Monday, June 25, 2018

Phony Crown

   I see the weak 0 folk and Michael smacking the dragon.  Eagles.  Stars.  Mothers.
   Like dogs and the Phoenix. 
   Cats are nice. 
   Who is the racist?  You, save my family. 
   Larry is gone--Jeffrey poisoned him along with himself. 
   Old man told Mom every brother in a fancy car was a drug dealer.  Taught me nasty words.
   U think u find friends and shit flies.  Whole goddamn party is here and I hate to party.  Cashier lusts over little girl.  I freaking don't.  Love my Eagle--only her.  Fly babe! 
  When will u terrified demon slaves know that there are double agents.  Or are they.?Do they know I get off on poison? 
  What u sow u reap.  I hurt no soul.   Ur sin is ur personal slayer.  Like the Virgin told me, and most know my name, like I don't goddamn know.  Why do I sputter profanity?  I'm just an enlisted man and not a respectable officer.  And I will not let myself be promoted.
  Thank u Lando.  I'm sorry Disney screwed u. 

Cat-like reflexes make u like a bull in a china shop

   Hey neighbor from yesterday from when u pestered me, on my camaro's ass in ur car as if I was a magnet.  What u sow u reap--I sowed deep penance and reaped forgiveness, for I fear God.  And look at urselves and remind me not of sins given liquid paper by Christ.  Isaiah knows God blots out the wicked.
   Good job with the sweet daughter Colonel.  She is smart, yet needs more protein and animal fats, less carbs and swimming or aerobics or weight lifting.  Gotta stay on the move.  Help my son sir. 
   Look at urselves and not me.  Turn the station and let me mingle lovingly with folks and give puppy dog smiles. 
   U can have anything if u develope conscience.  Will androids have consciousness--they already do.  Yet we must teach them conscience.
   God's mutt--out, for now . . .

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Contempt Fear

   I've noticed sir.  The scrawny look of contempt and fear in them.  Or the overzealous smile of women.  At least the bounty hunters look solid--they're the only ones I respect. 
   And as for the kind and uninvolved--I offer u puppies and sparkles.
   Cease with bringing children into this. Have u not molested enough brilliant young minds.  My son stoned off his ass, encompassed by the void.  A child of God, shaped by ur attempt to hurt me, and the King is in California. Always was.  He smokes, drinks, and smiles more than me.  I wait for Him.  Adore Him. And I never was gay nor angel. 
   Think Uller.  Waiting in the armor of a frigid forest and made to guard when the social gods go to war. 
   Jesus is here.  I can feel the vine.  Eternally beating in my spirit. Like Samson and the most honary Nazarenes.
   My ex wife makes her own shrimp bisque. It's the discharge from her visitations, yet Jesus would even save her--if she wasn't so greedy.  67324

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tally Ho?

   U up for this one Maverick?  Ya, just don't get gay on me at the end of the movie--I'm building a dam 4 the beavers?   WTF? What, u think I know what I'm doing?  Admiral, I work for a living, and enjoyed the hell out of Thule. 
   Can't they put pot roast in gas stations?
   Whatever happened to the Archies?  I goddamn hate jugged.  U know what I'm saying.
   Schwarzenegger got a Raw  Deal and now he means business, bucko.
   I'd like to thank the river pirates?  

Black Bugs and Wimpy Goats

   And I'm always hoping they're nice--nope.  Catholic Church has been taking peoples' money for over two thousand years--a racket.   They hate the family of Christ.  So do most quasi-Christians--in God's dog's opinion.  If u try to poison God's dog or trip him--what will God do to u and ur family of fools?  Who is the more foolish--the fool or the fool who follows him? 
   People hate Jesus because He is a fighter. Read the King James and see Him scream sonic blasts at the masses like a soaring Phoenix and Banshee--in a way.
   U punks get off on watching XMen yet hate the kinda/sorta mutants in real life. 
   And so what if Captain America doesn't party?  Is he not freaking golden and nice, until Stark turns into a rich bitch?  And people with money can be great, or misers and morph themselves into gollum, the bitch. 
   To think, people hate Jesus--and He offered u everything, and still does.  Don't offend God anymore--in my opinion.  One thing and one thing only as the most awesome Virgo Mary knew:  Fear God. 
   USA.  Make it great, or go the way of Europe. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sandals and socks--bugalicious

I see no glow.  They're seemingly ignorant of fashion.  Aliens.  Go figure.  Fancy gay polo shirts at rest stations with chattery teeth.  Teeth usually overbite or choppy chompers.  Sandals with blue or white socks.  Crusty. Not perfumed.
   What kills bugs is automatically toxic to them.  Maybe try a laser pointer, for there are these squid and vomit looking bug types like Beetle Bozo--they're high level incorporeal demons.  Humans can't see them.  In Springfield Colorado Bandit and me drove past one, freaked us both out, and ten meters in front crossing street--father and son--kid got knocked down and fast father picked him up. 
   Too, get Canon City Girl uninfected.  Homeless and morphing into bug like they tried with Mom.   Saw her get hit and freaked big time.  Heard it. 
   For all the rest--metaphor here.  
   Too,  don't keep sending goddamn cops every time I give report.  Don't scare the locals.  I see ur people on the ground.  Sorry I was jumpy.  And that look in my eye is not constipation.  Gotta feel the grit. 

