Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Existence Womb (85)
"Existence Womb (85)"
Buck left the priest a bit pissed. Nah, he was cool. Got over the lack of a priest's college pseudo-education. Understood, and was reminded of King David's words: "Ye are gods."
Of course nobody gets it. The power of humanity. At the end, but in competition with the Celestial Hierarchy; indeed, regular angelity--and humanity stands close by. But them: To serve us.
And it was all for the glory of Papa. And that man, that god, King David, beheading Goliath for a simplistic reason--an insult against the Hebrew God. The King having an unearthly love for God. A man covered in the gore of sin, yet his LOVE, his LOVE for God was soooo great that it transcended reason.
Buck wondered why King Saul become jealous of the man whose heart was like unto God. Saul--he stood head and shoulders above the rest. Jealousy. Kill the beautiful. Hate Tom Brady. For what?
So much envy, and Buck knowing of Trump saying to a female secretary: "Yes, men are better than women, but a good woman is better than ten men." Nobody reports on that. Or the billionaire paying off poor people's mortgages.
What lies. But was Buck lying to himself? Should he engage Miriam in carnal coitus? Why the freak not? God of course. That beginning of wisdom: Fear of God. No soul preserves it. False intellect. No thanks to predestination. To the physics of ultimate manipulation, yet LOVE.
Buck punched the monster 350 block on the SS Chevelle. Got out some aggression. Black Top Highway and the rest of James Taylor poetry.
Existence Womb (84)
"Existence Womb (84)"
Buck wended his weird way to the Catholic Church, seeking confession. He met with an elderly priest ornamented in the Roman collar, a simple-looking man, wearing those large Larry King glasses that were all the jazz back in the Reagan era. Going face to face in confession was how Buck always did it--no reason to wear an uncouth mask.
Bless me father, for I have sinned--it has been a long time since my last confession.
Go on my son.
I have had carnal thoughts concerning a young girl. And she wants to engage in carnal acts with me; however, she has been through plenty, and I fear she is not yet ready, but I do love her. You see, her mother had dementia, and she was the soul caretaker. And her father is crackers himself. I don't know what to do.
What does your heart tell you?
To either marry her and let love last, or stay celibate and be the man that I am.
It seems you have committed no sin my son. Other than worrying too much. Let God handle all things. Trust in Him.
But there are liars among us.
Indeed, and there always will be--until the Son of Man returns, coming down from the clouds of heaven.
I don't feel any better father.
Say an Act of Contrition, and see me in a week.
That's it!?!
I'm only a man my son.
Existence Womb (83)
"Existence Womb (83)"
After a hard day's work putting in an old fashioned carburetor for a Plymouth Road Runner brought into the garage by a good old boy, who reminded Buck of Jimmy Carter with muscles minus the peanuts, the werewolf went up to his pad, where Miriam was paging through the Vulgate. She blushed, feeling the heat of his man; next, closed the Holy Text, and smiled innocently at him; then, the cool conversation initiated.
Buck, are we ever gonna do it?
Acting dumb. Do what?
Ya know, the horizontal tango?
Don't speak like that sweet child.
Why are you so chaste, and especially around me?
Miriam, you are special--as are most souls. I cannot simply act on my impulses. Plus, being chaste is a special act; moreover, once people engage in intercourse, well, they lose the sweet flavor of decency. Yes, we are incarnate, but so are many priests and nuns. Look, the world is weird, and so are we. We must be who we are--servants of the Spirit, not mere matter, a flux of atoms and blood flow. We transcend such things. Have witnessed what other men call impossible. Yet, you never know.
So, you're saying that you are afraid?
Exactly. You have been touched by God. Who am I to interfere with your special flower?
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
People ASSUME, and they are incorrect sir
"People ASSUME, and they are incorrect sir"
People always assume. It's mostly negative. Knock Chief off the mountain and all. That is the nature of devious humanity.
I've read numerous biographies on Jim Morrison, the crooner, as he humbly admitted of himself, not having that raging rock and roll vociferousness. People assume it was all drugs; however, Mr. Morrison was more prone to hard drinking. He went on benders.
How would you feel if you were corporeally beautiful and women chased you like crazy? He had no choice. He was not Bill Clinton. They hunted him down by the hundreds. Thus, he drank, and heavily.
