Sunday, January 1, 2017

Smokey and the Bandit- funny Sherrif Buford T. Justice scene

Loup Soup (9) & (10)

   "Loup Soup (9) & (10)"
   As the snow had experienced a deliquesce, it allowed for motorcycle travel on the asphalt; moreover, the work day at the comic shop had culminated, Buster allowing Jasper to leave first, saying he would lock up since the dude with the cat had sold a vintage Flash comic, influencing the customer with suavity and cool composure, which transcends confidence--a flaw of most salesmen.
   So, Jasper cranked the Ninja 300 to a rumbling-life; next, he darted towards the nearby gas station, grabbing some albacore and spicy mustard for Boxer and him, making his way to the dirty-blonde beauty from Toulon.
* * * *

   Jasper had always kept to himself concerning the ladies; however, he decided to introduce himself to the lovely lady from Toulon, officially, by offering his name.  And when she spoke--her accent was always flawless--very potent English.  They stood apart from each other at check-out, him somewhat nervous, running a hand over his buzzed hair, but keeping his gray eyes open and focused.

By the way--my name is Jasper.  I have a cat.  He likes albacore tuna and mustard--so do I.  What's your name?  How freaky am I?--he thought.

You're funny.  My name is Alicia.  I'm so glad you asked, and thank you for always tasting my pastries.  I have some more for you to take home.  And I'm a dog person, but cats can be cool.

Well, it's nice that we officially know each other--kinda/sorta.

Friends are nice--if they're nice, and not out to get you.

Tell me about it.

So, I think we should be friends.

   Jasper and Alicia shared a smile with simple synergy.  

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sun and Moon and Stars

"Good evening" - Raw Deal

Loup Soup (8)

   "Loup Soup (8)"
   Jasper wasn't completely lost.  Still had a bit of sanity.  FM Radio.  Knew if a werewolf might have been in his fridge, for there would be footprints in the cheesecake; alas, he had no fridge; thus, no problem.  Anyway, Boxer came home, burping up a mouse; next, he gobbled it up again, and Jasper knew he had to get back to work that morning.
   Harnessing the Grey Wolf's quicksilver speed, he swiftly ran through the heavy snow in his cheap moccasins, letting his feet get cold, but blocking out the freeze with werewolf red.  It was all he could do--use the hues.
   When he entered the comic shop, Buster was there, reading a Green Lantern comic book.  Too, he had liked the movie.  The whole cosmic cop thing.  The meditation on the power of vibrant colors healing and fueling man's best, not his worst.
   As if telepathically, Jasper picked up on the sublimity of the Icelander, though his tall and handsomely blonde boss could be a smart ass at times.  What was Schwarzenegger told in the movie Raw Deal:  "Smart I like; smart ass I don't."
   Nonetheless, Jasper felt warmth for Buster, feeling sorry that the Icelander had to make his own fish stew here in Nebraska.  Then, he made a mental note to get some spicy mustard and albacore for Boxer and him on the way home.  
   The daystar blossomed brilliant as the day moved forward, and the roads were losing their inviolate white.  By closing time, he was positive he could pilot the Ninja 300 home, after a stop at the local gas station for the spicy mustard and albacore; plus, to taste the French pastries made by the hot lady from Toulon.  You never know--love can ignite with a splendorous spark for even the most bizarre of folk.  

Endurance by Shine

   "Endurance by Shine"
   As a wayfaring punk, though I used the invention of the wheel, having been from the Atlantic to the Pacific by the time I was eighteen, and on my own during most solo journeys, hitting the asphalt realm at the prodigious age of sixteen--no fear, talking to truckers and cops, but always urinating and defecating in the bushes or behind dilapidated structures, due to great fear--this anxiety would be greatly relieved if they put those sparkly blue or pink mints in all toilets.
   But during my 29th year, again--death was upon me.  Not just from the start, incubation for a protracted period, inability to speak properly until the age of five, a speech pathologist of the angelic kind giving me the gift of vociferousness; moreover, tubes shoved up my urethra, night terrors, you name it.  Then, in your prime, bleeding to death, the emergency room nurses cackling as I would mercurially scramble to the restroom, hooked up to so many incoming fluids, being told I had less than half the blood in my body, and a naughty, unethical night-shift nurse telling me that I should simply give up.  Yup, I should not fight, and just let myself perish.  I didn't.
   Furthermore, attorneys driving me to attempt suicide, and my biological matriarch contemplating driving off a cliff because a non-blood relative bullied her with relentless rebellion of the Satanic kind; plus, getting her hooked on benzos. These people wrapped up in mammon, divided, bravado-fueled, pornography-hiding hoodlums--secret chambers proving their shame of it, wrapped up in a warped world, where giving up seems the best option--unless of course it's their bacon, or their children's.  
   I know suffering.  Chastity and poverty are easy--I'm talking disease and disorders; plus, infiltration from secret sources.  They speak tough, but have never put on the pads and taken a hit, while I've been set on fire, lacerated and received numerous stitches, multiple surgeries, yet the others are all lost in the game of gaudiness, lacking the love and mercy of the mystical and uncanny, thinking they forged themselves, and life is nothing but a flux of atoms, yet I've seen the face of death.  My biological patriarch saw it as well, before fighting with shine until his time.    
    If you want to kill an ugly or asymmetrical person--get sick yourself.  See if you'll try to hold on, like you do with your pride.  Loss that arrives through the entrance of electric love into any of your perforations; next, you'll try to hold on, because you intrinsically know:  "You've not been honest, sincere, played football, but merely mumble the mumbo jumbo--and there's nothing like losing a pint of blood to get a good night of sleep, laying down and innocently throwing Staubach's HAIL MARY into a Virgin's nurturing ear."   But you won't know that until you are on your deathbed or driven psychotic; then, we'll see how you talk, even if your tool gets shot off.  My money says that you will try to hold on, and I don't even have any.