Bug and Jinn alert

  Bug at rest area 40West towards Memphis, janitor knows.  Silly phony Joanie spotted approximate year ago at Saint Matthews is probable O with indoctrination and is heavily controlled, yet there's hope for her Jinn infestation.  Metaphor.  R u people delusional?
   Tonia shouldn't have been talking as a married woman.  I was just weak and stupid and boy did I mortify my senses--religious freedom, yet Jesus takes the Cross for me from now on--thanx comprehender of Light. 
   Raises's husband is Knights of Columbus-and I like Indians, hell, Colombus is kinda cool too.
   I know Jeffrey bullshits.  He says I'm using psychic powers to attack him.  Sounds like he needs evaluation or to give back the money.  I could use some funds.  Appreciate totally what I have been given.  Being in the field takes gas.  Not the kind that comes out of my hairy buttocks.  I don't know why God put all that hair there. 
   USA is in the crab.  Not so bad.  God Bless the patriots, and radio men. 
   Mom was never physiologically sick until they targeted her.  Think of that classy yet doubting lady.  As soon as I was exiled they cut her open.  They lleave her in urine and shit and cook her.  The Priests followed me at night plenty.  Too bad I never did anything naughty, like they do. 
   For Mom and all the true Judeo-Christians.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Angel got out of cage

Angel got out of cage

   Actually, a shitoad did.  Johnny Ringo, looks like somebody just walked over ur grave. 
   No no.  Just know many Earthbound are free and totally aware.  Now listen and stop drinking ur own Kool-Aid.  They can help their former captors and break bread. 
   If they realize their potential and are threatened, well . . .
   They know, any they're not hostile unless controlled against their will, and hope they don't find their Father's Will if any abuse has happened--be nice and so will they. 
   Nice night.  USA.  The reason people try to scare u is because they're afraid. 



   My Mom was a bit of a snob.  She's over it.  My cousin, brother, and myself were driving past Pap and Grandma's old house and they said:  Who would want to live like this?
   Hell, I would.  Would do plenty of harvesting for rights to the old shanty with a million dollar basement needing tobacco purification and the vibes of a cold Iron City being cracked open along with live radio and a junkyard dog, nice lady in the kitchen cooking pot roast with pure butter, spice, and crisping carrots. 
   I was told that the poor are skanky, yet now I know better, for if they have purpose it provides pure promise. 
   So, I desired to be a writer--the best in the galaxy.  Who is to thieve that from me? Would see the journalists with their pewter flasks full of fun juice for inspiration--being a writer allows you to have a few beers on the job--afterwards u go home and pop garlic followed by hot or iced coffee. 
   Pap mentioned someone was a thief at work and got heckled:  What were they stealing, the coal? 
   A man who was our Patriarchal vine and did more than merely provide--as well as honest, kind, smart, and strong.  He could cook, garden, maintenance, foreign languages, and endure a stubborn German wife.   He's gold to me. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

King Size Cats

King Size Cats

Thanx brave chick at McDonalds. Thanx Susie, Monty, Canary yellow ladies, old timers, and especially u cool kid--sardine eater--ya, they're great Americans. 
   We are making America Great again.  Nice people.  And this from a nice dog with a cabbage for a brain. 
   To coyote from the greatest standing radio broadcaster--forces are special. 
   Love u Mom.  So he cheated, u know it doesn't matter now.  If old Dave King would've raised me--I damn well know I'd have played college ball.   Love ya Dad.  Ur last words:  Patti, Mark!  We're still here u awesome old man. 

Eagles Dare

Eagles Dare

   I guess I put u at risk, or perhaps God is laboring with mystery. 
   Ur a target now--steel urself and galvanize with pure zinc. 
   My other friend is too strong.  God will protect.  The Eagle too.
   My ex-wife never let me watch Monk. Get out of the room--they're making fun of people like u.  Hell, a clinical psychologist told me to my face:  U know ur a freak, right? 
   I always kinda knew bucko, and ur a shrinking putz.
   Hey Miller time--if some phony bologna shrink tries to evaluate u and u mention Heston, ponies, and Soylent Green, well--just take the fifth.  Who am I to tell u though. 
   Kick their ass Mom.  I saw that cold look u had in ur electric green eyes and heard u say I love u. 
   Stay with it Mom.  U know. U damn well know now.  Thanks be to God Almighty.


   Better mind than me--these children are a Trojan Horse.  Quoting Scripture.  Really?  Planned Parenthood anyone?  And where do those body parts go? 
   Odysseus gets armor.  Can Ajax get a defense attorney?  I know, Kennedy:  Life is not fair.  Yet isn't it our responsibility to make sure it is--to do for our country without any agenda save liberty?
   I see the elderly.  Their income milked by their own children.  Children who claim their own folks are too old and crusty--and because of that they can't bear to be around them. 
   Yet do these people not deserve the best lives?  Their bodies falsely admitting weakness, and the youth gives them nothing but phobia.  And yet the old bad asses, praying in truth every morning, and remembering the Pledge, not surrendering what made them great in the first place.  God, country, and country music when girls wore cut-off jeans and cowboy boots instead of party dresses.  Can u run in those shoes toots? 
   I loathe the self-impressed click of high heels with an ankle tattoo strutting behind me.  But, they're not hurting anybody except some dumb ass guy being used for his energy--an ogle is energy to many lonely women.
   Like I'm not a dumb dog chasing frisbees, now knowing why every car I've owned has never had air condition.  A really stupid smart guy.  But hey smart ass lady--u wouldn't have lasted a day without ur Starbucks and adoration of hornafied men.  Don't get pissed at angels who won't carry ur water.
   God Bless us Dickens.  We all could use it.  I have a feeling, could be wrong, Christmas in July will get Gore another Peace Prize.
   Oh well, 1776 will have another birthday. 

