the wounded wolf, glimpsing his blood-smeared fur,
Knowing the 2 Saints will be hurt, and the Eunuch pissed at her.
* * * * * *
Francis felt a disturbance in his soul's eye,
For the transfigured, human brain used fully is like a telepathic spy;
Moreover, Mary too knew that it was time for righteous war--
A last resort, yet done for LOVE and its sublime core;
Furthermore, Skunkfire burned the Biblical Herb and exhaled mystic peace,
Knowing via Pope Francis--every soul is within the Good God's Reach,
A super-connection--all of us are--
A pattern of digits and lines sculpted by the Grand Artist--Him, the Ultimate Star,
And upon that pattern--like coils in a super computer,
Life is a pantheistic forge of all animal, Saint, devil, god, or looter--
Whatever--we are all Super-Stringed together,
The Multiverse a pattern on God's screen-saving sweater,
Him knitting it for the Yuletide Season,
Even having gay apparel for no sentient yet still decent reason--
Christ knowing all of this as the Gospels do display,
Him telling the Adder:  "Not sex, fame, money, nor bread alone, but every Word My Father does say."
The Messiah wise to our being penned and given perpetual form,
Genetically crafted to execute, whether working in hospice or porn;
Thus, love your neighbor as yourself;
The Living deserve respect, and truth is a book on death's shelf
Might Voltaire in his awesome atheism say,
Him like all of us--spawned by God's life-creating clay,
Formed forever in His eclectic collection,
Laughing, killing, thirsting, satisfying in every created direction--
All the best that souls can hope to do
Is love the luminosity of Liberty, which runs free and true,

For the Author of Life is scripting Our Tales
Beyond the Borders of the Multiverse, where true clarity prevails . . .

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 14) Holy Ghost Infusion

   Mark David King @ Twitter.  Too, Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Gubbio loose, sniffing on paw pads to piss,
Knowing his master (Saint Francis) wouldn't miss
A little stray to mark some territory,
Discharging a yellow stream that was from drinking liquid's story;
Alas, he noticed the scent of another canine--
Though not a Christ lover, but an insidious god that wished to malign--
And Gubbio saw Fenrir's approaching hate;
Next, pissed more brilliance--a urinary, phobic mistake,
Thinking:  "Oh shit!"  Yet he hated the foul in his mouth,
For the Prophets of Old don't cuss like Americans living in the Dirty South.
   * * * * * *
Skunkfire outside the warehouse where the Eternal Virgin and Francis did chat--
The Eunuch pondering an axiomatic fact
That is:  Suicide is not an unforgivable sin
If the director of your intentions projects unearthly sorrow--the Devil steering your fin,
For there are worse things than a sanguine death,
Like living a lie without having holy breath;
Moreover, the only unforgivable sin is against the Holy Ghost
And not submitting to THAT Aspect of God, which drives souls most
To excellence; indeed, the Holy Ghost's infusion offers the apex of eternity,
Yet mercy and sacrifice are needed for forever liberty;
Specifically, being infused by the Holy Ghost
Means turning your back on the things you crave most
Like beauty, sex, and admiration
From giving copulation or getting physical elation,
For eternal life can be twice as nice
If submission to God is your favorite spice;
Next, wipe clean all desire and passion;
Then, the Holy Ghost enters, morphing a soul into mystic fashion,
Adorning them with a perpetual friend,
Which is the Holy Family, a Godly lend
Of His adoration of your acquiesce;
Thus, be potent enough to submit and confess,
Killing your cravings for sensual glee
Since that thieves away you from being forever free . . . 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Norse goddess Hel (Crayon Art)

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
   * * * * * *
   The Nordic Countries have a vibrant, elegant mythology--perhaps axiomatic in many ways.  The goddess Hel is portrayed as a villain in my ongoing, theological Blog:  GREEN EUNUCH.  Here is my 1st Grader-like portrait of something too beautiful to draw save for a REAL artistic (visually/not linguistic) genius--trust me:  My words usurp my 1st Grade Crayon Art; nonetheless, I have to try--here's Hel: 

Green Eunuch (Part 13) "Evil Prayers"

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
The Nordic goddess Hel and her wolf-like brother (Fenrir) were a bit perplexed,
Not knowing why the 2 Saints and Eunuch weren't demonically hexed;
Specifically, they had not shown up for battle,
Camouflaging themselves like on a galloping horse a saddle,
Gelling with the beasts of Ooba
Though obviously alive, well, and as dangerous as a sea-dwelling barracuda;
As a result, Hel commanded Fenrir to sniff them out--
To bring at least one back, dead or alive, in his canine snout,
Yet Hel made a common mystical mistake,
Thinking "prayers" to God, the gods, or the fallen gods might wake
A birth of their dreamed intent and desire,
But to pray for a soul who wants to be higher
While indeed they may want to fly low
Causes strife and confusion--like the Adder does know;
Alas, even a prayer with sublime intention
Can confuse or lobotomize a man who desires another direction--
So to pray for your son not to be gay,
May drive him to suicide in order to chase the spiritual confusion away;
Regardless, Hel was not wise enough to grasp the error of prayer,
Believing Fenrir's "prayed-for" adventure would bring her opponents into a wicked snare . . .

