Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (14)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (14)"
   Gloin slurped a butterfly into his now quivering gut, feeling like he urgently needed to evacuate his bowels or crank out a digestive disturbance in the Force--cops even scare white people in the modern nowadays.  Lady Cop Evermint and canine Fuzz fumbled themselves out of the police automobile, sauntering up on two legs and four paw pads to the Hot Rod Ranchero.
You guys were flying.  Where ya headed with such Holy Fire?
California.  Medical, for my sick and weary father  He's got an inflamed rectum with complications.
You mean that "special" medicine.
You can't do that.  You need to find it on your own local streets, get murdered, imprisoned, or sick from the dirt weed freakshow.

Poking her lovely face, adorned in darker-than-forest-green sunglasses past Gloin's command of the turbulent situation.  Miss, income equality, freedom of Biblical herb, and tax the anti-oxidants; next, pay for health care with the money.  Like a sin tax.  Does Mr. Bernie fancy a sin tax?
Who the hell is Bernie?
Like the antithesis of Mr. Trump.