* * * Mark David King @ Amazon.com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
Don, living in Nashville, was maligned by Ulcerative Colitis, pooping large amounts of blood till richly bleeding himself anemic, knowing the only cure for the intestinal ulceration & inflammation was to have his guts carved out; as a result, he suffered patiently with legal medicine, enjoying such side effects as: Morbid/Painful Constipation, Hysteria, whatever . . .
The American South always acquiesced last. First West; next, North; then, the South. Furthermore, Medical Cannabis is sincere medicine, but anti-liberty politics wants to make cannabis an endangered species, hunting it all down and burning it into nothingness. And if you sought out cannabis for your raging case of Ulcerative Colitis in Nashville--you would be arrested, pay court & probation fees; plus, possibly be sexually assaulted in lock-up.
Therefore, to heal his woes, Don engaged this "Age of Information" in attempt to architect his own medicine. It was a real cerebral stretch. Afterwards, Don was pooping less blood, but became elongated. Does a Cadillac stretch? No, but a Mercedes-Benz . . .