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Virgin Mary/Jill Hennessy (Crayon Art)

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
   * * * * * *
   A Crayon Pic of the Queen of Angels (Virgin Mary) based on a Jill Hennessy photo--the actress/singer could play the inviolate Mother of God in a movie, totally.  Of course, this pic is associated with my ongoing, theological Blog:  GREEN EUNUCH--the tale of the Virgin Mary, Saint Francis and his pet wolf Gubbio; plus, Skunkfire, the Green Eunuch himself, a bio-mechanical, transfigured soul.  So, here's the pic:


Green Eunuch (Part 12) Virgin Mary--COWGIRL

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Virgin Mary's heel on serpentine;
Indeed, as mentioned in the Pentateuch--She is a demon-crushing, transfigured machine.
Too, morphed Her speech from Aramaic,
For to Her--Hebrew is the way to say it;
Moreover, God cloned Her to craft the Christ,
Merging Himself into the equation--a triumphant mystical heist
Of cosmological power
To make the adversaries flee and cower;
Alas, She can Super-Position Herself as well,
Transmitting Her Son's message to the underground in hell;
Still, here on the Moon of Ooba She resides with the Wolf, Eunuch, and Saint,
Attempting to eclipse the hellish taint
Of a geography besmirched by lack of liberty,
Where most souls are locked into adulterous misery,
Not knowing sex is more criminal than nature's drugs and ale,
Those things inspiring art and science instead of only interested in chasing tail;
Next, jealousy, murder, rape--all for the loins to stupidly climax--
A second of glee; then, biological ecstasy does lapse;
Regardless, the Virgin Mary ornamented Herself in a nimbus-blue cowboy hat,
Forging blue laser six-guns that could blast away the fat
From any demon's gluttonous belly--
Again, unhealthy food and mischievous sex are more nasty and smelly
Than freedom to imbibe a psychological cure
If the cerebral capacity doesn't pursue what's pure;
Anyway, Skunkfire and Saint Francis, along with Gubbio the wolf/canine
Smiled innocently at Mary's wardrobe--it being a back-step in time.
Francis expounding:
"Lady Queen--You appear to be the Lone Ranger."  Him just hounding
Her with hilarity
Since She had the apex of humility;
Thus, She punched him in the arm and twirled Her laser guns,
Knowing the world would be safer if there were "packing" Nuns--
And Skunkfire bowed so loyal and green,
His bio-mechanical countenance oozing out benign, narcotic steam,
For this Woman was more than just Jesus' Mother,
Yet the purest intentions of being God's singular Lover.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 11)

   Mark David King:  Follow me on TWITTER; moreover, Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
The Virgin Mary wise in knowing
The Abrahamic God's intentions on afterlife cloning;
Specifically, She knew:  Demons fall in love with people,
French-Kissing seduction under a Protestant steeple;
Alas, don't sell your soul to the Devil,
Yet sell it to God, for in Love and Honor does He revel;
Thus, Mary awoke Saint Francis from his slumber,
Saying that he was Her favorite number
Of fools gone mystic, and enchanted too,
But we as humans are more than pets in God's zoo;
As a result, Francis went to go fishing,
Knowing he was on a holy mission
To thwart the Nordic goddess Hel, smiting her with fervent adoration
Of a blessed and unified Abrahamic Nation;
Hence, Skunkfire turned from dreaming as well,
Waking to Mary's inviolate perfume smell,
And Gubbio, the sublime wolf, licked his face,
Not short-circuiting the gadgets that were in place
Of his neon-shimmering mien so aglow, 
Gleaming with bio-mechanical aspects that God did know;
Moreover, Mary, Skunkfire, and Gubbio waited
For Francis to return with fish; next, them elated
To have Omega-3's in their Transfigured bodies not hated
Though temples of the divine, only Skunkfire castrated;
Still, he adored his fortune in this heavenly region,
Walking upon this galactic moon of Ooba, and no women ever pleas'n,
For he was beyond sex, transcending carnal lust,
Trusting in asceticism that is a must
If a Saint he is to one day be;
Then, Francis returned with a fisherman's glee.