Sunday, April 20, 2014

King David: Bard/Fighter

   * * *  Mark David King's Books @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "King David:  Bard/Fighter"
   Ethan Hawke in the free-forged movie DEAD POETS SOCIETY offered sublime synergy with a talented cast, this moving portrait highlighting Walt Whitman and carnal confusion; nevertheless, it showcased the clarity of FREE VERSE and ARTISTIC PRIVILEGE, demanding:  Poetry belongs to all men, not just the intellectually-lubricated students of academia enslaved to the mechanics of conservative men.  Regardless, to scribe the steel of poetry for the object of wooing women is a singular potency; specifically, one must be a fighter too.  
   King David, while entranced by the ladies, having that poetic impotence, was made Hulk-like due to a passionate and almost psychotic love for the God of Israel.  And that saved him from being a one-dimensional soul reliant on mere verse alone.  When King David was a mercurial boy and slayed the giant Goliath--it was simply due to a salacious rant against the Most Holy God.  That's what drove the young bard to kill the foul-mouthed, monstrous deviant.  But more than a symmetrical stone from a sling, yet Goliath's own two-handed blade used for the deathblow--a sanguine decapitation.  Then, elegantly placed in a blessed armory--used in divine battles to protect his Messianic-like throne, which was sat upon for the poetic purpose of crafting magnanimous praise Northwards, towards the Celestial Realm. 
   Sincerely, Mark David King