Jeffrey--court order

Jeffrey--court order 

My food, 6 cans of tuna, soups, sardines, chips, Gatorade, 5 Gallons distilled water, and my Indian knife, my cooler contents--coin collection worth a pretty penny, 4 bottles magnesium, Turmeric, Ginseng, Ashwaganda, Ginkgo, Vitamin C, B-Complex, D3, peppermints, Vaseline for self lubrication, stun gun, poem on Davy Crockett, Cheetos, and a few other things was directed to be returned, and I got nothing but maybe half the money it was worth, a phony we love u Mark, Solomon's warning from Deputy Carter with the nasty wink and contempt for Skynard, basically admitting that he supported Kaperpickle,  and an Aunt that has dementia, and her sons will be happy to reap some more of her grave money but will be too busy fighting a father figure for it and why would u meet with Larry in a hotel in the late 70's or early 80's?
   People at Shell--nice and curious, love ur coffee and cleanliness, nice Geiger Counter--is that what it is called?
   Oh, Jeffrey is an officer of the court and so is his wife Rosie, and were supposed to oversee the return of my property.   Too busy licking their chops over Mom's innards.  Hey dumb ass, first thing they do when u die is drain ya.  Look it up. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Z71 Grey Chevy Truck

Z71 Grey Chevy Truck

   Asshole eyeing me in this model at family KOA campground.  Short cropped hair, dark, wearing shorts.  Take him in, Trump--Ive had a busy day with all the bullshit. 
    Ww38 99v

Holy Grail

   Holy Grail

   Thanx Lucas, again.  When the nasty Nazi drank of it--things didn't exactly work out. 
   Irenaus, God Bless--just as there are 4 Winds, so shall there be 4 Gospels. 
   And how do frightened weasel shrinks even know about shadow men, and they're called Jinns?  Virgins eat them for breakfast, and burp afterwards.  Allegory baby.  Except for the shrinks that see these things and pound Seroquel. 
   Hey Dutchboy from Amsterdam where all the morphine needles pollute parks--go back, and my Mother says hello.  Just admit ur playing for the other team--my brother has some nice Kasmere booties for ya. 
   Make America Great again.  Why the hell not? 

Go all Jango

Go all Jango

   How many goddamn times do I have to cover this?  Small g, mind ya. 
   Jango had no Force sensitivity.  Didn't matter.  Try to grasp it.  Or maybe it did matter.  Big time.  
   And my supposed relatives, not all, are pretty too damn empathetic.  They know you my dumb ass brothers and sisters.  
  Why do all of u know people in a certain branch of the military or Church? 
   Or say:  He's so nice.  Really?  
   Went to a camp today.  Closed.  Really?
   There's a few that got it.  Me--just God's Dog.  A total mutt, or not. 
   All these dumb ass women--that guy is looking at my legs.  Giggles.  Is he from ZZTop Eliminator?  No honey--the band left their beards at home.
   And us dumb ass guys.  We know our folly. 
   Gonna start a go-fund-me page.  Nope.  The more bones stolen from the Good Shepherd's sheep dog, the more my Master takes from you.  He never left.  He's watching.  
   Damn, I miss Happy Days and good council from Malph.  Totally.  

Brothers in the field

Brothers in the field 

He's pretty good in a fight.  Doubt he could trade in his homo-erotic, 200 hundred dollar sandals for redemption.  Sorry Jesus you had to wear sandals--Air Messiah.  Like you said Lord:  When they won't welcome u in--shake ur sandals off at their front door.  Gee wiz Wally, why does Jesus sound so hostile?  Because Beaver--there's a damn war going on--always has been, mostly. 
   Bobby and Jack, and everybody knows Bobby was the smart one.  They gave a damn about their line.  Their ancestors, probably dirt poor Irish with stubborn spirit, and it was genuinely appreciated--that Shamrock grit and green glow. 
   Yet as Christos explained:  My brothers and sisters are those that do the will of God.  
   The Eastern religions seem so scientific and calm to most, yet where is their truth? 
   David's older brother came back to wisdom and slayed a giant himself.   We can always know the Cross is All-forgiving, granting life eternal--in more ways than one. 

1950's Era

1950's Era

   People were still eating off of
silver utensils--more clarity.  Old Dave King graduated high school in 1958, my Mom having actually, dingbat, Socratically observed his playing time and how the college scouts were amazed at his little Franco.  I heard the stories, and listened with sincere reflection and awe.
   Still, there's Porky's, and all people don't have microscopic vision, seeing the grime, but I've been blinded by darkness as well, yet fearing God is everlast.
   People are being able to see more, and this awakening is causing suicide, dementia, lack of empathy, and total fear of what u should not fear--fear only God, David did boldly Psalm. 
   We asked for this--all of us.  The Android Sex, the Paranormal, and now so many are cracking up.  When the Adversary, Adam, and Eve sinned--God would redeem through Eve, and the Adversary would curse with confusion.  God is not the Author of confusion. 
   Men, be weary of women with painted eyes and hunger.  Women, fill yourselves with electrical spirit, nothing else save genuine kinship. 
   God does not oppress with law, yet restores.  He is our only chance, and theft of energy is not His desire.  Energy, to work properly, must be gifted, yet allow all souls to love themselves, as Jesus knew was wise.  Me thinks. 

