Sunday, June 3, 2018



   Could he beat Jordan in one on one?  The Dream Team did not win all the gold medals:  It is theoretically axiomatic, easily, yet we'll never know.  But we do know if we go to Blake's pondered microcosmic Kingdom or Oscar's.  The Serbs were guilty of nothing but fake news. 
   The only soul I corporeality gelled with, resulting in disgust and dermal mites--thank God for Wild Bill, copper wire, heated hot, and they jumped right off.  Plus, plenty of cloves kill the eggs, and tobacco kills Ebola.  Finland outlawed cigarettes, yet Snus is big there, and saliva duct absorption enters blood stream with more Mercury adorned in Perseus-like winged sandals.  But I enjoy the Nordics.  Any soul really who admits to the Celestial Truth.  None other before the Trinity for me.  Hey, the Baptists pounded the Old and New Testament into my brain every morning--thanks be to God.
   I went to the Confessional and the creepy Priest and mentioned the Hebrew new year.  He said:  Mark, we're not Jewish. 
   I responded:  But don't we get all our best stuff from them?
   Truly, Christians still read the Old Testament--good.  Are Joseph and Jesus not called Sons of David?  Was Jesus' awesome Mother not partly from the Levies? 
   Look, it's all gold--if we are true, not left or right.  But as Pilate asked:  What is truth? 

  •    In my opinion--it's Christ.  The Son of David, from the Divine Line.  As David the bard/fighter sang:  Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me--praise ye the Lord, all the lands.