Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (24)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (24)"
Dad was hurting something like a squashed hard-boiled egg,
As if a notorious war criminal marched before the Hague;
Moreover, taking droopy downers and sleeping with dreamshit in his bed;
Plus, the infusions that cause respiratory infections and psoriasis on a circumcised head;
Indeed, his physical anxiety begged for the medicamental herb,
And Indigo, upon hearing Davy's patriarchal story was disturbed,
So she lovingly stripped to her bra, playfully shaking her mighty melons,
Her having never dated any violent felons;
Next, she insisted they'd score Earth's treatment for Davy's Dad,
All because theocratic-like politicians thieve away the prospect of people being glad--
Us herded into hell by a litigious United States,
And there be Men in Black who assassinate werewolves searching for mates;
Alas, give a dog a bone from the Earth's fertile ground
And you'll release sublimity into the good-natured hound.    

The Milky Way Brothers (23)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (23)"
What's the bitter gripe for the garden-variety soccer mom?
With two XANAX a day; plus, a few glasses of wine to make them dumb?
They believe life so fine--with downers everywhere,
Yet it does not cage the contagion of total despair;
Still, put your goofballs in a Popeye Pez Dispenser;
Next, pray to a hypnotic lender.
But for those united in mystic gel with the Earth--
They deserve religious liberty, like allowed herbal edibles for their mirth.
Why do the ill and shapeless get no better
After penning their senator a passionate letter?
Alas, I, Indigo
Do axiomatically know;
Regardless, werewolf tail wags for free and glee,
And the trap is a stick-in-the-mud politician, who on my freedom pushes a pee.  

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (22)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (22)"
Cherish knowing:  Her sister shined with more passion than she;
Thus, to relieve the spite--she released an aquatic pee
In the desert lake, the water massaging with warmth so divine,
Gloin and Davy knowing:  They had lassoed werewolf girls shaved and fine;
Alas, sickly Dad weighed heavily on Gloin's beating heart,
While Davy was incredibly dense, being amused by a cheese-cutting fart,
But the only thing that sincerely mattered
Was the web of connections--a family never shattered.  

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (21)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (21)"
Indigo giggled till a mature lady's pee in her Wonder Woman panties--
Cherish and Davy, both wolfy, noticing the toxicity, not smelling like chocolate candies;
Thus, Gloin got the vibe and pulled over near a mystical desert lake,
Indigo striping till a blue-hued bikini--no, they weren't fake.
She dived and danced across the sun-kissed water,
Like an enchanted mermaid mixed with the Holy Spirit's love for a daughter,
And she recanted how she once loved and adored a wily werecoyote,
But her pack leader didn't want a fully spawned werewoyote;
Alas, she wept and swam like a symmetrical wolf loving the wet,
Her supernatural nature insisting not the need of any vet.  

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (20)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (20)"
Out in the Wild Wild West,
Where Freedom gets spangled by the best,
The foursome having traded in the 1957 Ranchero
Since female body parts inspired the brothers to overthrow
The classic squeeze inside of a V-8 motor;
Thus, getting a hybrid that chugged cause of nature's battery-charged odor--
Kinda; regardless, cleaner air; plus, for the brothers, now with buzzcuts galore--
Gloin and Davy neat and tidy for moonbeam score;
Alas, Gloin a bit melancholy due to the normal nature of man,
Wishing on white he had the werewolf glam;
Still, he was the commander, having metaphorical leash and collar,
Though Cherish's big mouth was larger than a belligerent man's holler,
But the jiggly girls worked well for travel and the All Night of lovemake,
And they drank Canadian beer for breakfast with some coffee cake,
Never defoliating Mother Earth,
Yet blessing the world with a bit of weird mirth,
Not wanting politics to dump human waste and trash on the Moon,
Which would steal away from the werewolf boon.  