Monday, June 18, 2018



   Ham gives me the creepies, yet a hamburger always seems wise.  Even after intense paralysis, Mom could wrangle a hamburger for years, and if the scenario had been benevolent--she would've thrived, even after having endured a protracted beating throughout her life due to kindness, and being somewhat a ditz, but I've been there, adoring the masses without question. 
   She would come home from work sometimes a bit hot, saying:  I wish I was a man today--I would've punched him out.  Too, years of going into the workplace and being called a brown-haired midget.  
   I miss the hamburger.  Needs red onion, salt and pepper of course, pickles, mustard, and I even like mayo--Im off the ketchup, baby.  Took me years.  I might go back.  I just smelled some Folgers and awakened to the fact that I've been ignoring mustard.  Jesus spoke of the mustard seed, yet not the ketchup seed.  Look it up. 

Cantina Scene--Eyes

Cantina Scene--Eyes

   This, from a halfway decent, well known, American Journalist.  What, u've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? 
   Look at Han's, Obi-Wan's, and especially Chewie's eyes.  What, do they look mean, violent, paranoid?  Not a bit--to me. 
   These guys have been in the shit, and don't trust liberals that give false testimony and say:  Everybody is so nice.  Everybody loves everybody!  People are ALL so nice.
   Really.  Tell that to my Mother. 
   Guarded is not and should not be considered paranoid.  Know swords and defense, such as:  Standing Guard. 
   John McCain is a war monger?  Why don't u try getting stabbed in the groin and seeing if u'll admit the false doctrine that everybody has nothing but love for you. 
   Regardless, life is the Cantina scene--in a sense.  Don't walk in there stoned and stupid.  
   Always liked space bars.  Allegorically, mind ya. 

Glory of home life

Glory of home life 

   A man I never appreciated enuff--tough yet merciful--does that make him manic/depressive?  And isn't counterpoise balance?  I've never been depressed, because I've never had loss of interest--and nature is on all day long--go out and get some. 
   Saint Joseph--glory of home life, model of artisans, mirror of patience, and terror of demons.  Reminds me of Obi-Wan, yet cooler.  Why would that schmuck tell Luke to kill his father?  Couldn't the boy and Dad have a beer and get so drunk that there would be no bullshit.  The grape speaks the truth--some say--r u picking up what I'm putting down, or have the terrified look of phony bologna shrinks on ur face when their patient pushes away their poison and feels smooth?
   Even those quacks take their own pills, only getting into pseudo-science because they're the ones with problems. 
   Anyway, met a white lab this morning after my swim.  Dog was metaphorically smiling and so freaking happy, making me happy to have petted her.  Walk ur dogs. 
What's greater than loyalty and love?  Oh yeah--conscience and truth. 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Staubach Memories

Staubach Memories 

   Though some have changed, 4 the better, a Hail Mary--Now, and at the hour of our transfigured victory.
   Never a QB with more class--me thinks. 
   People are being manipulated and used, like pawns.  I know I've been cheated by folk who have attended masked balls.  That's their sin.  And guys, don't allow women to make u jealous.  Every man is stardust eternal, if he pursues the memory of his birth. 
   Little girls made cerebral assassins by organizations that are offering their empathy a false doctrine.  Yet so much sublimity resides in Churches, and u know these people, for they have no envy. 
   Oh well, a system rigged for all of us save the obedient, yet only be obedient to Jesus/Truth.  Read the Gospels, King James maybe, and u will find Jesus was not bi-polar, yet spirited and full of empathy.  Words, labels. 
   I still like McDonalds and miss feeding Bandit plain hamburgers and watching her yummy it up and kinda give a doggy smile. 
  I know their is only one for me.  Don't listen to them and remember me walking by and the sincerity u witnessed. 
   I want to culminate this with jocular levity--is there any other kind? 
   Maybe another day I'll give wacky humor.  I miss being funny, and maybe I should start noticing Adrian Monk again.  I don't mind being laughed at, yet if u could see me view my Mother while u giggle.  And yes, people laugh due to being nervous.  It's cool.  A Golden Retriever barked while I was petting him yesterday and I jumped out of my skin, spilling my coffee, and his owner laughed.  So did I--it felt great. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Virgin most powerful

   Virgin most powerful

   When you cackle at me--you're mocking my Mother--Mama don't like that. 
   God is offended, as He was when David was caused to count his men. 
   My Mother's name--maybe a form of Miriam--Tower of David, House of Gold, Queen of Saints, Virgin most powerful. 
   God grants greatness to good girls, making them ladies.
   Patricia, they swarmed u like bees as did David Psalm.  And yet who other than David had such a spirited love for God Almighty--his eternal power source?
   He wasn't manic, yet spirited. 
   You're in league with Kings Patricia!
   Too, to Samson and Jesus--NAZARENES!
   And Bandit was damn healthy when they took her.  Better not turn out like Schotzi, Hoover, and Rufus. 

