Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (6)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (6)"
   No telling what can happen when your headed to the American West by way of an American V-8 motor.  Good old Gloin, thumbless Davy, and fanged Cherish checked into a Motel 6--the light was kept on for em.  Davy bleeding something Saint-like had wrapped his gore-smeared hand in the two plastic bags the beer had come in; plus, put some duct tape around it--all after sterilizing the werewolf wound with a bottle of Moosehead.  Then he passed out in the roach-ridden bathtub, becoming one with the bugs having a naked lunch.  Cherish had seduced Gloin into the art of lovemake, and they were laying in the bacteria-stained bed, smoking from a pack of Camel Blues; also, eating teriyaki-flavored beef jerky.
Now I know why your last name is Milky way.  You're about as big as a Milky Way Bar--fun size.
I don't know whether that's good or bad.

Your brother will be okay.  Tonight will be the Full Moon and he'll go total werewolf--his thumb will grow back too.
Sounds good.  You're very solid but bounce in the proper places--not plastic-forged.
People are jealous of the wolfy body--lean and tone.  Coyotes are leaner, faster, and more independent.  Can you believe the governor of Texas shot a coyote while jogging and nobody gives a rat's ass?  Yet you slay a lion and it's all the shit.  And lions aren't true survivors but protected by humanity, and do they even appreciate it?  America slaughters myriads, tens of thousands of coyotes each year, yet the enduring canine refuses to die, even thriving.  Anyway, wolves are more loyal than coyotes.  Davy has gotta learn the meaning of the American Indian Wolf Totem.  Yup, that boy is gonna love and lick me forever.