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (19)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (19)"
   With a "Celebrate the Pomsky" stamp, Gloin snail-mailed a sloppy letter to his Dad, Cherish's pink-hued lipstick sealing the envelope.  It read:

   So what if we're hanging out with derelict beasts.  The poor.  Dingalings.  The unwanted.  Girls known as ashtrays.  Those afflicted.  There is an arch-angel for the afflicted.  Tobias knew.  I know.  People want it.  Success, Bush League diplomas, gold teeth--they test well socially, of course.  That's all they got.  So, I'm making love to an ashtray.  She kisses me with honey.  Wants to belong.  Loyal and suspicious of traps.  Needs freedom.  Just more phony success in America.  Linear.  Normal.  Impressing with Village People ornamentation in this short life before the ultimate ignition, which is death.  Money.  The dollar is God to us.  He who dies with the most wins.  My girl smokes Camels.  Doesn't inject the eye of the needle.  She's weird.  Herod thought Christ weird.  Orson Welles was weird.  Was supposed to be the voice for Darth Vader.  And I know you're real sick Dad.  The American Government considers many sick people criminals if they take   nature's medicine.  We'll get it Dad.  Make the score.  Shake the bushes--oh God--I feel so guilty for dirty lovemake.  Moist lovemake.  Damn't Dad--she's got ripe mammary glands!!!  
       They bounce something awesome too.   Pope Francis anchored down on American turf yesterday.  Like Saint Francis, maybe his presence will tame some wolves. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (18)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (18)"
   Cherish's sister, as if magically teleported by serendipity to the midnight gas station scene, garbed in Colt gear, spouting off game statistics and the girth and length of monstrous and mighty football players--them having large bank accounts, was a tragic beauty.  Davy was carnally impressed, feeling dumb and guilty about it, though this girl reminded of the American Indian, smelling of tobacco being toxic to bacteria--she smoked menthols.
Well hello--this is my sister, Indigo.

Looking at Davy.  You're cute dude.
Already?  Right out of the gate sis?

I know a cool coyote when I see one.
Looks like we'll both have babes Davy.  And I wonder if she's a werewolf too?
I'm right here dude--just ask me.
Uh, are you a hairy creature of the night?
I got some fur in the hole dude.
Am I supposed to be aroused now?

* * *

Fuzz, contemplating a big bite on Evermint's finger,
But like a sad crayon portrait--the bad act would not linger;
Thus, he drank over-processed American beer and sniffed some cacti,
Obeying the Wolf Totem, being loyal and a pack of the pie.   

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (17)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (17)"
Gloin, to Cherish, was like:  "Don't fight with cops."
Him knowing:  Gets your hands wrapped around your back in knots;
Still, Cherish was fanged with fervor for freedom,
And she runway strutted up to a prickly cactus, squatted, and started yellow stream pee'n;
She was a derelict with boobs divine,
And no rich man save predators found her fine;
Moreover, too many people engaging in the ultra-hump, breeding like rabbits,
Keeping the reptilians fat with their human dish habits;
Specifically, the living-terrestrial globe is infected with wacky glee,
Us not embracing mere contentment, which we believe thieves from free,
Yet with hot ladies everywhere and urban fantasy thriving,
Into a bit of rebellion most men do a toe dip--others go Full Monty diving.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (16)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (16)"
   Cherish was resonating with Full Moon fangs--thought about hungrily biting off Evermint's trigger finger, making her humble to the higher code, obedient to the Divine Justice System mentioned by Spinoza, knowing:  Truth resides in Spirit, and the flesh forms bonds unbreakable in re-make, that reincarnation of the loins, us lusting, and stroking a man with the pointer finger, loving his swirling mustache fuzz and the adorable nature that he is--a hairy mammal.
   Fuzz restrained from the canine telepathy.  Spotted a rabbit.  Glimpsed Cherish with allowing question.  That old interrogative look of English teachers hating the Kerouac flow of streaming consciousness, blazing with outlined bold:  "That's not writing--it's typing."  Kerouac never found the  "home row" on his antiquated keyboard.  Yet we live.  And Cherish allowed Evermint the victory, getting a ticket; plus, all the Tylenol taken from their car since it is a dastardly demon concerning liver damage, yet infants can take it.   

