Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Green Eunuch: Origination (3)
* * * Mark David King's counterpoised books @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
Patrick had spent the last two weeks at Saint Joseph West; specifically, there was a colonoscopy, a Barium-X-Ray, and Remicade I.V. infusion; moreover, he would have to be on pain medication, iron supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs for the rest of his life due to a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). Father Young had been giving him good counsel throughout the painful process. One more day, and Patrick was to be released. The Holy Catholic Church having offered to pay the insane bill. Too, Patrick had continued to claim his "unworthiness" concerning imbibing the Eucharist. So, in his hospital bed, drinking a cup of hot, green tea with hints of orange peel, Father Young and the esoteric Patrick were engaged in a bit of a theological symposium.
So, you believe President Reagan hinting to the possibility that the angels or aliens are already among us?
My step-father was a Southern Baptist Deacon, and he had taught me the apocalyptic Book of Revelation from the King James Bible--like this: REVELATION Chapter 12 (aspects): "And the great dragon was cast out; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast with him." Totally Father Young--they're already here, monitoring, besmirching us. Like with Eve and Lilith. Non-Loving Sex is more wicked and dangerous than plant-based narcotics. King David, at the apex of his Messianic-Like Bardness offered personal accounts in the Book of Psalms about how wine and imported herb is necessary for medicine, nourishment, and mysticism. Yet the unjust legal system thieves away these things and incarcerate men for it, where they are then sexually-assaulted in the American Prison System by violent criminals, and yet raunchy sex is celebrated. We love to glimpse at curvaceous women poured into clothing and ornamented with pink pumps tramping through the Virgin Mary's Son's Holy Church. Is this not how it started with Eve? They're using our women against us, and us men--we are too hellbent on devilish discharge for mere elation than sacrificing that moment of ecstasy for trials and tribulations that will forge us eternal. Just me say'n . . . Father Young looked away in a grieving manner.