Thursday, August 27, 2015

Jazzmin Flush (103)

   "Jazzmin Flush (103)"
   Fredrica was nervous, but not nastily so--her singular and heavy concern being an overflowing case of Franciscan humility, being a fool for Christ--having clumsy, awkward spiritual aspects of the Good Shepherd instead of morphing Aquinasways--him, the surgical instrument of God's Divine Intellect or some fancy theological stuff like that.  Regardless, Fredrica was lifted out of the mire of melancholy, recollecting Girthy Gilda's ability to harness the Holy Spirit, always reminded of Holy Scripture, whatever it was that was hatched from within the Abrahamic Realm--whether the Torah, New Testament or Koran--it worked if sublime submission was willed.  Like Cool Christ offering the iniquitous adder:  "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
   Yup, Fredrica was beyond high school jokes concerning spilled jism and cheerleaders morphing zombieways.  It's all about that pace, right?  Gotta keep on keep'n on.  God knows everything for Heaven's Sake; thus, no matter if her Holy-Written Life was gonna end with mutilation and suffering, for This Life is another WOMB.  A place of generation till, possibly, wending into the magnanimous family, soooo HOLY and loving, able to afford you your innate talents fused into your eternal Soul by the quill of God.  Indeed, she was wise enough to know that all the gods exist.  Everything is super-freaky real.  Drugs, sex, hookers, fire trucks, werewolves, vampires, aliens in the working class known as angels, and some not.  The Celestial Hierarchy and Ezekiel's Close Encounter with them Living Beings.  Crap it was all real.  And she was just a taco-making girl living in the futuristic slums of an Angelic City, or so the name inspired and heavily magnetized.  Still, how was she to sincerely do it?  Survive?  Rascal, that mutt and bitch of a coydog.  Oh well; as a result of trepidation, Fredrica blessed herself, and voiced her best ACT OF HOPE, hoping that the Good God will further fuel her with the Good Ghost; next, she gobbled up a left over taco with chicken and guac; plus a little sharp cheddar was atop it from within the chilled aluminium foil.