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (15)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (15)"
   Lady cop Evermint was kinda/sorta nice; nevertheless, as a cop--she had violated the Bill of Rights thrice.  Thus, Cherish and her pulsating passion for before the days of the Industrial Revolution crawled over dumb Davy and out of the Ranchero's swinging door, swaggering up to Evermint in order to protest a traffic ticket and illegal search.  Too, she showed the love of canine family, bending down and kissing Fuzz on the wet nose, leaving her delicious scent for the delirious dog to yummy-up throughout the day.  Then, Cherish got in Evermint's face.
People are sick, anxious, and driven by an America based on worship of the Almighty dollar.  Now, these are just good old boys--leave em alone.
Driving recklessly is bad.  I've seen things.
Look, they got a hot girl, me, between em--were hot-rodding to jiggle my jugs is all--no crime in making a girl's boobs bounce.  Now all the downloaded porn is the real crime.  Wrecks marriages, turns teenagers into even nastier horndogs, causes jealous-driven murders, stalking, extortion, blackmail--you get me?  
Who are you lady?
I'm a lady with free will--even though there may be predestination or the Web of Weird.  Won't get into shit about Calvinism, but the people's positive reactions to the herb, such as King David himself as he did give Psalm, prove the nurturing nature of Mother Earth.  And God crafted the Earth and all that is in it--for the real service of man.  Who is a pig to question that?  Swine serving political law-makers and not the people.  Your false doctrine is to serve and protect--you do neither.  Go find a violent thug, fight fair; then, you might be considered brave without the protection of that fairy-like badge.  All people like you wanna do is genocide the Muslims while forsaking symposium on American Social Issues that affect millions of Americans.  True, submissive Islam is brother to Judaism and Christianity--Christ is the Apostle, son of Mary the most beloved by God, and He harnessed the potential and trust of the Holy Spirit Itself, giving ode about spiritual welfare, mercy, compassion; plus, He was friends with Arch-Angels who are comforters of the afflicted.  So, who are you cop?  This is the United States of America--a fucking free country, letting us be individuals, not mindless prey controlled and kept under the mind-bending thumbs of power-hungry politicians. Indeed, Reagan warned of a greater threat.  A threat outside of humanity.  Too, I like your dog.  You need to stop locking him in the cage at night--he thinks you're a real witch for it.   

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (14)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (14)"
   Gloin slurped a butterfly into his now quivering gut, feeling like he urgently needed to evacuate his bowels or crank out a digestive disturbance in the Force--cops even scare white people in the modern nowadays.  Lady Cop Evermint and canine Fuzz fumbled themselves out of the police automobile, sauntering up on two legs and four paw pads to the Hot Rod Ranchero.
You guys were flying.  Where ya headed with such Holy Fire?
California.  Medical, for my sick and weary father  He's got an inflamed rectum with complications.
You mean that "special" medicine.
You can't do that.  You need to find it on your own local streets, get murdered, imprisoned, or sick from the dirt weed freakshow.

Poking her lovely face, adorned in darker-than-forest-green sunglasses past Gloin's command of the turbulent situation.  Miss, income equality, freedom of Biblical herb, and tax the anti-oxidants; next, pay for health care with the money.  Like a sin tax.  Does Mr. Bernie fancy a sin tax?
Who the hell is Bernie?
Like the antithesis of Mr. Trump.  

The Milky Way Brothers (13)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (13)"
Lady Cop Evermint, like the The Cranberries--displaying a punk cut
Was balanced and fair with those sick in the gut;
Plus, as Arizona Heat with a Deputy Dawg dubbed Fuzz,
She kept her constant cool, only desiring the occasional, early morning beer buzz,
Yet as an odd member of the Catholic Church,
Schooled by Sister Megaberries; still--her:  not as spooky, yet prettier than Lurch;
Moreover, Lady Cop Evermint would not violate the 4th Amendment,
Being beyond copland by way of God's gift of the Love Commandment,
So when she spied the Classic Ranchero wending with V-8 speed burst by--
With water in her metaphorical cactus, she started her own 8 cylinder and did fly
Like a good witch on the blue light hunt--
Fuzz nervous--the deputy just a rabbit-eating runt. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (12)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (12)"
   Gloin and Davy's old man was feeling the bowel movement blues; thus, he sent the older, wiser Gloin a text.
That Bane villain on Batman is built like J.J. Watt.  I started doing push-ups in case I ever run into him in an alley.  Look kid, I'm bent over with abdominal and rectal pain.  Gone anemic too--of the iron variety.  Can't eat anything but bananas and only drink green tea, but I chill it.  Everything stinks, real bad.  I need some of that medical herb.  Was thinking of going to the streets, but that is dirt; plus, don't wanna go to the pokey since I don't live in the American West.  Too, Halloween is right around the corner.  My beer bird bath is evaporating as we speak.  Those flying pheasants are crapping everywhere.