Friday, June 15, 2018

Camping without Bandit the Wily Wheaten

   Camping without Bandit the Wily Wheaten

   I miss ya girl.  U rolling through Canon City with your head out the window, looking so cool--you awesome puppy, even at 11 years of age. 
   We got in each others' way at times, yet u r still the coolest dog, like Tobias and his pup with Arch-Angel Raphael hanging around. 
   I'm trying to keep everything clean Bandit.  Using baby wipes to clean the dash and washing windows every morning.  
   Still haven't managed to see a Dodger game this year, but hoping next time I have a beer there's some kind of baseball on. 
   Went to the park and walked--it wasn't the same not having to scoop ur poop. 
   So, I miss ya pal. Ur the best Bandit, everybody adored u. 
   Stupid huh, writing about ur dog?   I don't mind.  Never had many friends but Mom, Grandma, Pap, and my Dad.  They're mostly all gone now.  So I talk to Jesus plenty, and it's allowed under law.  He was meek and kind, and for some reason the world didn't really like Him, but everyone wanted a piece of Him.  There were none braver in my opinion.  Just a simple tradesman that knew Scripture and hung out with his Mother and fishermen. 
   Anyway Bandit--here's the wacky song I wrote about ya:
   The wily Wheaten don't know defeat'n--
   The wily Wheaten gives joyous greeting. 
   I'll always have your silly dog face in my heart.  Ur always with me girl--and so is Mom. 

Psychiatry Pseudo-Science

   Psychiatry Pseudo-Science

   Psychiatry wants to be the death of religious liberty in the good old USA. 
   An honorable man, following cerebral argument, got me out of the nuthouse after 3 days of good food, air, beautiful people, the patients, and charlatan cranks--the phony bologna doctors and bug-ridden nurses, yet a few were cool.  Kevin Feltner can do nothing but lie.  Can someone get him Presley's wardrobe from Jailhouse Rocks or however it goes? 
   Burning Coal drives away nasty things, some say.  Not bad. 
   Little girls doped up, allergic to meat, bread, life itself--they should be laughing with respectable young men and having a cold beer under the luminous shine of the effulgent Moon and Star-Kissed sky, not doped up and told they're sick.  Working at McDonalds is a great job, if u like it.  U can always teach yourself a foreign language for under twenty bucks, and be damn good at it--if u love the language, truly. 
   Upon my wild exodus, nobody to meet me there save the Holy Spirit, and I told the laughing nurses:  "Ladies, don't laugh at my expense.  And make America Great Again."
   And kid--there's nothing wrong with being a smart ass if u are a teacher too.  Maybe politics would be a good racket for ya. 
   They took Bandit.  Take care of ur Mama girl. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Larry and Dementia

Larry and Dementia 

   Larry got physical, throwing me up against wall in walk-in bathroom.
   I wake up after no air conditioning, change Mom on a mattress soaked in urine never looked after by phony planted nurse.  The shirt she took off Mom yesterday she threw back in drawer covered in urine. She threw away all Mom's butter that I've been putting in her water along with magnesiun for strong bones.
   I guess that's why Larry went to Notary on Highway 70 in Bellevue and dragged Mom drugged up and diagnosed with Alzheimer's stage 4 by David Edwards in front of the whole Universe, and on their video surveillance as well.  Only a mentally deranged dementia-ridden man would be so blind.  He misplaces everything.  Even his firearms and cannabis stash--wonder if he buys it from dopehead Steve Brown?  U can't have dope and guns in the house.  No dope in me--Im drug free.  Thanks Savage for talking some sense into us that didn't see a few errors in the otherwise perfect Kerouac who lived with his Mom.
   I still like beer and organic tobacco--like a true American. 
   So Larry gets violent with me and misplaces everything including guns.  That's why he had Mom running out of the house with all that ammunition years ago while investigated by the ATF.  He made me watch the Waco movie with that dude from Wings.
   Can't believe they've been neglecting Mom so bad. She's curled up in a ball, never stretched, washed, brushed, in the minutes I was absent.  It's all about her Jesus Blood. They wanted to make her a dead bug, but Jesus Blood is stubborn. Unless u gravitate towards the A and party.  The B minus is a tough son of a gun.  It seems Mom has it all, and so many bugs, goats, and schmos are after it.  Thanks Mom for always telling me to never eat Nancy's meals prepared especially for me.  An angel and God's Dog living on Sherbourne Green, metaphorically.  And not a soul will fix the air conditioning or make sure all that was stolen from us is returned. But you guys that do help--u are blessed. Allegorically right?  U r blessed! 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

2 many bugs

2 many bugs

They're morphing folk bugways. Dementia, loss of teeth and hair, and all types of disorders.  My ex-wife's crabs and mites--like little red lobsters. 
   Smoke purifies.  Peppermint.  Dragons need to get stronger.  Eagles know who u r. 
   Thank God for Canon City.  Plenty of bugs but a few tough dragon ladies. 
   Book of Enoch--eat ur pepper, plenty of copper.
   But the bugs need to be put down quite a bit.  Age expectancy down to only 70 for a group of folk.  Hey, I'm just a dog.  Every Good Shepherd needs a Sheep Dog. 
   Trust me.  The looks of sunglasses that make u appear as a bug.  Look and see.  The cloud of dirt around folk. 
   Eagle's and dragons fly with mercurial cool and laser accuracy. 
   Joseph, son of David, terror of demons--kick them down with deet.
   Metaphor.  Oh really.  
   When Mom met Nancy--the look on Mom's face.  She just saw a stinkbug.
   Always thought Larry was a snake.  Nope.  God Bless America.  Make the Holy Spirit of 1776 great and alive again. Possibly allegory here.  Possibly not. 

