Monday, April 28, 2014
Green Eunuch: Origination (8)
* * * Mark David King's Counterpoised Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, & Amazon.Com * * *
Patrick exited the suburbia of the Southern Baptist Deacon Lawrence, his step-father; next, with $300.00 dollars allowed from that charitable visit--he took the "Hound" to the Big Apple. Curious, as if to . . . On the bus--he wrote more notes.
Patrick's notes:
Divine Justice System?
Spinoza spoke about it.
How will God not be fooled by the dragon?
The soul plugged into a vacuum-cleaning super-computer forged by the Celestial Hierarchy, or something.
No longer--Eve tricking men or liars able to fool their wives.
Blackmail gone. People on tape, spilling their passion, yet not their fruits . . .
False body fluids left at crime scene or inserted into vaginal cavity by besmirching witches . . .
God will see all, and He will know all--
No longer will your secrets be contained.
Blessed are the Confessors--and all will submit to Divine Interrogation.