The Milky Way Brothers (11)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (11)"
   The werewolf transformation was over--azure in the sky.
I don't mind that women cover sports, like football.  But stop wearing hot heels and permabuzzing with the hair and makeup.  There is something to be said for lesbians and their tough yet glamorous looks.  The Irish are wounded warriors and love God in a mystical way.  Rock 'n Roll women with buzzcuts and such.  So, let the women journalists in the locker room and on the sidelines pull their flowing beauty back in ponytails, wear slacks, and buff up, only ornamenting their facial foundation with foundation makeup and orange lip gloss.  

I come out of my wolf and you're bitching, about what?
That was incredible, but can you guys put on some clothes--it's smelling a little Earthy under my nostrils.
Did you enjoy what you saw Gloin?
I got me some eagle eyes, like a hovering hawk; I saw the wolves.  Ya, crap--I'm just a bit green-eyed and jealous.  Can you make me a werewolf?
Jango Fett was no Jedi, yet better.  We need a straight man Gloin.  A warrior with suavity when it comes to speaking for us.  You can explain things in an old-fashioned, down home way.  Davy is slow, and all people do concerning me is stare at my breasts.
My body--looks like I'm chiseled and cut.  I could model boxer shorts like Marky Mark did.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (10)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (10)"
   Nothing to write home about--not even me; regardless, Alpha Cool Cherish did bite a munchy portion of protective fur on Davy's fuzz-tail rump, for he was foolishly (like a  sublime coyote) trying to tip a sedated deer and gobble up its intestines, much to the disagreement of Cherish's well-received dog telepathy.  Yup, it was a rabbit-eating shape-shift, manipulated by the singular powers of the Full Moon, yet the goddess did not steer them away from a human conscience forged into their most populous minds by way of the well-spread wisdom offered by the Abrahamic God.  Gloin was alone on a motel porch thingamajig, looking heavenwards.

Father, don't let my little brother go bloodthirsty, yet retain his innocent love of hot women, fast cars powered by the combustible engine, and a touch of Spinoza's Pantheism--yes, he is stupid, but I adore his gumball bounce.
   Fierce howls from Davy and Cherish approached Gloin from the desert ecoregion, yet they were band-like, sounding of a sublime fight song written by well-meaning hounds.

The Milky Way Brothers (9)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (9)"
Waxing till bright and full; moreover, reaching the apex of shine,
Glimmering like once was mighty the power of the dime--
The pull of luminous Luna on Davy and Cherish
Made all their mortal woes cease and perish
Save there be a high-velocity silver bullet or two,
Which might them culminate, meaning:  Their immortality over-easy and through;
Anyway, shocked and awed Gloin did observe as might a cryptozoologist,
Pissing mysticism in his khaki pants, yet not needing a urologist,
For Davy and Cherish as werewolves monstrous and mighty
Were not ditzy or dumb--not even flighty,
Yet perfect creations spawned to howl at the Moon,
Cliche yet docile, feeling the dog's life boon.   

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (8)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (8)"
   In a little mom-and-pop motel within the state of New Mexico, near the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion, the threesome were savagely settled in, Davy growing bloodshot eyes and a ravenous hunger for a T-bone steak, flaring raw, as the Full Moon was getting ready to boldly blaze upon the black canvas of night.
This is gonna be one hell of a transformation.  Davy is so innocently stupid that he'll let me bit him in the asstail and lead him around for giant jack rabbits.  And rabbits are delicious; plus, I save their feet.  If I could afford a car--I'd have a rabbit's foot key-chain.
What can we expect from Davy's transformation?  Will he go all beast-like and start murdering shit?
Nah, it's like you become the wolf you are.  It mimics your internal spirit of all and every intention--of course, with a wild animal mixed in.  And may I add--a loyal wild animal.
You mean I'll kinda be the same old Davy, without the coonskin hat--damn, I always wanted Dad to buy me one, and now society would think me too old to wear one.
Do what's in your heart babe.  Like with Tony Romo--and he's no homo, adoring elegant women as his cerebral loins command.  But just don't try to mount or mate with me, or I'll bite you something bad.  I'm the Alpha here--ya get me Davy.