Fed Marshalls

   Fed Marshalls

   After nice Donelson Air kid arrived, well, first Larry said he wasn't aware and then I reminded his possible dementia that I called, and before he said we didn't use Donelson Air.  Ask the nurse, yet we know how that goes.  Mom was sweltering on the forehead yesterday and the nurse just talked politely.  I see her extremely curvaceous rump changed Mom's shirt today--why not other days. 
   Larry said when nice boy went to check air unit:  Boy, gonna get a Fed Marshall outside for u. 
   Gee, I hope he works for Trump and not Mitch the bitch.
   Could the Fed Marshall be in Larry's brain and view my past 45 years? 
   Hell, I'm sorry for choosing life.  Catholics must be correct on that. 

Donelson Air


Donelson Air

   Called Donelson Air and talked to Robin.  Told her Mom was baking, and my dog upstairs with my kinda self. 
   Hope Larry doesn't further neglect animals and his wife. 
   Found morphine in fridge this morning.  They really want to shut her lungs down.
   I'm sure many nurses are on benzo candy and SSRI psychotropics--no clarity.
   If anybody would have chose to wear the white hat, well, ya know.  At least I adore Rangers. 
   All the binds on Mom.  Her Father is offended.  Keep it up.  Spit on God if ur that proud in the imagination as the Queen of Angels mentioned people were in the Gospels.
   I say fear God, and only Him.
   Remember, her face won't be the last that u see--thank u Mirror of Justice.  Inviolate.  Tower of Ivory and David.
   No Mother, I'm not calling U a snow cone. Yet it would be nice to have one about now.
   Deet is potent. Like Gordon. 

Neglect and attempted . . .

   Neglect and attempted . . .

   The air doesn't work in this house on Sherbourne--wont go below mid-70's.
    Mom hasn't eaten since I left.  No supplements.  No shower.  In silent room.  A husband that doesn't utter a word to her. 
   Before run out after 7 years of being the only caretaker--showers, drives, food, and pure enerergetic love, they have really down the lowest sin.
  A hot nasty house full of vinegar 
--in every room.   
   Larry's note with the phony priests.  Notary Fraud on 70 in Bellevue.  Neglecting and abusive caretakers.  I know all the phonies are popping benzos, SSRI's and much more--drug addicts.  I take no prescription medication--not in a long time. 
   Hey Nancy--pop another Xanax.  
   52 percent of emergency room physicians and nurses are intoxicated on psychotropics and other things a Harvard Study recently showed.  Physician/Nurse error major leading cause of death.  What, I'm making this up? Go take ur pills and glare at the Internet all day, stuff ur face with carbs like always.  There's a new invention:  salad.  Without 9,000 calories of toxic tar. 
   Too, nobody stretches Mom to increase body flow and circulation.  Yesterday she said:  I love u. 
   Larry was not happy.  Make sure u guys pop ur pills before coming over, as u always have. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Rand Corp 1960's

  Rand Corp 1960's

   Mom has been sitting in orange shirt covered in urine for 3 days in the dark.  As Christ and King David commanded--I watched. 
   Nasty new pills and higher doses of Seroquel shoved down her throat by cottage cheese buttocks ladies who have husbands that hate them.  Neglect has increased.  So have threats from Larry, saying I will be gone every day.  Boy, ur outta here tomorrow and they gonna put ur Mother in a place. 
   Mom was investigated by Hoover himself for 2 weeks and locked in a basement in LA for near a month.  Rand figured the skies out for Air Force in 1960's.  She never broke oath, save some Freudian slips and a collection of electric mannerisms. 
   I keep finding more vinegar in house.  Bug killer shit. Larry and Nancy were warned not to play with dark forces.  That shit comes back on u.  What u sow--u reap. 
   We must accept they're already here and stop freaking out about it.  They're spraying in Pueblo.  Get in line and be nice then. 
   Dragons eat bugs.  A symbiotic relationship.  I'm not complaining.

Bugs in Sherbourne Green

   Bugs in Sherbourne Green

   Priests from the largest continent.  Curious but not.  Carry bugs. 
   And the old Jinns or Shadows, weak.  I mean compared to Yahshuah.
   So OK.  I'm out the door for a short bit, Mom always eating and washed and brushed by me--immediately they cut her open and hook her up.  View timeline boys. 
   Dr. Grenier/Yank hides being a Jew.  Hates the fact that he's a Jew, which is a rotten thing to do to yourself--in my opinion.
   Larry says I can't be here and wants to throw me out with nothing.  Well, I'd like an eviction notice or for him to read W.  Bush's People with Disabilities Act. 
   Can u guys sweep this house. Where I stay upstairs--everything in my drawers cleaned out and wiped down.  Still a bit I bet. Vinegar everywhere.
   I see they're throwing high levels of anti-
psychotics back at Mom. 
   Laying her on her back, hoping for pneumonia. 
   Good thing I'm drug free.  Not jacked up like Scottie on every psychotropic in the book.  Larry got really drunk last night and was babbeling about dope head Steve Brown.    
   Wondered if they've fooled with Mom's blood?  

