Friday, April 25, 2014
Green Eunuch: Origination (6)
* * * Mark David King's Counterpoised Books @ the Nook, Amazon.Com, & Apple iTunes * * *
Skipper exits the "Hound" @ North Tennessee. Patrick smiles a jolly farewell; next, he takes out a notebook and jots down some notes as the diesel-smell-sound accelerates towards Music City, where Patrick will talk with an important man--A Southern Baptist Deacon keen on the Book of Revelation.
Patrick's Notes:
Whore of Babylon--Aspects, Revelation, Chapter 17
"kings of the earth--she will fornicate with and drink with, inducing inflammation." -I do have inflammatory bowel disease-
maybe Kennedy/Camelot = Marilyn Monroe, nah . . .
will she give std's? Eve did me . . .
adorned in gold = rich or thief
many horns & heads = Freudian libido-like, genitalia thing?
Reptilians now--
find weakness and understand detection
reptiles are defensive, protecting themselves perpetually
reptiles have forked-tongues--American Indians call these types of people: liars . . .
individually oriented--not necessarily socially isolated, loving to trick and fool
regeneration--anti-christ heals from a mortal head wound
too, they stink like armpits--maybe wear perfume and body lotion
still stupid you are Patrick
Old Testament: "We perish for lack of knowledge."
axiom: reptiles and whore of babylon already here
when will Christ and Saint Michael emerge, clothed in unveiling the truth and offer protection?