I get ya, but not last night, though I guess Gloin did.
   Gloin blushed something awful.  
Yeah, your brother is quite the lover.  He melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

My God Cherish--voice something associated with the spiritual nature of intercourse--Davy is like a child after all.
Don't worry Gloin--I get it.  You were gooooooood.  And I'm proud of you brother.  Oh crap, am I really going to get all furry and flea-ridden?    

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (7)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (7)"
Eli Manning, bad comedian--he is more laughs
Than a Fox News Anchor with college-educated gas;
Moreover, Gloin having his genetic liquid unloaded,
And Cherish--him into her since smiling mammary glands goaded;
Plus, delirious Davy, lost without a full mind and grabbing thumb--
The threesome would engage in the monster of werewolf fun;
Alas, fanged Cherish warned:
"Davy needs to run lest by a bigoted cop scorned."
Gloin did realistically realize Davy would indeed transform,
Making natives restless wherever their Full Moon Night was born;
Hence, the Ranchero was hot-rodded to Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Where organic medicine did heal and grow;
Next, Gloin realized the brave journey for inflamed Dad,
Desiring him herbed from the melancholy of sad to glad--
The proof is in the "Poor in Spirit" and undocumented patient--so you know;
As a result, don't let politicians our freedoms overthrow.    

The Milky Way Brothers (6)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (6)"
   No telling what can happen when your headed to the American West by way of an American V-8 motor.  Good old Gloin, thumbless Davy, and fanged Cherish checked into a Motel 6--the light was kept on for em.  Davy bleeding something Saint-like had wrapped his gore-smeared hand in the two plastic bags the beer had come in; plus, put some duct tape around it--all after sterilizing the werewolf wound with a bottle of Moosehead.  Then he passed out in the roach-ridden bathtub, becoming one with the bugs having a naked lunch.  Cherish had seduced Gloin into the art of lovemake, and they were laying in the bacteria-stained bed, smoking from a pack of Camel Blues; also, eating teriyaki-flavored beef jerky.
Now I know why your last name is Milky way.  You're about as big as a Milky Way Bar--fun size.
I don't know whether that's good or bad.

Your brother will be okay.  Tonight will be the Full Moon and he'll go total werewolf--his thumb will grow back too.
Sounds good.  You're very solid but bounce in the proper places--not plastic-forged.
People are jealous of the wolfy body--lean and tone.  Coyotes are leaner, faster, and more independent.  Can you believe the governor of Texas shot a coyote while jogging and nobody gives a rat's ass?  Yet you slay a lion and it's all the shit.  And lions aren't true survivors but protected by humanity, and do they even appreciate it?  America slaughters myriads, tens of thousands of coyotes each year, yet the enduring canine refuses to die, even thriving.  Anyway, wolves are more loyal than coyotes.  Davy has gotta learn the meaning of the American Indian Wolf Totem.  Yup, that boy is gonna love and lick me forever.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (5)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (5)"
After greasy eggs, sunny side up,
And long swallows from many-a-coffee cup,
The threesome started to like toddlers giggle;
Moreover, Cherish's perky jugs sparked with a jiggle;
Thus, the threesome grabbed a cold 12 pack from a gas station--
Lager that gave ode to the moose from the Canadian Nation,
And on a dirt road in mythical Oklahoma,
They caught a mild buzz, not entering a drunken coma,
But Cherish howled hungrily at the shimmering Moon--
It was waxing near full, and she was feeling the werewolf boon;
Alas, Gloin and dumb Davy pooped Twinkies--becoming overly freaked,
For in the pulsating direction of their flesh did Cherish's incisors leap,
But Gloin was agile and swift with street fight dance,
Dodging the sharp supernatural, yet Davy had no chance.
He lost a thumb digit and swaggered in the blood,
Cherish say'n:  "It will regenerate if you become one with the Earth and mud."  