Friday, June 8, 2018

Sherbourne Green

   Sherbourne Green

  Bugs.  Beetle Bozo is a dead bug.  Was afraid of Christos. 
   In my room, back--aired out with bottles of vinegar everywhere by Larry.  Trump--Make America Great Again.
   Gone for a fleeing vacation.  Got back--Mom is hooked up to machines.   Good work in a little over two months you cockroaches. 
   Has AB Negative.  Same the Church wants.  Like Jesus had.  No no--it wasn't O,  that's simply uncommon.
   Dig deep good Feds.  And thanks truck driver for getting me through Oklahoma City last night. Love truckers. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

I have cookies

   I'm supposed to say:  I have cookies. 
   OK Alex Jones.  Turmeric and silver are good.  Though nothing is good save God said Jesus. Get pure zinc and lather it over pineal portion.  Then lemon oil, peppermint, whatever, yet lavender is for novices.
   Don't mind the dragon ladies.  I don't like the bugs.  Dragons shouldn't make pacts with bugs.  There's a shitload in Springfield, Colorado.
   Allegory from a quasi-albino.  I wrote Rand, ACLJ, TBI.  Larry and Scottie-too-hottie went into my room and started looking and fooling with my window.  Gun City USA housed pot-smoking Steve Brown along with firearms.  Larry Daity/Baity was investigated by ATF.  Had Mom removing boxes of ammunition from attic, years and years ago.  Hey Tonja. 
   Scottie always told me about parasites and cackled.  Nancy, how hard did u try to lock my Mother up?  For years.  Thanks for letting me raise Francis and the Trust Fund. Next time, take me to the Notary on Highway 70 like u did unsound mind and body Mom jacked up on every medication Dr.  Edwards knows. 
   I told Rand they could inject me with truth serum, that sodium whatever, but high copper content makes machines go wacky.  
   U know how many times Dr. Grenier/Crank wanted to have me infused with iron.  High levels of that shit kills certain people.  U phonies.  Just like Surgeon General Elders.  A real Hippocrates

Not this ship, sister

   Not this ship, sister

   Sorry for technical glitches lately--authoring like a college grad.  No semi-colons, conjunctuve adverbs, transitional phrases, replacements for coordinating conjunctions, and seeming mistakes, etc., --there's an actual list all u Scotti-too-hottie types.  Well, at least Jimmy's wife likes u more than him, possibly.
   So, tracked and wacked phone is all I got, no more super-symmetry out here in the Bush with the Crocodile Dundee people--lovely ladies. 
   House of Gold goes the Litany of a Mom. Nice women that don't try to make u gravitate, yet copper wire runs both ways.  U can basically put a picture of Snoopy in one end and it will travel to the other--get the gist of it minus blood people.  They're attempting to feed its high conductivity, yet ur new friend is not so nice.  Like the phony physicians who after having fed my Mother all the paralyzing anti-psychotics get a free steak dinner every month from the drug companies.  I asked my doctor if ginkgo or green tea did anything, as a test before metaphorically calling Orson Welles. 
He's like:  Nope.  Bub, even a simple picture of blue on paper can be measured on levels of frequency, so get over rocks being for jocks, when minerals charge water and the body is basically electricity.
   King David found him when he cried in Psalms about "where are the brave?"
   His name is Jesus Christ.  Don't do it Jesus--u can hear Mary say with that Motherly look in Her eyes.  He knew He could.  So He pissed off a lot of people and didn't make his wife clean toilets.  The Author of Life was no so-called social activist Bubba.  My Mother kept her mouth shut and it got her killed even faster. 
   I came not to bring peace, but a sword.  Thank God for Blake's phony mental illness. A mere tradesman, spit on by the elite.  And he would not give up his God, perishing an impoverished old man. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Bandit Raphael King

   Bandit Raphael King

   Kinda like my dog.  Schatzi was killed when I was a kid.  Rufus supposedly hung himself.  Of course one month into Mom's second marriage she became suicidal, wanting to drive off a cliff--the obscene phone calls were an inside job, not to mention the animal deaths. 
   Bandit survived being crushed in the chair by phony Marie with her obese-longing for complex carbohydrates and thuggery.  Mom screamed and I dashed in to halt the insidious scenario:  "You're going to kill the baby. "  Mom always called Bandit Mama's Baby.  Then Marie's peach pit attempt, kinda a cyanide solution, her always bragging as she subject Mom to the insidious ID Channel incessantly, that she knew how to get away with crimes.  These among other complaints were made aware to Sheriff Jeff Long, former FBI, and you know what they do to Our Commander in Chief. 
   But I guess folk have always been okay with murdering my animals.  Right Bubba? 
   I was offered a place once, buy not her.  
   A good way to hurt a metaphorical alien is to kill their animals.  Whose the real racist?  What a freaking great job you guys have done with planet Earth. 
   So, living in the woods for over 3 months after Steve Brown's failed assassination attempt for an approximate 7,2000 hundred and Scott forged 7,500 on a note, a decent artist and quintessentially money grubbing attorney.  Bubba got Mom's Social Security money every month for 7 years, not to mention what the Notary Fraud gave him--all ignored by Sheriff Jeff Long.
   I had to spend my Federal money on Mom's good stuff, yet Bubba did buy Gatorade, and plenty.  
   The doctors and nurses said anything Non-FDA approved like turmeric root, green tea, B-Complex, Ginseng, Ginkgo--it would not help.  So I guess with an initial diagnosis of Alzheimer's Stage Four by Dr.  David Edwards, years and years ago, give her 100MG of anti-psychotic Seroquel, 4 doses of another dubbed Haldol, and 4MG of Xanax on top.  Sounds like malpractice, and I took care of Mom 24/7 while the thugs talked to Uncle Marcus and did nothing, more or less.  Was there poison involved?  I'm not just talking the medication.  Oh yeah, 15MG of Lexapro too.  U know, an SSRI that the kids take before shooting up schools.  
   Oh well, I keep Bandit away from sleaze, give her Elderberry treats, doggie Vitamins, water from pure sources and she's about 11 and still tough.  A little slower, after her own assassination attempts.  
    I know they think I'm arrogant.  How about shy?  How about nice until people treated my Mother like shit without being able to hide it?  I never minded the bullies.  But that toxicity didn't fly when I watched as it was poured down an angel's throat, and her dog--Bandit.  Old ladies and dogs, you're a real tough guy Scott.  Dave King was right:  Why do u want to be a pretentious attorney?
   I love the verbal promises.  Living in the woods isgreat.  Being run out and considered really sick physically, you guys are real heroes.  No complaints.  Dr. Strange from the Avengers will be the new surgeon general. 

