Friday, October 21, 2016

Children of the Luminous Light (4)

   "Children of the Luminous Light (4)"
   Ann had a great time with Chad.  She wended her 2-stroke moped home to her humble abode, and there confessed her sins to God, doors closed, windows sealed, no one to know but God, as Christ ordered, not being like unto hypocrites praying in public for praise, though all is relative--some are genuine.
   Next, she pondered further Bad Chad's spirit.  King Saul stood head and shoulders above the rest, yet it was the seed of Jesse, a little, fiery man, a man after God's Own Heart who slayed Goliath, due to an insult to the Abrahamic God.  He kept the boaster's sword as well, using it in the futurity of battle.  His name was David.  He spoke of the meek and inheriting Terra; plus, hands pierced and gambling for garments, an approximate 1,000 years before the birth of his metaphorical son, so to speak.  What did they call Christ?  Rabbi, Lord, and Son of David.  And the Son of Man, as He referred to Himself would always say:  "Your faith has made you well."
   Ann didn't want to simply sleep with Chad and get plugged by persuasion, though he wasn't attempting that.  And she knew virginity was a grace-filled gift; nevertheless, she adored his microscopic might, like a Multiverse himself, a union of all that was noble and knightly, questing as did the Green Knight's poetry forged by an anonymous monk.  And what's the difference between a monk and a priest?  A Russian bard claimed:  "Priests put jam and jelly on their toast, but a monk eats it plain; next, gets a crappy funeral."
   She was just glad for the first chapter of the Gospel of the physician Luke, Mary resounding David's Psalms, and pushing it further, saying:  "My soul doth magnify the Lord."
   Ann didn't know what to do.  But at the age of 24, it felt right for her to pursue the honey-lathered taste of her first kiss.