The Milky Way Brothers (4)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (4)"
   As the 1957 Ford Ranchero thundered its way over the blacktop of 40 West, Davy found sinister slumber, flagging a wicked fairyland, spilling the super ooze of spittle onto Cherish's shoulder, observing all iniquity; plus, the Lord of Werewolves himself, forgetting his own blonde ambition to engage in matrimony with a flaxen-haired farmer's daughter, him, though stupid, wisely knowing in his dreams that Cherish was a raven-haired, well--very bad person.  Kinda/sorta a person in the sense of the word.  Anyway.  Knowing . . .
Your brother is bit of a precious soul, isn't he?
More or less.  He's been going through plenty though--since birth.  Mom left Dad, taking us with her, and the divorce did forsake all of our father's Northern ancestry.  Hell, we don't even know our cousins or nothing.  Went to a family reunion once up there; I didn't know a soul--at my own family reunion.  Still, Dad always kept in touch, but now he's gone ill something terrible.  The only cure for his disease is complete removal of the large intestine.  And that's not a barrel of monkeys.
Being human must really suck.
What do you mean lady?
I'm just say'n it does--get me?  Look Gloin, I may look like a savage beast of sexuality, but I'm quite sweet.  I'm kinda stupefied by life as well, and I'm looking for a pack.
A pack?  Pack of what--unfiltered Pall Mall?

Shit--I haven't smoked those since I was in the 7th grade.  No, just forget about it; it's a long and complicated story.
Look--there's a Waffle House next exit.  Wanna get some coffee and scrambled eggs?  Then, we can talk about it.
Sure.  But never order scramble eggs at a restaurant--they could've dropped them on the floor and scooped them up back up on the plate and the customer would never know it.


Order sunny side up.  Can't drop that on the floor and scoop it back on the plate to serve--not without the yellow breaking.  But yeah, eggs would be great--I need some protein.  Some little chickens cooked to my tummy's life before ready to hatch.  Gory in a sense.  I like it when there's blood in my egg after I crack it open over the frying pan.  That suggest larger amounts of iron.  Fights anemia, and a girl menstruates is all I'm say'n.
   Gloin took the exit.  And while not unaware of bizarre folk--this one gave him the creepies.   

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (3)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (3)"
   Gloin, a true paladin in the sense of chivalry and bullshit masculine duty was determined to give the raven-haired derelict with buxom beauty a ride.  Hell, Davy didn't mind either, grinning wildly, a green Jolly Rancher between his asymmetrical teeth.  So, the Milky Way brothers pulled the Ranchero over to the side of 40 West, not minding the zooming automobiles passing by as the Moon began to ignite with neon cheese, plugged in by the goddess herself; next, Gloin leaned over, probing the angelic-looking vixen as to her intentions, obviously needing a ride, but he pushed further, insisting that there be no shenanigans, sexually speaking.  She agreed, squeezed in next to Davy's growing blood flow, and the threesome were off, a God-phobic Yankee band playing on the radio.
So, you said your name was Cherish?

Fluttering long eyelashes over a set of highly emerald-green and mysterious orbs.  That's right.  I'm from Northern Virginia.  Making my way to the City of Angels.
There be angels in California?
No silly, except for the baseball team.  Anyway, I'm glad you two guys came by.  I really wanted to show you something.
Your boobs, huh?
Davy--be a true gentleman here.
I'm used to guys wanting to see my fine jugs.  But no, not yet.  I'm on the Internet plenty, and I really like downloading exotic pages.  Kinds with two cool guys and a hot female--that'd be me.  I think we can have plenty of fun together out in the American West.
Girl--we got couth here.  Now keep your boobies inside that overly tight t-shit of yours, leave my dumb shit brother alone, and we'll get along just fine--you hear?
   Cherish smiled sweetly, all while spawning something terribly sinister within her cerebral capacity.  Yummy--she was thinking.    

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (2)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (2)"
   Gloin and Davy Milky Way were in the classic Ranchero.  The V-8 was rocketing with pit bull rumble.  Gloin was piloting the classic muscle car/truck.  Davy was playing with his girly goatee.
   "You're too pretty for facial hair Davy," Gloin had blurted out with barrel-chested thunder.  "For Christ's sake, you look like a quasi-bearded lady at one of em cheap carnivals that comes to town."
   Davy just grinned with his chipped teeth.  Dental work done by way of hard candy.  Didn't mind getting the business from big bro--was used to it.  Was just glad to be exiting Tennessee where the governor was a demonic troll under freedom's bridge and the lieutenant governor was a shape-shifting reptilian hung up on devouring baby flesh.  Verily, Dad needed the herb to calm and soothe his disrupted gut.  The agonizing pain of bleeding while you punched out a stinky shit was not the crystal smooth lovemake of a delicious bowel movement; indeed, Davy couldn't comprehend evacuating your bowels and squirting blood at the same time, and Tennessee politics had not a single slice of mercy.  What was it that Christ offered:  "Blessed are the merciful, for they too shall receive mercy."  Well not in the Volunteer State, bought by a billion dollar governor.  Thus, Davy offered wisdom over the hungry sounds of the hot rod, saying, "You can't make billions in America without there being a few dead bodies along the way."
   Gloin was stoic in response.  "People have a right and privilege to medicine.  But all the healthy politicians will get theirs.  Unless of course they're run over by a garbage truck."
   "Do they even have garbage trucks anymore?  Isn't all that shit done on the Internet nowadays?"
   Gloin was like, "Davy, you're too stupid for life.  But God bless you."  Then, noticing a fancy lady thumbing her way Westwards, holding a sign over her bosom that said:  CALIFORNIA OR BUST! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers

