Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sweet Sublimity--Haunting American South

   "Sweet Sublimity--Haunting American South"
Alas, Neil Young appears non-smug, yet victorious--
Pigskin Bama and their gym teacher fall mightily, with echo-location chorus;
Moreover, pride is rebellion against the Gods
And their truly artistic craft of our burdensome, though necessary, Lincoln Logs;
Thus, a whiff of Liberty here and there,
Like a singular brownie and Bud Heavy (or 2 or 3) offer no despair--
Remember the Carolinas, part of the righteous revolution as well,
When in 1776 did Crazy Europeans first freedom smell--
So construct a campfire, and keep it aglow,
For catfish cook'n on the creek-water--even Florida do Yankees like to go.
We are individuals--yet one--
Aware of historical vibration merits tolerance without incarcerated, burnt buns.  

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Multiple Aspects Of Rob Lowe

   "The Multiple Aspects Of Rob Lowe"  

They were soon to label my mild-mannered weird--GIMP;
Indeed, late 20's, a rotten gut, and bizarrely limp;
Moreover, shopping with my parental units at a mall in corrupt Tennessee--
I held in my socially phobic need to furiously pee,
Wandering away from my folks, attempting to look independent and busy;
Next, a grizzly-bearded giant found a withered me,
Offering:  "You sir--this is the big and tall section--
You do not qualify being here with noble mention."
Alas, with mercury I retreated, like a "Painfully Awkward" Rob Lowe,
Pondering if "Scrawny Arms" were about to sprout and grow--
DandyLeeDixie, what to do?
Unearth theme song to FROZEN, evacuating a well-moved clue.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Nuclear, Reagan Pantyhose

   "Nuclear, Reagan Pantyhose"
   Black versus White--people unable to see gray, possibly, spiritually color blind.  Too, I've studied pantyhose (tights/sheer hosiery) in the 1980's.  Classy Tuff Guy, Shoot 'Em Up movie President, Mr. Ronald Reagan allowed women to look elegant in pantyhose on the Television and Big Screen. President Bill Clinton removed, with the potent influence of the 1960's, pantyhose from women's legs. And, I miss Tina's Turner's MTV, Cat-Like Divine.
   Also:  Nuclear Power is like the Gods.  Caution--if Romantic Lovefall with them.  Revere, knowing:  They have transcended physical shallowness, yet it thrives with them, possibly.  Thus, adore them with total respect, and don't try to establish Equal Rights with them, at least not until we colonize the Creamy Milky Way.
   Training to be a paperboy, late 1990's, Ex-Army dude drove.  We saw desirable, brunette lady aglow with black stockings, sitting on the Mall Loading Dock, puffing on a coffin nail.  With Army Wisdom--he informed my guilt:  "Boy--she wants you to look."  True, unless you're not a guy she might be into.
   Next, you get a restraining order; then, she gives delicious lovemake to the brutish cop who arrested you.  They have a decade of romantic bliss while you do probation; nevertheless, once their child inherits Zodiac Enlistment, you drink the milk of their offspring, and are as behaved and sublime as they craft the resurrected coyote.   

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Smoked By The Gods

   "Smoked By The Gods"
Canis latrans, their medicine bag resides in bushy, enveloping tail;
Moreover, the Poetic Novella Werewolf Slut offers a barking bard outshining harrowing fail
Of axiomatic love thwarted by envious cruel;
Thus, sprouting fanged-incisors to foxily fool,
Yet the wickedly sublime power of a gallant gal hornswoggled by the Gods
Spawns sophisticated synergy with Them--she gives prostrating nod;
Alas, de vos entrailles transcends singularity of womb,
Birthing us demi-gods by way of atomic essence that does from our innards zoom
Beyond our mundane plight of American Life,
Slaving for freedom--possibly the Holy Spirit of 1776 will ignite your flight;
Nevertheless--BEWARE:  Don't get arrested (as I did) for writing poetry--
Words, words, words--can proudly craft an insidious amount of multi-masked adversaries.

Monday, December 29, 2014

ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege

   "ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege"   
Oh America--they monstrously mock Liberty and Free Will--
Misinformation studies are demonically forged to wither and chill;
However, regardless of rancorous obesity and the cunningly common due of death,
They compare all quasi-euphoria to their prohibition-crafted meth;
Indeed, an inflamed abdominal core bleeding till blood transfusion
Deserves a hint of King David's herbal mercy and Christ's conclusion;
Moreover, my America too--not your soulwash so as to your opinion have favor--
Saintly, Honest Abe knew:  Prohibition insidiously thieves from America's Free Nature.
Too:  The soberly wicked children, killing and abusing the weak--
For them:  Carnal Uncool is more psychologically damaging than euphoria meek;
Plus, to brag on swine castration, bolding sodomized-deliverance--make 'em squeal--
Verily, you need an outlandish God to know the Divine Justice System's Unearthly Appeal.  
   * * * *
Tony Romo = Ecce Homo!
If he's not winking at the ladies in the cheap seats, he might win a few more games.  

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Southern Gothic Werewolf In Nashville

   "A Southern Gothic Werewolf In Nashville"
Miss Mandy McKelvy dreamed of a juicy & elongated, frankfurter Dodger Dog--
To carnivorously devour the mystic meat that won't her werewolf arteries clog;
Indeed, a high-school cutie, being a rocket southpaw for her varsity baseball team--
This sophomoric werewolf girl could cannon the stitched heat with mystic gleam;
As a result, she is perniciously prone to crave a boy's semi-innocent liver;
Thus, a wacky, pubescent poet dubbed Jelly Roll--will with St. Michael's exorcism deliver.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble; plus, all Internet Bookstores.   

Friday, December 26, 2014

Otherworld--The Scent Of Mag Mell

"Otherworld--The Scent Of Mag Mell"  
Oh Living Christ and Gods Galore--I swear I did smell
The kind and gentle, shifting-nature of a Nun goddess ornamented so well
In a black wolf pelt of wonders possibly eternal,
Pulling my life force unto her milky maternal;
Alas, only as a poor man coyote can I somewhat claim,
And as an American--to the Irish we have not as much fame;
Nevertheless, the Liberty-Loving Shapeless Divine need a habitat too--
I will follow the enchanted sailors beyond the turf of Emerald Hue.