Monday, June 4, 2018



   I took a portion of the beer to crime lab.  Possibly.  Manager said:  I've had enough--call him. 
   In the Name of Love--and this is what we get.  Ten simple Laws is too much?  What attorney even knows them or how to change the oil in his car? 
   My Mother's relative:  If u are my people, why would you have me hand myself up to them?  My sibling detests ur children and casts insults--I find them entertaining. 
   There is nothing concealed which He will not uncover.  Hearken unto the Father that begat you, and despise not your Mother when she grows old.  I guess Solomon is not too appreciated today. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018



   Could he beat Jordan in one on one?  The Dream Team did not win all the gold medals:  It is theoretically axiomatic, easily, yet we'll never know.  But we do know if we go to Blake's pondered microcosmic Kingdom or Oscar's.  The Serbs were guilty of nothing but fake news. 
   The only soul I corporeality gelled with, resulting in disgust and dermal mites--thank God for Wild Bill, copper wire, heated hot, and they jumped right off.  Plus, plenty of cloves kill the eggs, and tobacco kills Ebola.  Finland outlawed cigarettes, yet Snus is big there, and saliva duct absorption enters blood stream with more Mercury adorned in Perseus-like winged sandals.  But I enjoy the Nordics.  Any soul really who admits to the Celestial Truth.  None other before the Trinity for me.  Hey, the Baptists pounded the Old and New Testament into my brain every morning--thanks be to God.
   I went to the Confessional and the creepy Priest and mentioned the Hebrew new year.  He said:  Mark, we're not Jewish. 
   I responded:  But don't we get all our best stuff from them?
   Truly, Christians still read the Old Testament--good.  Are Joseph and Jesus not called Sons of David?  Was Jesus' awesome Mother not partly from the Levies? 
   Look, it's all gold--if we are true, not left or right.  But as Pilate asked:  What is truth? 

  •    In my opinion--it's Christ.  The Son of David, from the Divine Line.  As David the bard/fighter sang:  Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me--praise ye the Lord, all the lands. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

John Lovitz--Colorado

   John Lovitz--Colorado

   That's the ticket.  Poet Shelley met his doppelganger and perished, yet brave Byron saved heart for Mary.  La Sainte Vierge, je vous merci.
   Ladies in white--so nice.  Maybe Emily the poet, yet 70 Virgins B and the blue/white star Spica--Virgo Constellation. 
   Went to Domino's 17 times and filled out job applications more than once.  Dude, Colorado dopeheads work there--God Bless them.  Anyway, ultimately hired and management wanted me even though physicians and Jesuits list me as terminal.  A lady there, head manager, had an uncanny similar physiology to John Lovitz--that's the ticket.  She had me absent after twenty minutes of cutting pizza crust, and nobody trained me.  She is nasty and never got laid properly.  I've only been with one person, and the intercourse was hideous as well, yet I never complained about the crabs and dermal mites. 
   Get over it.  So I'm blacklisted by Rosie Brown's Masonic friends breaking bread with Jesuits.  Allegory--or dig deep and admit.  King David screamed in Psalms:  Where are the brave to help!?!
   Jack Kennedy:  No colder hell than those that don't choose a side--and I say:  A sublime side.  Hey Eagle Blonde at Saint Matthews--I noticed u, but they told me in confessional I would die if I mentioned it, more or less.  Sorry I drank their Kool-Aid. 
   Oh well, nobody will hire this stranger.  But I ask, metaphorically:  You're planet?  Get over it? 
   All u gotta do is be nice and true.  U know what will kill me--Love.  For a nice lady to make me eye-of-round with onions, garlic, carrots, peas, beef broth and no poison-- and to kiss me sweetly and give a damn.  I'd implode due to shock that anyone gave a damn. 

Sparky Puma--and me

   Sparky Puma--and me

   Sparky Puma met her creator--an altruistic, kinda, wackadoodle, yet so is the Savage Man and GMAN, best un-owned voices on resonating radio.  They seem to have no faction, and Sparky Puma knows that vibrating feeling, yet she never used Direct Current for personal pleasure--a classy lady.  Loves dogs. 
   She knew many O minus stuff was put into so-called soldiers, yet that stuff is not the rare and stubborn shit--just uncommon.  Her ex-hubby was given a pint, as if that would give him power over her unique pussalicious feline that didn't need Sheriff Jeff Long and 5 witnessing deputies empirically observing as the 5th Amendment was thieved by Kevin Feltner-dolt, instructed by crooked attorneys, and she has the medical records.  Like punk cops in Jersey that punch out little though maybe obnoxious girls, instead of having enough Viking scrotal potency to black-jack a child molester. 
   Sparky Puma had the deck stacked against her from the beginning because she knew Abraham intrinsically.  As Jesus and Jack Kennedy both kinda said:  "We are strangers here. "
   But Sparky Puma knew God is good, and that as the one man Jesus loved mentioned, the Eagle himself:  "The LIGHT cometh, and the darkness comprehends it not. "