   "The Milky Way Brothers"
   Their last name was Way.  Dad thought both boys should share the middle name Milky.  After all, as little peckerheads, Mom let them gulp and suckle the stuff.
   Anyway, the older brother's name was Gloin--like in Lord of the Rings, for Dad's favorite character was the girthy dwarf dubbed Gimli--he was the son of Gloin, both probably wielders of the battle axe, but Dad didn't know with the suave of total clarity--he only read books during the waxing Moon and after imbibing, at least, a six pack of Canadian lager.
   Dad had absorbed Lord of the Rings before it got popularized in 1970's America when graffiti claiming "FRODO RULES" ornamented the New York subway system.
   So, the younger brother was called Davy--after Mr. Crockett; still, Dad was birthed a Yankee, but he did dig that coonskin cap and all.
   The problem here was:  Gloin and Davy were dealing with a bitter pickle.  Dad had severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease and was suffering something more than just personal demons.  Would tell Gloin and Davy, "Boys, I crap constantly, and in my pants; plus, there be blood I tell ya!"
   Gloin, dwarfish himself, yet like Odysseus, barrel-chested and with a billowing voice commanded Davy, "We gotta go to the American West and get Dad some organic herb grown in licensed greenhouses.  Living down here in the South with Mom's side of the family for all these years and there is still no natural medicine that doesn't get you thrown in jail for using.  Southern Pride I guess."
   Davy wasn't the brightest bulb on the marquee, more worried about manscaping his little goatee than the tangible real of it all.  Nevertheless, the Milky Way Brothers gelled in blood-sharing synergy.  Yup, they were going out West to help bring health and solace to the old man.
   Their ride was an antique.  A 1957 Ford Ranchero, candy apple red with a touch of green mint fused into it by the labor of a non-quintessential paint and body man.  Too, there would be werewolves and witches along the way.   

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Comic Books & Sons

   "Comic Books & Sons"
   Totally--they seem to freakishly fade away, magically teleported into your genetic material's underground bunker, or traded mischievously to his teen friends for tobacco products; regardless, we, as fathers, highly value these enchanted items of our pre-adolescence, before those hot cheerleader girls from junior high thieved away our vigilant virtue, it mercurially happening--us dazed and dumb by elevated kicks at the Friday Pep Rally.  Nevertheless, we explode ourselves Back to the Future, finding bizarre classics and filling our quasi-geek with many metaphorical meatball and kosher WEREWOLF BY NIGHT sandwiches, digesting them into our intestinal treasure chests, beyond the bowels of constipated agony, like an omnivorous coyote built to dine on toxic waste from city sewers and dirty baby diapers out of suburban trash cans.  Yes, we do--love our comic books.   

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Shame--a speck, why not . . .

   "Shame--a speck, why not . . ."
Your dastardly daughter dunks far worse than a doobie into liquidy threesome,
Tattooing bizarre and beyond her once innocently powdered plum;
Moreover, hubby happily rests in uncaring uncouth with your best friend's heart--
Does the pain not start?
Unless daughter's folks are wing-clipped and demon,
Or husband has permission to on your friends spill his semen;
Alas, SHAME . . .
What's an android without a conscience?
Most likely--very violent and obnoxious.
Yup, I still believe in old Santa Claus,
Only minding the unjust laws.
Shame on me too.
Not cunning enough to thieve my way through.
Merry Christmas Mr. Gumby.