Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Book On Christ defeats Immaculate Conception.

   I've just drank plenty of beer; thus, deal with me--
   The Fox News interview and such with the scandalous book on Christ--here goes:
   Ancient Astronaut Theory offers the plethora of plenty; indeed, a hypodermic needle containing a myriad of mage-like sperm could be inserted through the hymen, without the theological uncouth of carnal activity or coitus by the hand of man's physiology; nevertheless, if Immaculate Conception could be perfectly crafted today; next, why do we frivolously frown upon the technology of impregnating Virgin Queens?  Shit, clone Audie Murphy a myriad of monstrous times; then, you have a Clone Army forged from the best of man--an anthropological combative machine, hellbent on serving itself Nazi Ass.  And I'm fucking German, partially . . .
  The Virgin Birth was a maxim of energy for the gods hovering near our tender Terra within the Multiverse; alas, consider not the improbability of yesterday, but the fact that visitation from "star beings" is a Universal Sign that our evolution was morphed fantastic by the Hotalicious Hand of God.  We are gods as did proclaim the brilliant bard dubbed King David, slayer of giants and lover of all concubines black or white, imported from all the nether regions, if ya get me.
   God has technology.  He is not some invisible man living in the clouds with a poof of creation energy--nah, an unearthly fabrication of ourselves, gelled immaculate with the OCDing of human creation through an E.T.'s I.V. into inviolate virginity for the sake of damned man.
   Christ is real.  He be Jesus.  Look, Muhammad an agile and vociferous poet with a dangerous scimitar, or Buddha lanced with mediocrity, nah, but it's fun to make fun of NEUTRALITY and the Middle Path, or Krishna impregnated perfect and super symmetrical, cool as Holy Shit in Azure Blue, rocking the Megaverse with eternal resonation of beauty copulating for the sake of epiphany.
   Verily, there is something bigger than us, and it's not Ron Jeremy's elongated disfigurement, though benevolent in being spawned by natural birth; still, we are to be humble to the Nature of God and the gods, knowing futurity may have already happened, and we are all creatures architected by something simply more advanced than our Internet Speed--it's all relative, and the Good God wends waywards, thataway, forever . . .
   Too, buy my books:  King's Books
   Sincerely, Mark David King