Monday, September 7, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (4)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (4)"
   As the 1957 Ford Ranchero thundered its way over the blacktop of 40 West, Davy found sinister slumber, flagging a wicked fairyland, spilling the super ooze of spittle onto Cherish's shoulder, observing all iniquity; plus, the Lord of Werewolves himself, forgetting his own blonde ambition to engage in matrimony with a flaxen-haired farmer's daughter, him, though stupid, wisely knowing in his dreams that Cherish was a raven-haired, well--very bad person.  Kinda/sorta a person in the sense of the word.  Anyway.  Knowing . . .
Your brother is bit of a precious soul, isn't he?
More or less.  He's been going through plenty though--since birth.  Mom left Dad, taking us with her, and the divorce did forsake all of our father's Northern ancestry.  Hell, we don't even know our cousins or nothing.  Went to a family reunion once up there; I didn't know a soul--at my own family reunion.  Still, Dad always kept in touch, but now he's gone ill something terrible.  The only cure for his disease is complete removal of the large intestine.  And that's not a barrel of monkeys.
Being human must really suck.
What do you mean lady?
I'm just say'n it does--get me?  Look Gloin, I may look like a savage beast of sexuality, but I'm quite sweet.  I'm kinda stupefied by life as well, and I'm looking for a pack.
A pack?  Pack of what--unfiltered Pall Mall?

Shit--I haven't smoked those since I was in the 7th grade.  No, just forget about it; it's a long and complicated story.
Look--there's a Waffle House next exit.  Wanna get some coffee and scrambled eggs?  Then, we can talk about it.
Sure.  But never order scramble eggs at a restaurant--they could've dropped them on the floor and scooped them up back up on the plate and the customer would never know it.


Order sunny side up.  Can't drop that on the floor and scoop it back on the plate to serve--not without the yellow breaking.  But yeah, eggs would be great--I need some protein.  Some little chickens cooked to my tummy's life before ready to hatch.  Gory in a sense.  I like it when there's blood in my egg after I crack it open over the frying pan.  That suggest larger amounts of iron.  Fights anemia, and a girl menstruates is all I'm say'n.
   Gloin took the exit.  And while not unaware of bizarre folk--this one gave him the creepies.