Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (23)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (23)"
What's the bitter gripe for the garden-variety soccer mom?
With two XANAX a day; plus, a few glasses of wine to make them dumb?
They believe life so fine--with downers everywhere,
Yet it does not cage the contagion of total despair;
Still, put your goofballs in a Popeye Pez Dispenser;
Next, pray to a hypnotic lender.
But for those united in mystic gel with the Earth--
They deserve religious liberty, like allowed herbal edibles for their mirth.
Why do the ill and shapeless get no better
After penning their senator a passionate letter?
Alas, I, Indigo
Do axiomatically know;
Regardless, werewolf tail wags for free and glee,
And the trap is a stick-in-the-mud politician, who on my freedom pushes a pee.