Sunday, November 9, 2014

Graveyard Womb 2

   "Graveyard Womb 2"
Bernhard heard snake-oiled politicians speak to the Middle Class,
Never once mentioning the poor, and how they work off their unrecognized ass,
Knowing:  The spiritually poor can never be charmed,
For theirs is a tragic yet steeled love song,
Not selfishly holding onto the false deity known as the dollar,
Yet embracing faith and incorporeal love that shapes their ghosts taller;
Indeed, hardly anything by man is forged for the rejected,
So Bernhard shape-shifted his essence into a hero that Christ reflected,
Bringing King David's herb to a withered, old lady residing in an elegant shanty,
Giving her the squeezed sponge Christ drank of, which came in handy,
For the Messiah took all of the Earth's pain,
Psalming perhaps, at first, that of complain;
Next, relieved by Pilate's possible mercy--
Proclaimed:  "It is done!"  And was no longer capitalistically thirsty.