William Blake knew: "People control their emotions because they have weak emotions." Some say this man was a crank. Others a mystic. We assume. Negativity mostly. Or lies and whispers.
The only thing I've abused is tobacco, green tea, garlic, and flax seed, mostly. Sure, they will assume I'm into this or that. You trying being with only one woman your entire life. You try celibacy for the past nine years. Don't I deserve a cigarette. But yes, I smoke too many.
And as Vonnegut said he had no memory of penning some of his books--neither do I. It's a compulsion. People have asymmetrical brain patterns. And if they're poor, other people generally write them off as lazy.
My Dad was wealthy. Also, a raging alcoholic. But he had money. I never saw any of it--because people assume. You don't know where I've been or what I've been through. You listen to villainous vermin. You spread the lies of people that find no favor in me. Fine. God knows. There is truth. As Saint Gabriel said: "Life is over in the blink of an eye." We will all get what is in our hearts.
Existence Womb (82)
"Existence Womb (82)"
Under the shimmering glitter of the heavens above,
Touched sweetly by the Spirit of the platinum Dove,
Inside Miriam and Buck did divinely reside
The animation of a good dog's loyal hide;
Indeed, they were moved to lead humble, strange lives,
Missing out on incarnate aspects given by the father of lies,
For theirs was not want, but a desire to heal
All the monstrous things that did want to peel
Away their joyous glory and dedication to God,
Who by Intelligent Design crafted the Multiverse with Willing nod;
Alas, sometimes creation turns against its master,
Spawning an earthly invasion of demonic disaster.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Existence Womb (81)
"Existence Womb (81)"
Miriam and Buck found a Latin Mass; next, were humble and obedient, took the Holy Eucharist, and then headed to a gas station where they picked up some spicy beef jerky and green tea with too much sugar. As the SS Chevelle with the potent 350 rumbled smoothly, they engaged in symposium.
Why do people think Catholics worship the Virgin Mary?
No, they honor Her. Plus, the Angels and Saints. Jesus himself would admit that you can say bad stuff about Him, but don't you dare talk bad about My Mother. Woman, behold Your Son--some say those were His last words at Calvary. Regardless, they need to know the Hail Mary--we're not praying to Her, but as She is alive in Christ, we ask, Holy Mary--pray for us sinners.
Why can't we just all love God and those that do?
I still talk to my sister. She was fed to the lions in ancient Rome before the rise of Constantine. I too know--she is alive in Christ; hence, I ask her to pray for me. I adore all those that love Him; moreover, I pray for my adversaries as Christ instructed. That they too, will have Christian hearts of gold.
You're a keen one Buck.
Nah, I'm just God's dog is all.
Miriam snorted an adolescent giggle.
Existence Womb (80)
"Existence Womb (80)"
Miriam enjoyed her lung dart, stupefied; next, ran up to wake Buck, him growling with sincerity, yet he woke willingly, listening to Miriam's mystical tale. They both sat on Buck's futon, and her with a little bit of the shakes, probed his wise werewolf soul.
Is the Holy Spirit feminine? I mean, or was it a demonic entity talking to me?
Possibly either--with your past history; however, the French use the masculine, calling the Holy Spirit Le Saint-Esprit. But I would use La Saint-Esprit. She always appears in gold and blue to me, igniting me wolfways upon my needed necessity to give mercy and protect with the fangs of God.
So, it is possible?
Catholicism knows--God is a mystery. Approach Him by mere mathematics and without reverence; next, get ready for resistance. Anyway, we should attend Mass today. Imbibe the Body and Blood of Christ--the transubstantiation. If the Priest is obedient--it happens. If not, at least it's totally symbolic. You never know. God is a mystery, but He is a real mystery.
Then what?
Grab some beef jerky and green tea. Come back here, our home, and watch television, like Dancing with the Stars. Doug Flutie is dancing tonight--and he has agile feet.
I just talked to that whatever, Holy Spirit thing about Doug Flutie.
I'm just messing with you. Miriam, you know, us werewolves, and all canines have telepathy.
Darn you Buck. Why does everything in life make me want to smoke a cigarette?
Because you don't do wax on/wax off--you need Mr. Miyagi.
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